Fred's room is so messy that anyone can be badly hurt by walking on some toy scattered around. And this is what happen to Carol, and she needs a small toy soldier to be put out of her foot. GG convinces Fred to clean his room by telling him Anette needed a place to store her paintings. When Fred discovers that it was all a lie, he is angry after GG and none of them wants to be friend with the other anymore. Fabienne, trapped between Fred and GG and suffering their breaking up, must find a way to tie their friendship back to what it was before. GG finds a stupid excuse for why they are no more friends. Penelope also repeatedly tries to find out if Panook is a boy or a girl. All questions he or she answers might work for each so the mystery is getting always worse. Finally, Carol, trying to make the house more Feng Shui, rounds the sides of a table. She however forgets to put the small wooden parts away and someone might soon walk on one!