Sadie and Norman have been married for 23 years and she swears that he has no idea what she does in the house. He's not listening because he's too busy watching TV!
Norman and Sadie both end up at the doctors - Norman because his back is breaking and Sadie because her nerves are going the same way! The doctor seems less than interested in either of their complaints.
Sadie decides that 23 years is long enough to live in a house where the bathroom is too small, the kitchen overlooked and the living is gloomy. Norman agrees because that's what he has been brainwashed to do.
When they meet up with friends they haven't seen for 20 years, Sadie wants Norman to tell her what's on the agenda. But he's more interested in what's on the TV!
When the plumber came round and left the overflow pipe for the washing machine dangling in the sink, he promised Sadie he would come back on Wednesday. True to his word he turns up on a Wednesday - two years later!
Norman checks his horoscope and it says he's in for a surprise and he does - he gets the sack! But it turns out to be the best thing that has ever happened to Sadie and Norman ...