The three friends and Jerry are feeling particularly worn out by things in general. On the way home after a particularly gruelling day at school they catch sight of Roy Johnson's advertising blimp. They climb up the rope to check it out. When they see how small the town looks form up there, and how insignificant their worries, they cut the ropes and drift off through the air. They end up on a small tropical island, where their every need is tended to by a group of girls who look a lot like Linda and the girls. They are made members of the family and the next morning everything changes. They are treated like slaves and just as it seems as if the natives are going to eat them for breakfast, Frank is woken from his dream by Jerry, shaking him from his nightmare. They are still up in the blimp, which is remains anchored to the ground. They clamber down the ropes and go home.
Die Anforderungen in der Schule werden immer größer. Frank träumt deshalb von einem Heißluftballon, der ihn zu einer fernen Südseeinsel bringt. Doch bereits am zweiten Tag als Inselbewohner verläuft sein Traum gar nicht schön.