Never give a sucker an even break-the catch-phrase of the great W. C. Fields, comic genius anti-hero, whose splendidly idiosyncratic views on politics, big business, marriage, babies and alcohol are legendary. For 2nd House, comedian Les Dawson , himself a W. C. Fields devotee, presents a collection of hitherto unpublished letters, speeches and sketches from Fields's ' intended autobiography,' due to be published in April. The Ragtime King: 75 years ago the Negro composer and pianist Scott Joplin ushered in the ragtime craze to the Maple Leaf Rag. Joshua Rifkin conducts his own orchestral arrangements of Pineapple Rag and The Ragtime Dance; and with choreographer JONATHAN TAYLOR re-creates a ragtime session of 60 years ago. Impressions of- a New City: 100 years ago a society of anonymous artists shook Paris by setting up their own exhibition in defiance of the establishment. EDWIN MULLINS looks at the way the Impressionists and contemporary photographers documented the new city of the 19th century, and at the changing reaction of painters and photographers to a changing way of life. 10.35 Grace: a story from Dubliners by JAMES JOYCE adapted by DAVID STOREY directed by PETER GILL ' Mr Kernan came of Protestant stock, and, though he had been converted to the Catholic faith at the time of his marriage, he had not been in the pale of the church for 20 years. He was fond, moreover, of giving sidethrusts at Catholicism....' Producers TONY CASH, KARL FRANCIS Assistant editor TONY STAVEACRE Edlitor BILL MORTON