Home / Series / Un giorno in pretura / Aired Order /
  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 1844058
  • Created January 5, 2018
  • Modified December 13, 2024
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S1992E01 Tentato omicidio amante
March 26, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E02 Tifoso romanista
March 26, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E03 Omicidio di un sassofonista - 1 parte (I)
April 2, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E04 Omicidio di un sassofonista - 2 parte (II)
April 3, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E05 Studente suicida
April 9, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E06 Uxoricidio Gancio
April 16, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E07 Omicidio amante - moglie
April 23, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E08 Violenza bambino
April 23, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E09 Tangente nelle mutande
June 4, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E10 Processo ai naziskin
November 20, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E11 Processo Villanucci
November 27, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E12 Omicidio Milani
December 4, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E13 Tentato omicidio nuora
December 11, 1992
Rai 3
S1992E14 Processo Samuel Clinton
season finale
December 18, 1992
Rai 3

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