Xavi Bonet ist Ermittler in Barcelona – eigenwillig, eigenbrötlerisch, geheimnisvoll und bestens in der Stadt vernetzt. Zusammen mit seiner neuen Partnerin, der selbstbewussten alleinerziehenden Fina Valet, muss er in seinem ersten Fall die Verbindung zwischen einem Mann mit Amnesie und einem toten illegalen Einwanderer, die beide am Strand gefunden wurden, aufklären
With its expert crime squad run by Xavi Bonet and his charming partner Fina Valent, Barcelona can truly be proud of its homicide team: Xavi, independent, impulsive, enigmatic, with a well-functioning network of contacts on the city's dark side; and Fina, a single mother and self-confident beauty. They're never far behind the plotters and schemers who prefer to do their dark dealings after sunset. Their cases take them throughout the Catalan metropolis, out to its suburbs, and deep into the heart of the medieval city. With puzzling mysteries waiting to be solved, such as the student who died of poisoning and left almost no clues, and even more murders imminent, Xavi and Fina have much to do before this and other crimes are mercilessly stopped.
Serie di film polizieschi ambientati a Barcellona che vedono come protagonista il Commissario Xavi Bonet
Xavi Bonet y su compañera Fina Valent son líderes de un equipo dedicado a combatir el crimen en la ciudad de Barcelona. Xavi, un hombre independiente y enigmático, y Fina, una madre soltera segura de sí misma, no dan tregua a aquellos que intentan llevar a cabo sus actividades ilícitas al caer la noche.