How much power can one small group of people possess? Could they behind all the world's modern revolutions? Could they run governments? Do they control celebrities and the media behind the scenes? Is it possible, that within a few hundred years, one small group who conspired to take over the world actually succeeded?
Everywhere you look in history, secrets can be discovered beneath the surface. Sometimes things are what they appear and sometimes the truth is stranger. In this series, we are going to read between the lines to investigate the truth. Conspiracies are everywhere and some are heavily guarded to maintain the status quo.
Even in the earliest stages of humanity's primitive past, most communities had a priesthood of elders at their core. These abstract yet influential figures served as the guiding light of each unified culture. They have always been the gatekeepers to the spiritual world, the representatives of the values and ethics of the people, and the counselors of the masses.
Long before ghosts, witches, and demons were selling the latest teen movies and books, they were visceral urban legends told by the light of a campfire. In different places throughout history, these "superstitions" were very real fears and fascinations for many people. These stories have left an impact that still haunts man's mythology to this day.
Even before the dawn of civilization, mankind has utilized violence to obtain resources and environmental influence in the world. History is full of bloody battles spanning thousands of years. These wars have claimed millions of lives. In modern times, we have been told that these wars are fought for religious and even moral reasons.
The origins of our world has fascinated humanity since the beginning of times. Though the truth about this matter is truly elusive, the question has lead to much debate about the nature of our existence and the scope of its consequences. Though religious and scientific narratives weave elaborate theories about our humble beginnings, no one can say for sure how this all came into being.
In the world beyond our skies, there are an infinite amount of questions that currently lie beyond our reach. Humanity has always marveled at the mystery of this ever revolving canopy and everything we can see there.
A hierarchy has always existed in nature. There is a leader of each pack, elders to every tribe, and conquerors in every battle. It may be for this reason that mankind has always had rulers overseeing the functions and development of civilization. It may be that this is what is nature intended for society, or it may be that man is not yet ready to govern himself?
For thousands of years, mankind lived disconnected. War and commerce brought visitors from distant lands and certain places flourished under the influence of cross-pollinating cultures. "Is the internet the greatest invention man has ever conceived? Or is it the ultimate tool to centralize power for those pulling the strings?"
The greatest fear of the future with artificial intelligence is actually how it will affect the economy. Since machines can now do many jobs better than humans and never demand a pay raise, we are already seeing them creep into the market and take jobs. Could this ultimately undermine the entire economy?
American politics have become a hotbed for conspiratorial behavior, sparking interest even beyond our own borders. Although many are under the belief that this is a relatively new phenomenon, with the rise of fake news conspiracies, the twenty first century has in fact only built upon and evolved from the political beliefs and fears of early Americans, for better or worse.
Secrets hidden in plain sight by artists whose true intentions were not so much about creating masterpieces as they were about conveying a message and revealing something much, much darker.
Between the Biblical flood which propelled Noah to build his Ark and the modern day disasters of global warming, it has been a constant struggle for survival as we strive to understand and control the wild, untamable planet which we call home.
These supernatural occurrences are often times viewed by the public in conflicting manners, with some highly skeptical and others firm believers. Whether true or not however, it's hard to deny that there may be some things we just cannot explain.
Despite what good it can bring, religion has long found itself at the center of conflict and controversy. While some of these issues have been born from claims or ideologies expressed by devout followers, others have arisen from the assortment of conspiracies swirling around some of the world's most recognized theologies.
While the concepts of pseudoscience and medical quackery in the United States date back to the days of the original thirteen colonies, Americans continue to this day fighting misinformation, frauds and hoaxes when it comes to science and medicine.
The public has long been suspicious of those in power, particularly when it comes to government espionage. The ideas that "Big Brother" is always watching or that sinister foreign governments have infiltrated countries with "Manchurian Candidates" or "Sleeper Agents" have permeated our culture, growing into large-scale conspiracies that seem to never fade.
Since the dawn of the aircraft at Kill Devil Hills in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the world has been fascinated by the wonders of aviation. Marveling at each and every advancement in flight technology, the public helped to create the first modern celebrity out of an American aviator, Charles Lindbergh.
The general public has never been afraid to question whether or not businesses are working in our best interests, often turning to elected officials when situations become particularly troubling. Laws have been passed to help curb child labor, create a minimum wage, stop monopolies and much more, all at the insistence of concerned individuals willing to stand up against corporate greed.