花明月是名副其实的名媛青春版“千颂伊”,甜美娇俏集万千宠爱于一身,却被认为金玉其外败絮其中,更是获封“花阿斗”称号;秦东海曾任消防中队中队长,退役后留学英国并以优异的成绩学成归来入职花氏集团,外表高大有型、硬朗帅气,实则却是一个“少女心”十足的反差萌硬汉。二人不打不相识,秦东海意外成为了突遭“落魄”的花明月的“御用谋士”,相处中两人情愫渐生,开启了一场斗智斗勇、相爱相杀的“养成系”恋爱故事 。
- Zhanzhu! Hua Xiaojie
- Zhan Zhu! Hua Xiao Jie
A sassy socialite meets her knight in shining armor in a former firefighter whose tough guy exterior is the complete opposite of his adorable personality. Hua Ming Yue was born with a silver spoon. With everyone around her bending to her will, she does know the concept of having to work for anything and only knows how to play hard. Qin Dong Hai was once the squadron leader of a team of firefighters. After retiring, he studied in the UK and returns home with flying colors as he applies for a position at the Hua Group. Although he is tall, dark and handsome, he is actually a softie at heart.
Hua Ming Yue and Qin Dong Hai met each other's acquaintance after getting off to a bad start. Qin Dong Hai inadvertently becomes Hua Ming Yue’s counsel in the hopes that he can help her change her ways and get on the right track.