The participants immediately dive into an intensive round of "blind speed-dating" with four internationally celebrated fashion designers. Then, the aspiring models approach the mirror and reflect upon the body shaming and criticism they've faced throughout their lives then change into a fun ensemble to focus on feeling strong, bold, and powerful.
The participants are sent to a private island to take on a grueling obstacle course given only a backpack loaded with the fashion industry's stereotypical products. Brooke introduces an international model, who gives the participant's advice about how to behave during a casting interview, and tells the participants to just be themselves. Then he reveals his true self.
The participants head to an overnight camping retreat, without running water, electricity or plumbing and are jolted awake early the next morning by Brooke with a megaphone. Then, they hit the stage and perform stand-up comedy routines where they tell embarrassing stories related to the fashion industry. They say laughter is the best medicine, and our models in training share a healthy dose.
The participants must create a commercial spot to endorse an unconventional product, showing them that unconventional is the new convention. The participants visit a Montreal thrift shop and have only $25 to put together an outfit, and remain fashionable to impress the designers.
Our participants get a complete taste of what it's like to walk the runway, while the models also take turns covering the event as fashion reporters, because models have to know how to constructively criticize fashion. The participant's are photographed, and photoshopped. Seeing some exaggerated edits, the role-models realize they are better off going with their natural selves.
The participants must come up with a creative message for The Fashion Hero. Everyone works together to create a slogan that combines motivation and acceptance. A choreographer aches the participants some slick dance moves in preparation for Brooke's upcoming music video. This exercise encourages the models to get comfortable with their bodies as they learn the dance routines.
The participants are taught how to walk the runway, as they find out they will be performing on a huge outdoor runway at Montreal's Fashion Week! This will be the ultimate personal challenge for each model to express how strong and powerful they've come to feel. This is a crucial turning point in our Fashion Hero models' journey, as the finalists are about to be announced.
The finalists learn that they'll be getting a crash course on how to create the ideal photo from the master, Adi Barkan, to both help them become savvy models and take direction from photographers. Then, the finalists participate in extreme photo shoots in a variety of thrilling locations. They may be afraid, but they're determined to defy the odds and show what they're made of.