Ling Lai-Ying and her husband Wong Wing-Ching have worked hard to develop their modest tea restaurant into an entrepreneurial success involving real estate investing and business. Lai-Ying’s younger brother Ling Shing-Fung even tries to help them get the company listed on the stock market. Initially, Wing-Ching does not agree with this. After seeing the century-old family print business run by his benefactor Hui Nga-Lun, who helped him get acquitted of a charge years ago, on the verge of bankruptcy, Wing-Ching agrees to Shing-Fung’s proposal by merging the two families’ businesses for mutual benefit. However, complications arise when other family members oppose the idea, and the social inequality between the two families causes conflicts. Soon, the two families find themselves on the brink of open hostility and a massive war for revenge brews...
故事描述兩個具有香港特色的家族。一邊是懷「藍血」的「離地」名門,代表他們是高雅的「英式紅茶」;另一邊是出身「草根」的「貼地」富豪,代表他們是平民化的「港式奶茶」。在因緣際會的情況下,兩家需要進行商業合併,彼此的格格不入鬧得笑話百出,也盡顯人性醜惡。最後,「貼地家族」當家倒下,甥舅對峙,掀起另一場更大的風暴。然而,世間還是有愛,風暴過後,回頭是岸,一切的歸結成就本劇的宗旨,「以家為本 以愛圍家」。
故事描述兩個具有香港特色的家族。一邊是懷「藍血」的「離地」名門,代表他們是高雅的「英式紅茶」;另一邊是出身「草根」的「貼地」富豪,代表他們是平民化的「港式奶茶」。在因緣際會的情況下,兩家需要進行商業合併,彼此的格格不入鬧得笑話百出,也盡顯人性醜惡。最後,「貼地家族」當家倒下,甥舅對峙,掀起另一場更大的風暴。然而,世間還是有愛,風暴過後,回頭是岸,一切的歸結成就本劇的宗旨,「以家為本 以愛圍家」。