Die Himmelsberger Tanzlinde in Deutschland und die Whiteleaved Oak in England stehen im Mittelpunkt historischer Brauchtümer, die von der lokalen Bevölkerung bis heute lebendig gehalten werden. Die beiden Bäume – der eine verloren in der Landschaft, der andere mitten in einem Dorf – ziehen die Menschen magisch an und scheinen ihnen ein kleines Stück ihrer Kindheit zurückzugeben.
Despite their very different climatic situations, these two venerable trees have defied the passage of time.
The thin, isolated Spruce tree, standing tall on the Fulufjället mountains, in the central province of Dalarma close to the Norwegian border, is said to be the world’s oldest tree! Carbon dating confirms that its roots are indeed over 9,550 years old! (although its trunk is only a few centuries old). Geologist Leif Kullman, who discovered the tree, called it “Old Tjikko” in homage to his deceased dog. Scrawny in appearance, it attracts the attention not only of the scientific community, who ponder the mysterious phenomenon, but also that of curious visitors, who organise walks to it.
The Oletta Olive Tree is a nigh on thousand-year-old ancestor that enjoys excellent health! It still produces 300 kilos of olives a year, which are harvested in winter using nets fixed to the base of the tree. The tree is the pride of its owners and local inhabitants of the surrounding area, and on account of its impressive measurements (a 300m2 crown!), it is said to be the island’s most imposing specimen.
Tous deux vénérés, le vieux tilleul "à danser" de Himmelsberg, en Allemagne, et le chêne appelé whiteleaved oak, en Angleterre, semblent cacher un secret dans leurs feuillages.
Un tiglio a Himmelsberg in Germania e una quercia in Gran Bretagna sono da sempre oggetto di curiosità e ambita meta turistica. Questi due alberi, uno sperduto nella campagna e l'altro al centro di una piccola comunità rurale, sembrano avere il potere di riportare gli adulti indietro nel tempo, per far ritrovare loro il perduto spirito di quando erano bambini.
Någonstans i Malvern Hills i västra England står en urgammal ek som heter White Leaved Oak. Exakt var den står håller byborna lite hemligt, men den åldrade bjässen får ändå många besök. Eken är nämligen föremål för en urgammal hednisk kult.