아름다운 자연을 품은 남해 핫플레이스에 도착한 EXO! 그들에게 도착한 미션은 '인싸 사진 찍기'!? 데뷔 10주년에 빛나는 끈끈한 팀워크 총.동.원! 과연 이들의 미션 결과는!?
EXO decides who will drive the car through the "Ladder Game." Once they get in the car, they are given quiz questions about Namhae. The member who wins the most points will even receive a prize. After the drive, the EXO boys arrive at a hot spot in Namhae, which boasts beautiful scenery. They get to see another celebrity's congratulation message video. They are also given a mission to prove their strong teamwork. They have to take pictures together in poses that require cooperation!