Home / Series / Historias de Galicia / Aired Order /
  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 625088
  • Created June 4, 2015
  • Modified May 19, 2022
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 Onde o mundo se chama Galicia
series finale
February 25, 2007
Televisión de Galicia
S01E02 Fillos da terra
S01E03 A despensa salgada
S01E04 A casa e a familia
S01E05 Lingua de reis, lingua do pobo
S01E06 No nome de Deus
S01E07 Nobres, fidalgos e caciques
S01E08 O son das armas
S01E09 Sempre en Galiza
S01E10 A historia de ser mulleres
S01E11 Os camiños do país
S01E12 Onde a razón non chega
S01E13 Nación de Breogán
S01E14 As varas da xustiza
S01E15 Sans e fortes
S01E16 A forza das máquinas
S01E17 Da feira ó mercado global
S01E18 As causas das cousas
S01E19 O valor das letras
season finale

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