Sunday, December 4, 1977 in Bangui, Central African Republic. His Majesty Jean-Bedel Bokassa I crowns himself and, a few moments later, crowns his wife according to a staging directly inspired by the coronation of his favorite emperor: Napoleon I. The coronation of Bokassa I was a spectacle the likes of which had not been seen in Africa.
Floor-length, ermine-trimmed coats, magnificently dressed riders in hussar uniforms and rides through the capital in imperial horse-drawn carriages – the backdrop and costumes of this outrageous spectacle had nothing in common with African tradition. Of course, the press had been invited to follow everything, but numerous foreign dignitaries had also accepted the invitation. Despite Bokassa's distrust of the media, the streets were lined with foreign reporters. How were they chosen? Could cameramen and photographers move freely? Which of the invited emperors, kings and queens, heads of state, prime ministers attended the festivities?
Dimanche 4 décembre 1977 à Bangui, en Centrafrique. Jean-Bedel Bokassa s’autoproclame Empereur sous le nom de Bokassa 1er. Décors et costumes n’ont pas grand-chose à voir avec les traditions africaines : de longs manteaux d’hermine, des cavaliers en tenue de hussards et même des carrosses pour une traversée de la capitale. Jamais l’Afrique n’a connu un tel spectacle !