'We've been told to watch out for pinko, leftist, gay-lib, one earring-wearing teachers....' Mark is a sixth-former at Rugby, a famous public school. It is the setting of Tom Brown's Schooldays. He's one of ten boys and girls from Rugby and ten from a comprehensive school, Ruffwood, who for two weeks change places. Ruffwood is a successful comprehensive in Kirkby, on the edge of Liverpool, where unemployment is high and opportunities are few. Rugby is steeped in tradition and rich in facilities. Parents pay fees of at least £6,600 a year. What will the Merseyside students make of the cadet force, chapel and May ball? How will the public-school pupils react to fish and chips in Kirkby? The boys and girls from Rugby and Ruffwood will glimpse a world that is unknown to them - can the barriers of class and wealth be overcome?