Donkey Ollie Exodus to Egypt is an animated film that retells the story of Exodus from the Bible. The movie, directed by Craig Quist and Bob Freeman, follows the adventures of Donkey Ollie, a lovable donkey who embarks on a journey to Egypt with his friends. The movie is suitable for all ages and is both entertaining and educational. The movie begins with Donkey Ollie, who is eagerly waiting for King David's arrival in Jerusalem. When the king arrives, Donkey Ollie is asked to escort his son, Prince Solomon, to Egypt to meet the pharaoh. Donkey Ollie sets out on a journey to Egypt with his friends, Mimi the cat and Benny the mouse. Along the way, they face various challenges and meet different characters, including a group of bandits who try to steal their food. When they finally reach Egypt, they meet the pharaoh, who is initially impressed by Prince Solomon's wisdom. However, things take a turn for the worse when the pharaoh decides to enslave the Israelites.