居庙堂之高而忧苍生,处江湖之远而忧天下。 幼年丧父的何方知练就一身绝技,踏上了寻仇之路。从位于西北边陲十三年前全家被灭门的羊汤店,到山东临清州,又至浙江翠峰山,何方知跨越南北、抽丝剥茧,试图查到杀害父亲的幕后主使。复仇路上,何方知感觉到对手仿佛都是有情有义之辈,他们似乎在拼尽全力保护真正的主谋……
Zhen Dao Ge tells a revenge story about the homeless young man He Fangzhi, whose family was betrayed by his own people while they were migrating, and was brutally murdered. The male protagonist, He Fangzhi, pretended to be dead and escaped a scene. After the massacre, He practiced an extraordinary martial arts in Shuzhong and determined to avenge his family. With a fan and a place name that showed the clues of the enemy, He embarked on the road of revenge.
- Zhen Dao Ge
- Song of the Broadsword
- Song of the Pillow Sword