Gao Shan is a dangerous lover scheming revenge for the sake of his father. Lin Wo is his girlfriend with high IQ. Was their meeting due to an ulterior motive or an uncontrollable romance? Gao Shan's father went bankrupt during the 1990's after Qin Sheng Sheng withdrew investment in his company at the most critical moment. Gao Shan becomes determined to clear his father's name but he never expected to fall in love with Qin Sheng Sheng's daughter Lin Wo. As the two fall in love, Gao Shan faces a dilemma because of his father. Qin Sheng Sheng learns about Gao Shan's intentions and forces him to resign. Gao Shan leaves for Hong Kong to start over and meets an important benefactor, earning him the chance to grab his first pot of gold. Gao Shan returns to Beijing as a seasoned investor and crosses paths with Lin Wo who has become a financial headhunter. Bearing burdens of their own, can love help them find their way to each other once more?
Gao Shan estime que le père de Qin Wo est responsable de la ruine de son propre père car celui-ci a refusé d'investir dans leur entreprise au moment où ils en avaient le plus besoin. Gao Shan se fait donc engager dans leur entreprise familiale pour se venger mais tombe amoureux de Qin Wo. Au même moment, le père de Qin Wo réalise la véritable identité de Gao Shan et le renvoie en conséquence. Gao Shan revient des années plus tard, devenu un homme d'affaires et investisseur puissant. Qin Wo quant à elle est maintenant une chasseuse de tête dans le monde de la finance. Tous les deux se revoient finalement.
Gao Shan, babasının intikamını almak için yemin etmişir. Motian Grubunda çalışmak için başvurur. Lin Wo ile yakınlaşmayı planlar. İkisi düşman olurlar, ancak sonunda aralarında aşk başlar. Gao Shan duyguları ve iki aile arasındaki kin yüzünden çelişkili hissetmeye başlarken, Lin Wo her şeyden habersizdir. Bir süre sonra bazı yanlış anlaşılmalar yaşanır. Gao Shan istifa eder ve gider. Bir yıl sonra geri döner. Aşkları kaldığı yerden devam edecek mi? Sorunlar çözülecek mi hep birlikte göreceğiz.