Fantorangen is a Norwegian television character known from Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), where he has his own program on the children's channel NRK Super. He is a plushie created and operated by Berit Nermoen, who also writes the scripts. The puppet was created in 2007 by visual artist Tiina Suhonen, in co-operation with costume department in NRK. With his slightly mischievous personality, he has become one of NRK's most popular characters for children. As a result of the success there has been made music videos, books and licensed products with Fantorangen and he acts with Berit Nermoen at various festivals and other cultural events.
Fantorangen er en rampete liten tass som alltid har nye prosjekter på gang, han dikter og finner på rim.
Han er det første barna får se om morgenen, og viser deg mange fine filmer.
Fantoran ja Pivin yhteiselon mullistaa uusi perheenjäsen, Fantti. Kun perheessä on vaippaikäinen, ei sattumuksista tule pulaa. Kuinka kolmikon kotona hoidetaan vaikkapa hammaspesu ja voiko vauvan palauttaa, selviää tässä norjalaisessa 13-osaisessa nukkesarjassa.