Als der Chef einer kleinen Firma nach einem Abend in einer Kneipe den letzten Zug verpasst, traut er seinen Augen nicht. Ein Zug fährt scheinbar noch – ein Sonderzug Richtung Tama-Friedhof. Doch als er in den Zug steigt, merkt er, dass die anderen Fahrgäste sich seltsam verhalten …
A company president is conversing with his subordinate at a bar, saying "people who believe in yōkai are just making excuses because they are weak." Upon hearing this absurd remark, Kitarō appears and interjects stating that "even if you can't see them, yōkai exist." Irritated, the president thrusts Kitarō away and walks off. In order to get home, he and his subordinate board a special train. Eventually, The president begins to realize that the train is traveling on a different route than usual. In addition, he also notices that the state of the other passengers is rather peculiar. The president bullied others to the bitter end, so something horrifying is ought to happen in return...
Un PDG réputé très sévère avec ses employés, dont plusieurs se sont suicidés, fait la rencontre de Kitarô. Ni une ni deux, l’homme n’en a que faire et profite qu’il y ait un dernier train à la gare pour le prendre. Quelle est donc sa destination ?
O presidente de uma companhia e seu subordinado estão falando que só os fracos acreditam em Yokai. Ao saírem do bar onde estavam, embarcam num misterioso trem.