Nach der Niederlage vom letzten Mal sind die Yōkai aus dem Westen zurück, diesmal fest entschlossen, die japanischen Yōkai mit aller Kraft zu zerschlagen. Als ob das nicht schon Chaos genug wäre, versetzt Agnes Kitarō in einen Berserker-Zustand, in dem er sich nicht mehr kontrollieren kann …
"Help me destroy this ring in order to stop the Brigadoon Project." Agnès the witch asks Kitarō for his assistance without any detailed explanation. Kitarō uses his Finger Guns, but was unable to even scratch the ring no matter how many shots he fired. After seeing his current state, Agnès uses her magic to raise Kitarō's yōkai power beyond its limits. Kitarō suffered and was unable to endure the overflowing power, but he still managed to fire another shot at the ring with everything he had. Although it seemed as if the ring should have been destroyed this time, it was stolen at the last second by a witch named Adél. Backbeard's army has arrived at the GeGeGe Forest to launch an attack!
Backbeard, le plus puissant des esprits occidentaux, a déclaré la guerre aux esprits du Japon. Pendant ce temps, Agnès demande à Kitarô son aide pour détruire l'anneau des arcanes.