Vincent and Kyu land in a "detective" magazine. An over-zealous inspector confronts them in an investigation about the disappearance of a poodle belonging to a movie star. Our heroes escape, trailed by the inspector who recognizes Vincent; in the real world, the boy has really disappeared and the police are looking for him... Vincent and Kyu end up being caught. This causes a problem because, paradoxically, the inspector impedes them from reaching the real world! Vincent and Kyu escape again and wind up on the star's estate, finding the poodle in a garden shed by chance, and then finding the rift on the bottom of the pool. The star thanks the inspector while Vincent and Kyu leave the magazine...
Vincent et Kyu sont confrontés à un inspecteur zélé qui enquête sur la disparition du caniche bleu d'une Star de cinéma. Nos héros se sauvent, poursuivis par l'inspecteur, qui a reconnu Vincent : dans le monde réel, celui-ci a réellement disparu et la police le recherche...