시준은 자살사고를 막으려다가 은강 병원과 부딪치고, 이로 인해 징계위원회에 회부된다.
기회를 잡은 기태는 어떻게든 시준에게 징계를 주려고 뒷조사를 하기 시작한다.
한편 우주는 양엄마 문제로 절친인 지선과 크게 다투게 되고, 그러던 중 자신의 병명을 알게 되며 충격에 빠지는데..
Right before Nurse Na tries to commit suicide, Si Joon talks her out of it by explaining how such an action is meaningless. However, the whole process of Nurse Na’s rescue had to be publicly aired through a podcast. The next day, Si Joon finds out that the director has already clarified to the public that his admittance to the hospital’s flawed system was agreed upon with the director before it was opened to the public.