A story that follows two men who are polar opposites-one kills, while the other heals. One is a violent cop and the other is a compassionate doctor. Together they support and redeem each other during troubled times.
Jiang Yue Lou heads the Jingcheng Police Station and appears neither good nor evil. Yet smugglers tremble at the thought of him.
While investigating an opium case in Hong Kong, Yue Lou encounters Yu Zhi who learns that Yue Lou suffers from bipolar disorder. From his initial refusal to undergo treatment, Yue Lou eventually opens up to Yu Zhi. Despite their differing values they become close friends. Meanwhile, warlord Zhan Jun Bai, tycoon Zhao Jing Ming and rogue gangster Zhou Huo continue to make trouble, even attempting to murder Yue Lou. At this time, the secrets from the past start to bubble to the surface.
民國亂世之秋,諸事紛變。景城警察署署長江月樓亦正亦邪,令走私犯罪分子聞風喪膽。於香港追查鴉片案件時,邂逅楚然與陳餘之,三人成為好友。陳餘之發現江月樓的躁鬱症,江月樓從最初拒絕治療到與陳餘之交心。一個殺人,一個救人,價值觀南轅北轍的兩人互相救贖,成為惺惺相惜的好友。陳餘之最終以死保護江月樓,換得他生。 此外,軍閥勢力展君白、商會大亨趙璟明、流氓幫會周火等人不斷製造麻煩,欲置江月樓於死地。三個好夥伴在一次次見招拆招中互相扶持成長,期間兩大家族的秘密也漸漸浮出水面。