映画「俺たちに明日はない」のモデルとなった強盗殺人犯ボニーとクライドの壮絶な最期とは? 人妻との禁断の恋のために英国王エドワード8世が下した決断とは? ナチス宣伝大臣ゲッベルスとその妻マクダのヒトラーへの異常な愛とは? 女優グレース・ケリーとモナコ大公のシンデレラストーリーの真実とは? 性的少数者の新たな時代を切り開いたエルトン・ジョンの闘いとは? 歴史の裏で繰り広げられたラブストーリーを描く。
What was the spectacular end of Bonnie and Clyde, the robbery murderers who became the model for the movie? What was the decision made by King Edward VIII of England for his forbidden love with a married woman? What is the extraordinary love of Nazi propaganda minister Goebbels and his wife Magda for Hitler? What is the truth about the Cinderella story of actress Grace Kelly and the Grand Duke of Monaco? What is the story of Elton John's struggle to usher in a new era for sexual minorities? This film depicts the love story that unfolded behind the scenes of history.