参加資格は「人類」!各界からビッグネームが集まった。なぜ、普段とは舞台が違う「笑わせ合いバトル」への参戦を決断したのか?参加者それぞれの秘めた思いが語られる。これまでのドキュメンタルとは全く異質な空気の中、新たな伝説が幕を開ける…と、史上最短で笑う者が現れた!出演者:綾小路翔(氣志團)、香取慎吾、上地雄輔、貴乃花光司、高橋克典、六平直政、森内寛樹(MY FIRST STORY)
Eligibility: "Humans Only"! Big names from various fields have gathered. Why did they decide to participate in this "laugh-off battle," which is a completely different stage from their usual settings? Each participant reveals their hidden motivations. Amid an entirely different atmosphere from any previous Documental, a new legend begins... and someone laughs in record time!