上一集Chef Eric Neo尽管得当场换菜,以橙入菜,他仍然打了一场漂亮的胜仗!这一集,擂台来了一位工程师高手。他带来了改版的法式料理,信心十足,甚至对三位守刀大厨视而不见!另外,一位拥有泰式血统的主妇要以泰式料理进攻大厨。看似毫无杀伤力的她,竟让名厨们打起十二分精神。她能否成为首个夺刀之人?
This episode comes an Engineer culinary talent who cooked up an improvised bouillabaisse. He is such a confident chap solely focused on his cooking. The next candidate is a homemaker who has a Thai grandmother. And bad news for the chefs, she is competing using her expertise - Thai cuisine!