The school is having a charity drive and all the children are asked to bring in old clothes to send off to the third world. Jerry comes up with the idea of making a machine to print money so that they can send cash instead. Discussing the dubious ethics of forging money they decide that it's all right if you give all the money away. Convinced that the best place to hide the machine is in Oscar's shed they gather there to print one banknote and test it out by buying ice cream at the shop - it works! Encouraged by their success they begin to dream of using the machine to get rich, and end up promising Linda and the girls all sorts of gifts. In the meantime, their machine disappears and Oscar seems suddenly to be bathing in money. Unbeknownst to the three friends and Jerry, Oscar has actually won the lottery and simply thrown out their machine. However, the boys fear the worst and when they see a policeman carting off Oscar they confess to everything. They don't have to go to prison but t
In der Schule gibt es einen Wohltätigkeitstag. Jerry will Geld spenden und beschließt einen Gelddrucker zu bauen, um sich das nötige Kleingeld zu drucken. Die Maschine stellen die Freunde in die Hütte von Oskar. Doch am nächsten Tag ist die Geldmaschine weg und die Polizei steht vor der Tür.