Volume 5 - The Early Church: Becoming a Light in the Darkness Faith Lesson 5: Hot or Cold Change the world! Make a difference! Impact your culture for Jesus! How do you respond to those three challenges? Do you think they’re impossible to accomplish? Where do you start when so many things need to be changed? The disciples faced a similar task, yet they experienced spectacular success. Why? Were they different from present-day believers—more spiritual, perhaps? The answer is no; in many ways they were just like us. Their success was based on their trust in God’s power and grace, and on their familiarity with the method Jesus used to change people’s hearts and lives. Through his compassion, Jesus literally “loved” others into the kingdom. Laodicea was a community that had forgotten that lesson. You and I, as Jesus’ followers, are called to be bold in sharing his healing and renewing compassion with others. By doing so, we will become instruments that God can use to change our world.