Kenji and Fudou are staked out in abandoned factories on criminal missions. He finds and tracks the thief, but Kenji falls off the roof. After regaining consciousness, Kenji calls out to RyuGunOu, who is fighting the Tsukaima on the spot. However, he declared that he does not know about Kenji like memory loss. To tell the truth, Kenji went back in time and returned six months ago. It was a time when Fudou was fighting alone. Kenji began to talk about the upcoming fierce match against Jamanga.
Kenji é atacado durante uma luta e desmaia, perdendo os sentidos. Em sonhos, ele "volta" para o passado, encontrando Fudou e a GouRyuuGun muito tempo antes de chegar à Akebono. Sem os poderes da GekiRyuuKen, ele e Ryugan'o precisam deter os ataques dos Servos que querem invadir o Ponto de Poder de Akebono.