Shinonome Jinpachi has returned to the Kyoto Prefectural Police’s First Investigative Division as a specially commissioned detective. Meanwhile, Natsuki Asako, a team leader, has just been assigned to the division. Shinonome and Asako solve the same cases with completely different investigation methods. Shinonome has many information sources that he cultivated through his years of investigation. He would hit the streets and gather information that is not considered to have a direct relationship with a case. Asako has many fans within the police because she has moved from post to post. She is adapt at mobilising these allies and makes use of her inexperience in investigations to carry out daring ones. When these two investigation methods overlap, there will never be a typical investigation and unknown facts a step ahead of the solution will emerge.
導演: 黒沢直輔 / 豬原達三
編劇: 森下直 / 真部千晶
主演: 橋爪功 / 名取裕子 / 和田正人 / 酒井美紀 / 田中要次 / 原田夏希 / 吉見一豊 / 柳百合菜 / 羽場裕一