Missouri's most notorious serial killer terrorised the streets of Kansas City for over two decades. In this chilling film, Piers Morgan comes face to face with Lorenzo Gilyard, a seemingly ordinary man who killed 13 times before discarding his victims on the streets. Although he is serving six life sentences, Gilyard protests his innocence despite overwhelming DNA evidence against him. Piers Morgan sets out to discover what drove this family man to kill and kill again in a remarkable interview.
Surnommé l’Étrangleur de Kansas City, Lorenzo Gilyard a été condamné 6 fois à perpétuité. Jusqu'ici, il ne s'était encore jamais exprimé publiquement sur ses crimes.
Lorenzo Gilyard é conhecido como o Estrangulador de Kansas City e está a servir seis penas perpétuas. Até aqui, nunca tinha falado em público acerca dos seus crimes.
Lorenzo Gilyard, känd som Kansas City Strangler, avtjänar sex livstidsstraff. I den här intervjun berättar han för första gången om sina fasansfulla dåd.
Lorenzo Gilyard, som er kendt som Kansas City-kvæleren, afsoner seks livstidsdomme. Indtil nu har han aldrig fortalt offentligt om forbrydelserne.