得意ジャンルのネタで勝負をかける中盤!DA PUMP・ISSAが大ヒット曲「U.S.A.」でありえないダンスを披露すれば、俳優・三浦翔平はあの伝説ドラマの教師をモノマネし、近藤真彦を狙い撃つ!そして長州力にも容赦ない全力ケツバット!参加者たちがタブーを超えていく。
In the middle of the game, they're battling with their best genre jokes! If DA PUMP's ISSA performs an unbelievable dance to the hit song 'U.S.A.', actor Shohei Miura will mimic the teacher from that legendary drama, taking aim at Masahiko Kondo! And there's no mercy for Choshu Riki with a full-force butt kick! The participants are breaking taboos.