Everything seems to be going well for all the members of Waikiki. However, Sol’s dad suddenly shows up and Dong Gu is nervous. He fears that Yoon Ah will leave him for Sol’s dad. Seo Jin and Jun Ki face the possibility of breaking up. While she cares deeply for him, she doesn’t want to be the one to stand in the way of his success. Soo Ah finally realizes her feelings for Du Shik. What will the six members of Waikiki do, so they can gain love and achieve their dreams?
솔이 아빠의 등장으로 불안에 떨기 시작한 동구!
이별 위기에 봉착한 준기와 서진!
그리고 두식에 대한 마음을 깨닫고 혼란스러운 수아까지!
와이키키 6인방의 꿈과 사랑에 대한 마지막 이야기가 시작되는데..
El padre de Sol le ruega a Yoon-ah que lo perdone. Seo-jin le pide a Joon-ki un tiempo para reconsiderar su relación. Soo-ah le hace una confesión a Doo-sik.
Sols Vater fleht Yun-a an, ihm zu verzeihen. Seo-jin bittet Jun-ki um Bedenkzeit in Bezug auf ihre Beziehung. Su-a gesteht Du-sik ihre Gefühle.