The Chinese restaurant owner is shocked to realize that Song Hyun Chul, the bank manager, was the real culprit behind the illegal loan. After knowing the truth, Hyun Chul orders the bank employees to write down and hand in everything he did wrong. Meanwhile, Yun Hwa meets Hyun Chul and tells him about what happened after her husband died.
만호장 불법대출을 한 사람이 바로 자신(송현철 지점장)이란 사실에 충격받은 현철은 은행 직원들에게 자신이 저지른 그간의 모든 잘못을 적어내라고 한다.
한편 연화는 현철을 만나 그간 사정에 대해 이야기 나누는데..