In episode one of Girl Ship TV's premiere scripted series, we meet Emily, an ambitious lab technician who discovers a strange ability after an electrically charged earthquake.
In Episode 2 of Project Inferno, Emily has to deal with the fact that Kate might have a date with someone else... Yikes.
In Episode 3 of Project Inferno, thing start to get a little shady...
This week on Project Inferno, KATE KNOWS!
This week on Project Inferno, Brody is here to secure us all.
This week on Project Inferno, is Kate okay?!
This week on Project Inferno we get a glimpse into what Inferno REALLY is.
This week on Project Inferno, we see how people are treated within Inferno... Spoiler, they're not treated well!
This week on Project Inferno, we meet the mystery woman who was being tortured at Edison.
This week on Project Inferno, things are getting tense in this love triangle!
This week on Project Inferno, kisses! But maybe not the kisses you'd hope for...
This week on Project Inferno, well this got weird...
This week on Project Inferno, an interrogation...
This week on Project Inferno, a confession...
This week on Project Inferno, is it going to happen?
This week on Project Inferno, it happened.