Les prochains adversaires de Fûrin sont les joueurs du collège Seiwa, où se trouvent les anciens coéquipiers de Daigo et Mutsuko, Andy et Urabe. Cette équipe est visiblement connue pour être très mobile pendant les phases d'attaque. Daigo décide donc d'entraîner au maximum l'équipe aux pick-off, c'est-à-dire empêcher les coureurs de voler des bases à l'aide de la coopération entre le lanceur et les défenseurs sur chaque base. L'occasion pour Mutsuko de se remémorer ses premiers entraînements de lanceuse…
The opponent for the next round in Fubayashi was decided to be Urabe, who was a teammate of Daigo and his teammates when they were in elementary school, and Seiwa, who has Andy. Daigo and Anita, who recorded 11 stolen bases in the first match and witnessed the mobility of Kiyowa who won the cold, are keenly aware of the need for stolen base measures. Therefore, the baseball club members who had just finished the first game were gathered again at the school, and the pitcher Mutsuko rushed to the special training to suppress the opponent runner.
Die Gegner der nächsten Runde, Seiwa, sind ein extrem mobiles Team. Daigo will Mutsuko mit einem Spezialtraining darauf vorbereiten, aber sie ist noch total unerfahren.
후린 중학교의 다음 대결 상대는 다이고와 무츠코의 초등학교 시절 팀메이트였던 우라베와 앤디가 있는 세이와 중학교로 결정됐다. 첫 경기에서 도루를 11개나 기록하여 콜드 승을 거둔 세이와 중학교의 기동력을 본 다이고와 아니타는 도루 대책의 필요성을 뼈저리게 느낀다. 그리하여 첫 경기를 이제 막 마친 야구부 멤버를 다시 학교로 모이게 하여 투수인 무츠코가 주자를 막기 위한 특훈을 시작한다.