Madame Amalia sends her henchman to Spikersfield College to steal the Olympic Torch, but the situation gets spooky when they start to believe that ghosts might be involved. Armand, who is alive and has been working to help Spike Team from his underground hiding spot, won't let them get away with it. After Victoria finds the third jewel of Loyalty, Grace is starting to become convinced that the legend of the of the Torch might be true. Armand realizes that Madame Amalia has weaknesses, and he and Luther decide that it is time for one of the girls to earn the gemstone of Perseverance. Lucky's fears that Grace doesn't believe him start to effect him during practice, causing conflict that makes the spying Amalia believe that her plan is working. Meanwhile, Grace gives the team a different kind of training by teaching them an ancient Mayan game and a lesson in one of the virtues. And, Vito decides that Lucky needs some training of his own.