• TheTVDB.com Season ID 1774128
  • Created May 1, 2014
  • Modified May 1, 2014
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 I criminali della galassia
May 1, 1965
S01E02 I Diafanoidi vengono da Marte
June 4, 1966
S01E03 Il pianeta errante
July 29, 1966
S01E04 La morte viene dal pianeta Aytin
series finale
January 18, 1967
S01E05 Italiani nello spazio 360
S01E06 Era mio padre 360
S01E07 Io e Antonio 360
S01E08 Trailer
season finale

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