The three friends and Jerry decide to go out on a deep-sea fishing trip. Linda and the girls show up on the same boat and the captain of the boat announces a fishing competition - the one who catches the largest fish wins a prize. Frank immediately becomes very ill from seasickness and the girls appear to have the competition won, quickly catching a large pile of good sized fish. Meanwhile, after Jerry carelessly puts a magnet next to the compass, the fishing boat stays into an area where the navy is having manoeuvres. After a barrage of near misses the boat heads back to port. When they reach the harbour they pull up Frank's line, which has been untouched the whole trip as Frank has been so seasick, and pull on board the winning fish. Frank's pleasure is short-lived as his first prize turns out to be a four-day deep-sea fishing trip.
Frank, Jerry und die drei Freunde fahren zum Hochseefischen. Da es einen Preis zu gewinnen gibt, mischen sich die Mädchen ein. Frank ist gleich von Anfang an seekrank und die Mädchen fangen einen Fisch nach dem anderen.