「攻撃は最大の防御」とばかりに、互いに攻め続ける挑戦者たち。中でも序盤、戦いの中心に躍り出たのは“雑魚キャラ”返上を狙うザブングル加藤だった。次々と繰り出されるゴールなき不毛暴走が他の挑戦者たちをジリジリと追い詰めていく。そして、最初の脱落者となったのは…?(C)2019 YD Creation
"The best defense is a good offense," or so the challengers seem to believe as they relentlessly attack each other. Early on, the one who took center stage in the battle was Ayumu Kato from Zabungle, who aimed to shed his “underdog” image. His relentless and aimless rampage gradually cornered the other contestants. And then, the first dropout was...?