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Season 1

  • S01E01 Episode 1

    • May 11, 2011
    • Channel 4

    Senior consultant Malcolm Tunnicliff and his team face a battle to save a 'Code Red' - a patient with potentially fatal injuries - brought into A&E by helicopter. Thirty-three-year-old Greek student Theodore Chatziapostolou was dragged under a bus while crossing the road at Elephant and Castle. He was trapped and literally folded in two with his 'nose touching his toes'. Hovering between life and death, he has multiple serious injuries, including a terrible pelvic injury. Tunnicliff has 15 minutes to keep him alive so he can find out what's wrong with him and work out how to save him. The same day, 13 other emergency cases were treated in Resus, including 78-year-old Tom Gibbs, who fell head-first off a ladder while painting his daughter's landing, and a confused cyclist with a severe head injury.

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    • May 18, 2011
    • Channel 4

    The second programme in the series reveals the stories of individuals who started the day with little in common, but found themselves being treated by the King's A&E team in the same 24-hour period. A day that, for many of them, would change their lives. The 'red phone' from the ambulance service rings, signalling the imminent arrival of a seriously ill patient. Thirty-one-year-old Brendan has had a head-on collision between his motorbike and a car, 'bulls-eyeing' the windscreen. Brendan's broken both his wrists, but he's most worried about injuries to his testicles: he's so bruised that his penis looks like a 'purple carrot'. And he's decided to hang up his bike keys. Teenager Alex turns up with nasty injuries to his hand after punching through a window. Will he learn a lesson once he's been patched up by the A&E staff? Meanwhile, sisters Pat and Alice are concerned about when they can get a sandwich from mobile tuck-shop operator, Pritpal. And after the Resus team struggle to revive two patients in their eighties, they discuss what they would want done for them in a similar situation.

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    • May 25, 2011
    • Channel 4

    In the third programme, eleven-year-old Kofi is rushed into Resus, critically injured after being hit by a van. His father, Wayne, sits by Kofi's bedside praying for his recovery: 'I remember when Kofi was born I counted all his fingers and toes and held him in the air'. Meanwhile, 73-year-old Roger Jackson is coming to terms with his own mortality. A member of The Tornados, the first British group to top the US chart in the Sixties, Roger confesses that, despite having cancer, he wouldn't give up his rock 'n' roll fame for his health. Back in Resus, senior consultant Chris Lacy is tested to the limit when three trauma patients arrive in quick succession: one has been shot in the face, another has been stabbed in the chest and a third has been knifed in the head. As armed police arrive and a gang gathers outside A&E, tempers flare and Chris calls for calm as Kofi fights for his life.

  • S01E04 Episode 4

    • June 1, 2011
    • Channel 4

    The Emergency Department is besieged by Saturday night drunks. Alcohol is one of the biggest causes of injury seen at King's A&E; on an average weekend, half the cases will be alcohol-related. Thirty-nine-year-old Sean has had one too many, tripped over a clothes horse, fallen and broken his neck. The medical team have attached blocks to the sides of his head to stop him from moving his neck and prevent him from paralysing himself, but it's a struggle to persuade him to leave them there. Andrew, 26, has been arrested after a day of heavy drinking. 'To be honest with you I can't remember too much about it,' he says. The police have brought him to King's because he's cut his hand putting it through a window. It takes two officers to hold him still, and, after he refuses to co-operate, three to lead him away to the police van waiting outside. And 56-year-old David is a long-term alcoholic who's collapsed in the street and bashed his head. When he was two, he survived a plane crash that killed his mother. 'That may have started it, I don't know,' he says. He drinks a bottle of brandy in the morning and another in the evening. 'Booze has ruined my life,' he adds. 'I've basically wasted my life.' Sister Claire has seen the consequences of drink. She says: 'I've looked after somebody that has drunk so much they actually bled to death in front of me.

  • S01E05 Episode 5

    • June 8, 2011
    • Channel 4

    This episode reveals what can happen when something goes wrong with the brain, including when patients suffer a stroke (or a 'brain attack'). Sixty-five-year-old cabbie Charlie Brown is making his second visit to King's in a week. Two days previously he crashed his cab and 'bulls-eyed' the window with his head. He was stitched up and discharged, but Charlie's not been the same since, reading the newspaper upside down and becoming uncharacteristically chatty. Dr Tian is concerned that this may be as a result of a brain haemorrhage caused by his accident. When a scan shows a large dark patch on the left side of Charlie's brain, his fears seem well-founded. Also in A&E is 89-year-old Peggy Pierce. Her husband Derek woke to find her slumped semi-conscious over the bed and she's been rushed into King's with a suspected stroke. This isn't the first time Derek's had to take an emergency trip to the hospital with his wife, so he's braced for the worst. King's is a specialist Stroke Centre, treating on average three cases a day, and doctors know time is of the essence. 'It's terrifying', says stroke specialist Dr Kumar. 'It's like a heart attack. It's a brain attack.' Meanwhile, in the waiting room, Sally is comforted by her ex-boyfriend Ben while she awaits treatment for a cut finger, and two boisterous friends entertain themselves with an impromptu ride around the department in a wheelchair.

  • S01E06 Episode 6

    • June 15, 2011
    • Channel 4

    Sister Jen's nightshift kick-starts as a stabbing victim, Colin Richards, who's 35, is rushed in by ambulance with injuries to his lung, arm and liver. He's accompanied by his 19-year-old girlfriend, Esther, who was lying in bed next to him when they were awoken at gunpoint. Esther lovingly watches over Colin, who admits he was no angel a few years back. 'I just felt like he just needed hugs and like smiles and me telling him he was gonna be OK,' Esther says. 'I just felt like I had to really be there for him when that happened.' Jen says: 'A lot of people don't have anybody to look after them, to love them, I think that's sad... I think everybody deserves to be looked after and loved and cared for.' While Esther cradles her boyfriend in Resus, Jen tends to Nancy Shirley, 86, who has spent her life alone and fell over at home. 'If you're happily married and got a family you know it must be very nice for people; I've always thought that,' says Nancy. 'When I would have been courting the war was on and all the men were away.' And in Minors, former international lawyer Robert Knutson is patched up after collapsing on the street, drunk. He has lost his wife and family after years of alcoholism. 'I don't have a home... the bed in the hospital is the nicest bed I've been in, in a long time... I'm sorry but that's the state of Robert Knutson,' he says. But, having been treated with care and compassion, Robert decides to make a change.

  • S01E07 Episode 7

    • June 22, 2011
    • Channel 4

    The team face a 12-hour night shift treating young men with stab wounds, as their friends gather in the A&E waiting room and tension mounts. 'For penetrating trauma to the chest, which are your stab wounds, King's is one of the busiest hospitals in Europe. The areas we serve in London are particularly high crime areas,' says Nurse Scott. 'Sometimes you're looking at two or three stabs a day so the numbers have risen; it seems that people's way of fighting has moved on from punching each other to using bats, to using knives, to using guns.' Seventeen-year-old Levi is the first stab victim to arrive after a fight on the street. His injuries aren't life-threatening, but he needs extensive stitching and an overnight stay. His mum is distraught, but Levi doesn't want to speak to the police about the attack. When two young men from different areas with stab wounds from the same fight come in, the staff know trouble is brewing and groups of their friends soon arrive. Other patients in this episode include a young woman who's been punched in the face and knocked to the ground, and a man who has had too much to drink at the House of Commons. And porters Brian and Kevin, who are responsible for moving patients, collecting bloods and taking specimens to the labs - as well as taking bodies to the mortuary - explain their passion for the job.

  • S01E08 Episode 8

    • June 29, 2011
    • Channel 4

    The medical team, patients and their families face up to the meaning of life and death. Former motorbike racer John, who's 77, has been sent to A&E with his wife Brenda after a routine health screening revealed a potentially-deadly 'Triple A' (abdominal aortic aneurism) - a dramatic swelling of the main artery that could burst at any moment, making him a 'walking timebomb'. The only option is major surgery, which could be dangerous at his age. Meanwhile, 92-year-old widow Eileen has been brought into hospital after falling and spending the night on the floor. Consultant Liz is worried Eileen may have broken her hip and wants to keep her in overnight to make sure she's fine. 'Lots of times there's nothing I can do,' says Liz. 'We are meant to grow old, we are meant to get ill and we are meant to die. I can fiddle about at the edges of that, but there's no sort of magical response in this hospital that can change that.' Among the other patients is Claire. A year ago, her boyfriend, a medical student, was killed instantly while cycling to lectures, and now she's been injured on her bike. Meanwhile, emergency medical technician Amanda and mobile catering assistant Pritpal talk about the roles they play in helping people to get better.

  • S01E09 Episode 9

    • July 6, 2011
    • Channel 4

    The medical team faces a range of sport and drink-related injuries on a busy Saturday. But things turn darker when a family party goes horribly wrong, leaving a father and son with life-threatening injuries. Every year 750,000 people are treated at A&E for injuries suffered during recreational activities, mostly at weekends. Ball games account for 300,000 of those, with football the number one culprit, closely followed by rugby. But as evening approaches, sporting injuries begin to make way for the results of another favourite British recreational pastime - drinking. It's a huge issue: there were three million alcohol-related admissions to A&E last year, with half of the patients under 25. Two 19-year-old girls are waiting for treatment after falling when the bar they were dancing on collapsed, while bricklayer Colin has been badly cut by someone trying to mug him. But the evening takes a dramatic turn when a father and son, Morris and Jamie, are rushed into A&E badly injured after being attacked by gatecrashers, one armed with a Samurai sword, at a family birthday party.

  • S01E10 Episode 10

    • July 13, 2011
    • Channel 4

    This programme focuses on accidents. 'It takes all sorts,' says Nurse Kim. 'You'll find people who think "I'm only nipping up a ladder so I'll hold a cup of tea, a drill, something round my neck, one sock on and a flip flop."' Construction worker William has been trapped under a cherry picker, breaking his leg in three places and crushing his chest. Nick has fallen from a ten-metre ladder onto concrete, landing on his head, resulting in a severe brain injury. It's a matter of life and death, and his brother, Nigel, waits nervously at his bedside. Darren has fallen through a window while trying to clean it, cutting his arm badly. It's not the first time he's been seriously injured: he had head injuries as a teenager when he was knocked over by a moped. Meanwhile, Wilfred, who lives alone after his wife died, has had a nasty accident with a mandolin while cutting vegetables. And good-natured Alex, who once dived onto a railway track to save a woman, has been headbutted by someone trying to steal his wallet and mobile phone.

  • S01E11 Episode 11

    • July 20, 2011
    • Channel 4

    Seventy-eight-year-old Reginald is dangerously ill. He woke up with severe stomach pain, and the A&E team have concluded that his condition is life-threatening. But can they save him? A retired dock worker who is now his wife's carer, Reginald suffers from diabetes. King's doctors Firas and André suspect that part of his gut may have died and that without immediate surgery he won't survive. There are risks, but, as André says: 'Compared to your risk of dying without it, that risk pales into insignificance in my view.' Firas recently qualified as a consultant at King's: 'It's a bit clichéd but, yes, I have always wanted to be a doctor - ever since I had my tonsils out at the age of five and my parents bought me a Fisher Price doctor's kit.' Reminded of his own father passing away, Firas becomes increasingly concerned about his patient. 'It is hard when you see a strong man who's suddenly become very vulnerable,' he says. Meanwhile, other patients include Richard, who has twisted his knee moon-walking in a club, and a young cyclist brought in unconscious after coming off his bike.

  • S01E12 Episode 12

    • July 27, 2011
    • Channel 4

    Eighty-eight-year-old Omar is brought in after suffering severe stomach pains and a suspected abdominal aortic aneurism, also known as a triple A. The news that Omar now only has a 50% chance of surviving the operation he urgently needs comes as a huge blow to his son, Talit, who says: 'I thought, I don't think I've ever said to my father I love you.' These 24 hours take place on a Monday: often the busiest time of the week for the department. The A&E begins to fill up with patients. The resuscitation ('resus') area is busy, ambulances are arriving all the time, and the department is stretched to its limit. Consultant Jacqui describes the tension in these periods as a 'sense of not even impending doom. It's just doom's here. It's queuing up.' Thirty-three-year-old Hanny is rushed in after attempting to take his life with a lethal cocktail of drugs. And during the hectic few hours when the A&E is inundated, staff fight to save an 18-year-old who's been stabbed in a street fight and lost a life-threatening amount of blood. King's A&E has more than 200 employees and around 60 are non-medical staff who work behind the scenes to keep the department functioning 24 hours a day. This episode also reveals what happens when the open doors of A&E lead to a department flooded with patients, and what working life is like for the porters, receptionists, cleaners and security guards who also experience the traumas and pressure alongside their medical colleagues. Ward clerk Fintan looks after everything from lost property to trolley maintenance and stationery, but also witnesses the difficult and emotional moments. He says: 'I do see what's going on in resus. I thought I'd be removed from that. But I'm not.'

  • S01E13 Episode 13

    • August 3, 2011
    • Channel 4

    Seventy-four-year-old Ted and his wife Irene are on their tenth visit to A&E this year. Ted has already been diagnosed with terminal bladder cancer, but his problems have got worse, and after getting blood test results he's been urgently sent to King's. As much as staff try to keep their emotions in check, Senior Sister Maria, who looks after Ted, finds herself profoundly affected by his situation and how he and his wife are coping. She says 'There are patients that will get to you. For Ted to have such a positive outlook, it can't but inspire you. There are a few Teds in my career that I will always remember.' Emergency medical technician Amanda is a key part of the team administering CPR to a man who's suffered cardiac arrest. She talks about the strain of trying desperately to save someone's life: 'The minute it's in the door, it affects me. You have to be professional and it is hard.' German doctor Roman is still getting used to the cultural differences between practising in Germany and the UK: 'I got the hints from nurses that you can't say "this or that" straight to a patient. You should imply a little bit more: "darling, please, would you mind?" and "unfortunately, I have to, I know it will hurt a little bit". The German way is see the problem, make it known and solve it. "Will it hurt, doctor?" "Yes".' A young man comes in with a splinter in his thumb, which he's had for a month; he is sent back to his GP. Another patient has fallen out of a tree, drunk. And a 40-year-old-man who's been kicked in the face during a football match needs stitches.

  • S01E14 Episode 14

    • August 10, 2011
    • Channel 4

    One in four of us will suffer from mental health issues at some point in our lives. The final episode of the series reveals how, alongside the usual broken bones and heart problems, the A&E team at King's deal with a population that is becoming more and more psychologically fragile. A regular patient to King's who suffers from schizophrenia is admitted after failing to take his diabetes medicine: it's his 19th visit in a year. Meanwhile a young girl seeks refuge with the mental health team. She's in crisis and struggling to cope with life. Psychiatric nurse Jenny has seen it all and reveals that the patients her team have to deal with are getting younger and younger. One patient with suicidal thoughts was just seven. Joseph, a 16-year-old schoolboy, is rushed to A&E after suffering a suspected stroke, and is joined at his bedside by his twin brother Elijah and their mother as they await the results of a brain scan. Clive, 61, a former betting shop manager, is also suspected of having a stroke. Known as the 'Memory Man' in his youth, he is now coming to terms with his diminishing mental abilities, but it may just be his anti-depressants, coupled with the years of alcoholism that are his real problem.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Rush Hour

    • May 16, 2012
    • Channel 4

    This episode kicks off during the morning rush hour, meeting workers who set off on their daily commute but find themselves fighting for their lives in the skilful hands of the King's College Hospital A&E team. Two cyclists arrive with serious head injuries. IT analyst Christopher hit a log on his way to work, and concerns are raised when scans show a bleed on his brain. Meanwhile, Brighton cyclist Sarah swerved to avoid a pedestrian when riding at 30mph downhill without a helmet. She's airlifted to King's by HEMS, the helicopter emergency service who deal with some of the most serious trauma cases. Also brought in by helicopter is father-of-four Kevin, who fell from scaffolding while repairing a roof. The next few hours are critical for him. And 80-year-old former docker Bill has hurt his knee while drinking at his local working men's club, but he soon perks up in the company of nurse Laura.

  • S02E02 Young Ones

    • May 23, 2012
    • Channel 4

    A quarter of all patients treated in King's A&E are children, and this episode follows some of their stories for the first time, as well as one of A&E's youngest and newest recruits, 27-year-old emergency medicine trainee Matt. Matt's the first member of his family to go to university and pursue a career in medicine. But this shift will prove to be a challenging one for Matt and the team. The first trauma is 16-year-old riding enthusiast Ellie, who's been airlifted to King's from Kent after she was thrown from her horse and crushed against a fence. Ellie arrives with no feeling down her left side and the team's first concern is that she may have serious spinal injuries. Ellie's mum, Kate, can only wait and reflect as scans begin. Dr Matt also meets pregnant Jill who arrives with intense pain after a sudden and severe haemorrhage. She fears that she might be losing her baby, having suffered a number of miscarriages in the past. In paediatric A&E, consultant Jacqui is treating four-year-old Destiny, who has a fishbone stuck in his tonsils from his lunchtime curry. And, after a long and intense shift, the deaths of two older patients make Matt reflect on family, mortality and coping with loss.

  • S02E03 Code Red

    • May 30, 2012
    • Channel 4

    Trauma consultant Simon faces a busy night, with a stream of critically ill and seriously injured patients, plus the fallout from an extraordinary night of violence on London's streets. Forty-nine-year-old Trudy arrives unconscious by HEMS, the helicopter emergency medics, having fallen down some stairs after a night out celebrating her new job with her stepsister Sherry. Simon is concerned that Trudy may have brain damage. Sherry desperately awaits news of Trudy's condition in the relatives' room. After her brother died suddenly and unexpectedly last year, Sherry finds the idea that she might lose Trudy too hard to cope with. Also in resus are married couple Bea and George, who are both in their eighties. They've barely spent a day apart in 65 years, but Bea's cancer - and now a suspected heart attack - force them to face the possibility that they may not have much time left together. Meanwhile, Vincent has been admitted with chest pains and his daughter, Jennifer, finds herself witness to the treatment of the young victims of a series of stabbings. And while Jennifer reveals her fears for her own son's future, consultant Simon reflects on the desire that unites all the patients and relatives that he treats in A&E: 'Time; sometimes that's all the families want and that's just the one thing you can't give.

  • S02E04 Allergic to Pain

    • June 6, 2012
    • Channel 4

    This warm-hearted episode explores the different ways that grown men deal with pain and injury. Fifty-year-old builder Jim arrives in A&E screaming in agony after dislocating his shoulder in such an unusual way that it takes a five-strong team to pull it back into place, while 30-year-old Temi is in minors with a broken toe. But Temi is actually more concerned about whether the crutches he's given will match his sense of style! Meanwhile, a patient who had to have one of his legs amputated in 2009 has just returned from holiday with his remaining leg dangerously swollen, and 83-three-year-old James has a cyst on his knee but is in so much pain that he's refusing treatment. It's senior sister AnnMarie's job to persuade James to stay in overnight...

  • S02E05 Vital Organs

    • June 13, 2012
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on young men in their prime. One is a fitness fanatic who arrives seriously injured after a canal barge accident, while another is a pre-operative transsexual with a sore finger following a night's clubbing. Nineteen-year-old Josh is flown to King's College Hospital by air ambulance having been crushed between a barge and a bridge while working on a canal. A&E consultant Firas and his team set to work on the teenager. Once he's out of immediate danger their attention turns to a potentially life-changing injury - and every man's worst nightmare - a possible penile fracture. Despite their own fears, Josh's mum and dad attempt to lighten the atmosphere by cracking jokes, but for nurse Leanne it's no laughing matter: 'In the back of your mind you're thinking: You know, it might not be funny in the long run, because it could be something serious. He's only 19. He's probably going to want a family...' In minors, best friends Liam and Nicola are recovering from a Sunday night out clubbing. But an injured finger isn't Liam's only concern. He's also thinking about his upcoming gender reassignment, which will require hormones and - eventually - surgery. Meanwhile, in resus, 80-year-old Jean has been brought to King's by ambulance after collapsing at home. Jean has terminal cancer; she's exhausted and anaemic. Jean's husband, John, is her greatest support. 'You're everything, aren't you: the nurse, the chef,' says Dr Catherine. Jean and John have been together for over 60 years; it's their tender, supportive relationship that helps them to cope. 'He deserves a medal,' says Jean.

  • S02E06 One Moment in Time

    • June 20, 2012
    • Channel 4

    This episode follows the work of King's A&E on the night that Whitney Houston died. As staff and patients come to terms with the singer's untimely death, King's is filling up with young people who were having fun with their friends when disaster struck. Twenty-one-year-old Danielle is on her first trip to London from Northern Ireland, for a girls' weekend with her best friend Leanne. She'd collapsed after an exercise class shortly before leaving, but was determined not to miss the weekend and caught her flight. Now she's hundreds of miles from home and seriously ill. Leanne, a newly qualified nurse, quickly realises the gravity of the situation and Registrar Swetha is concerned that Danielle's kidneys may be failing, and that she may even be at risk of cardiac arrest. As Danielle's health deteriorates, a new patient arrives in resus in a critical condition. He fell 20 feet from a friend's balcony, hitting his head as he landed, and has been rushed to King's by the Helicopter Emergency Medics (HEMS). Consultant Jeff is concerned that, as well as broken bones, he may have suffered brain injury. His mum can do nothing but watch and wait while the team tries to determine how serious his injuries are and if they will be permanent. Meanwhile, in minors, trainee doctor Josh is treating 34-year-old Latoya who was out partying with friends and dancing to Whitney Houston hits when the straps on her platform heels gave way and she fell over. Latoya blames her shoes and the late singer for the deep gash on her forehead and wants Josh to make the stitches as neat and fine as he can if she's going to achieve her dream of being 'the second Whitney'.

  • S02E07 A Good Life

    • June 27, 2012
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on some of the elderly patients who are treated at King's College Hospital, including a 93-year-old war veteran who arrives with life-threatening injuries after being knocked over by a hit and run driver just outside the hospital. Ernest was walking to get his pension when he was hit by a vehicle while crossing the road. He's rushed straight to resus, conscious but with injuries to his head and pelvis. Consultant Malcolm and his team are determined to do everything they can to keep Ernest alive. But as the team tend to Ernest's injuries, his heart fails and he goes into cardiac arrest. Malcolm needs to keep Ernest's heart going manually before his injuries can be assessed and he can be treated. Ernest's niece, Maureen, arrives to hear the terrible news that her beloved uncle - who raised her and her sisters in the absence of their father - is critically ill. On the same day, 83-year-old William's finger is mangled and bleeding after he's caught it on a machine at his metal working business. He was born in the year of the Wall Street Crash, but still loves working. He's not been to see a doctor in over 40 years and, like many older patients, he's worried that, despite his injuries needing urgent attention, he's a burden to the NHS, and apologises to the team treating him at King's. Another octogenarian who arrives at King's is 80-year-old Joyce. But she's not the patient; it's her son, Kevin, who collapsed at home. Fifty-one-year-old Kevin has learning difficulties and Joyce is fearful about what Kevin's life will be like once she passes away, so strong is their bond.

  • S02E08 Saturday Night

    • July 4, 2012
    • Channel 4

    The series continues with a dramatic episode focusing on a single saturday night at King's. Running resus for this extraordinary shift are two of the most experienced staff members in the A&E department. Both mothers to young children, consultant Emer and senior sister Jen are in the twilight zone together as they deal with drug users and drunks, plus a stabbing victim with the knife still in place and two young people who were injured while out enjoying themselves with friends.

  • S02E09 Mum

    • July 11, 2012
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on mothers, daughters and mortality. Seventy-one-year-old Josephine has been brought to King's College Hospital with chronic breathing difficulties by her daughter Jackie. Terminally ill with cancer, which has spread throughout her body, Josephine is nearing the end of her life. Josephine is so ill that decisions need to be made on whether she would choose to be resuscitated should her condition worsen. It's an impossibly difficult decision to make and a painful moment for Jackie, who's not ready to let her mum go. Nurse Abbie is treating Josephine. Before coming to King's, she worked in palliative care: 'It would be my worst nightmare if I had to look after one of my parents if they were passing on, but here's this person that you love so much, who brought you into this world, lying in a bed and their life is slowly coming to an end,' says Abbie. In the waiting room 67-year-old Azize is with her 44-year-old daughter Sara who's been bitten by her cat. It seems like a minor injury, but Sara has recently had radiotherapy for breast cancer and her immune system is very weak. Azize has moved back from Turkey to be with Sara during her treatment. Meanwhile five-year-old Olivia is having stitches on a head wound with her dad; and 12-year-old Mattheus is helping out by translating for his Brazilian grandmother, who has injured her wrist.

  • S02E10 We Are Family

    • July 18, 2012
    • Channel 4

    Staff nurse Sophie has moved from the Lancashire coast to work at King's, leaving her family behind for the first time. She's been at King's for just three weeks and it's been an eye-opening experience. Sophie's first patient today is 22-year-old chef James. He's come to King's after a stabbing, but in this case it was self-inflicted: James accidentally stabbed himself in the thigh with a paring knife while chopping tomatoes at work. He's bleeding heavily; he requires deep tissue stitches, and has to make a tricky phone call to his worried mum. As James is transferred to a ward, another patient arrives following a call on the red phone; Sophie must try to keep them alive manually with chest compressions. As night falls, 54-year-old dad-of-two Bernard is brought to resus. He's fallen against a car and hurt his head. He was apparently unconscious for ten minutes and doctors are concerned about damage to his head, neck and spine. As Bernard is joined at the hospital by his daughter Cassie and his ex-wife, it soon becomes clear that his accident is a result of an evening's drinking. Meanwhile, 83-year-old Ruby arrives with severe knee pain, accompanied by her worried daughter Sarah.

  • S02E11 Snow

    • July 25, 2012
    • Channel 4

    As snow falls and King's prepares for a surge in slips and falls on the ice, five-year-old Daisy is rushed into resus with her dad Damien after her skirt caught alight on their gas fire. She has first and second degree burns over around 13% of her body. Paediatric sister Jen needs to treat Daisy and try to ease her pain and distress. Daisy is losing fluid as a result of her burns so needs to be constantly replenished to keep her stable. Damien, who put the flames out with his bare hands, needs treatment for his injuries too. Dane has brought his 74-year-old dad Maurice to King's after he fell and hurt his hand. Maurice spent his working life as a concierge, dealing with celebrities and dignitaries, but he now has dementia and his short-term memory is failing him. As the snow continues, 61-year-old Ginger is being treated in minors. She was putting a cashmere jumper over her cat Hector to keep him warm when he scratched her and now her hand is infected and swollen. She's surprised to find out she may need to stay overnight at King's for treatment. Meanwhile, young burns victim Daisy needs to be transferred for specialist treatment, including skin grafts, but no one can be sure whether her scars will be permanent.

  • S02E12 The 'Q' Word

    • August 1, 2012
    • Channel 4

    This week the series focuses on the bond between parents and children and features the youngest patient ever featured on the series and what happens after the roles have to be reversed due to illness. Three-month-old Jaziah has been rushed to resus with breathing difficulties. He's severely underweight and has an enlarged liver. Consultant Jacqui needs to act fast to keep Jaziah alive, while his mum, Kenita, can only watch as the specialist paediatric team is called in to assist. Doctors are concerned that Jaziah's swollen liver signifies that there's a problem with his heart and that he may need immediate surgery to save his life. Meanwhile, in paediatric A&E, 18-month-old Charlie's mum Kerry is waiting for urine test results that could explain why he's been feeling unwell for five days. Ronald, who's 81, has been brought to King's by his daughter Tracey. He's had a suspected stroke, which is affecting his speech. He needs a CT scan to assess how serious it is and what his hopes of rehabilitation are. Registrar N'daba has been working with stroke patients for many years and has seen how quickly the parent/ child relationship is reversed. And as night falls, 19-year-olds Emily and Amber are waiting for news on Charlie, who they brought to the hospital after he hurt his hand. They've never met him before, but didn't want him to have to come to the hospital alone.

  • S02E13 Cause Unknown

    • August 8, 2012
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on patients whose illnesses prove tricky to diagnose. Nine-year-old Tino is rushed to resus after slumping over her desk at school. Usually a lively young girl, she can't remember what day it is or her surname. She doesn't even recognise her own mum. Consultant Liz is concerned that Tino is displaying the symptoms of encephalitis, a viral infection that causes swelling of the brain and that can have devastating consequences. In majors, 45-year-old Karen is experiencing numbness down her left side and needs a scan. But it soon becomes clear that Karen's condition is more complicated than it first appears. Karen's been told by various doctors over the years that her issue isn't physical, but psychological, but she won't accept it. Meanwhile, 11-year-old Bailey has been brought to King's after he was run over outside school by a slow moving car. He's broken his leg and has cuts to his face and body and has to endure the excruciating pain of having his broken leg physically re-straightened before it can be pinned.

  • S02E14 Life's Little Hiccups

    • August 15, 2012
    • Channel 4

    The final episode of the series focuses on men with very different problems who are all being treated at the King's Emergency Department on a busy night shift. Stacey, a 37-year-old dad of six, and grandfather, has come to King's with his girlfriend Tara. He's suffering from breathing difficulties. He had a collapsed lung eight years ago and is afraid the symptoms have returned. Stacey demands a bed and a sandwich as well as immediate attention from senior staff nurse Laura, who's in charge of the busy Minors section. But it becomes clear that his attitude masks vulnerability about being in hospital. Twenty-six-year-old Andrew trains at the gym every day with a group of friends who call themselves 'The Spartans', but he arrives at King's with back pain after being knocked off his motorbike by a car. Sam has been rushed to resus after being kicked and punched in the head and body outside one of London's most exclusive nightclubs. The 20-year-old is weak and numb, but has another reason not to want to be at King's: his dad died at the hospital. As well as possible injuries to his neck and spine, Sam also has a broken nose, and he's worried that he may have lost his looks. And Henry has had hiccups for three days. He's got a vital electrician's exam in the morning and registrar Faheem is determined to diagnose his problem and get him well in time.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Brief Encounter

    • April 10, 2013
    • Channel 4

    The third series begins with a powerful episode about how our lives can change forever in the blink of an eye. In a shocking random act of violence, a young woman is knocked to the ground after being punched in the face by a stranger on her way home from work. Lying in the street, she's fighting for her life when Andrew, a passer-by, finds her and calls 999. A&E doctor Des has worked at King's for over five years and is rarely shocked by what he sees, but when the unidentified young woman arrives in Resus with life-threatening swelling on her brain, the impact is felt by him and the entire department. Also in Resus is 12-year-old Tom. He was hit by a car on his way home from school and airlifted to King's by HEMS, the helicopter emergency medics. His mum Anna faces an agonising wait as A&E Consultant Emer assesses the extent of the damage to her son's brain. Meanwhile, 90-year-old ex-circus performer Frank is in A&E after collapsing at home. News of his colourful past - including training bears and lifting horses - quickly travels amongst the staff as they try to determine what brought him to King's.

  • S03E02 Three Sisters

    • April 17, 2013
    • Channel 4

    The RTS award-winning series continues with a moving and tender episode about three daughters' love for their mother and the fear of losing her. Eighty-year-old Rose has fluid on her lungs and is having trouble breathing. Her three daughters Christine, Sandra and Debbie put on brave faces around their mother's bedside, convincing her that everything will be all right, but in the relatives' room there is high emotion as they tearfully contemplate life without her. Debbie wants to get the grandchildren to the hospital before it's too late, but older sister Sandra thinks all the family being there will make their mum think it's her last rites. Sister Claire, who is looking after Rose, knows only too well the torment the families go through around end of life decisions: 'As doctors and nurses, we have to accept we can't change everything and there's not always a miracle cure,' she says. 'Once you accept it is happening you have to get it right. You can't get dying wrong'. Also in resus is Kevin, a 55-year-old trucker who jack-knifed his lorry, 'bullseyed' the windscreen and rolled down a verge. He was trapped in the wreckage for an hour before being cut free and air lifted to King's by the Kent air ambulance. He has injuries to his pelvis, neck and head. His wife Janet waits anxiously to find out how serious it is.

  • S03E03 Reality Check

    • April 24, 2013
    • Channel 4

    A powerful cautionary episode about events that shock people into reflecting on the way they live their lives. Thirty-nine-year-old Neil was driving a friend's sports car when he was involved in a head-on collision with another vehicle. After remaining trapped in the wreckage for over an hour, he's flown by HEMS, the helicopter emergency medics, to King's A&E. The main concern is potential paralysis from injury to his neck and back. Meanwhile in Minors, two patients have come in as the result of daredevil antics. Thomassine, who's 21, is a fledgling skateboarder who was encouraged by her best friend Andre to do a risky stunt in the park after dark and she's badly hurt her ankle. Another patient, 34-year-old Matias, tried to get onto a train after the doors had closed. With his hands trapped, he was dragged along the platform until he managed to pull himself free.

  • S03E04 Valentine's Day

    • May 1, 2013
    • Channel 4

    It's Valentine's Day and love is in the air at King's College Hospital's Accident and Emergency Department. 'Relationships in A&E, it can go either one way or the other,' says nurse Abbie. 'It can bring people closer together because they get a fright and then they realise that some things actually really don't matter now my partner's sick. But you do see the odd fight.' Father-of-three John, who's 53, was on his way to work when he came off his motorbike and struck a bollard, injuring his shoulder. Frances, his partner of 24 years, is abroad and John doesn't want to spoil her holiday - she worries about him going out on his motorbike every day - so he asks their son not to tell her he's in hospital. 'I'm a psychologist,' says John. 'Some of the work I do is with pain management and I teach particular skills to my clients - none of those skills were of any use to me at that time.' Consultant Graham decides John's pain is so bad that he'll give him ketamine: a sedative so strong it's also used as a horse tranquiliser. Gary is in King's with a bleed on the brain and a suspected stroke. His partner Tracy is at his side to support him. They met at a biker's rally in Kent ten years ago and are still deeply in love. Despite appearances, Gary is a secret softie. Eighty-four-year-old Ronald has been bitten by his dog Benjie while they were playing with a ball. Ronald's wife Cathy passed away after 50 years of marriage; Benjie is his constant companion, and is being very contrite since the accident.

  • S03E05 Second Chance

    • May 8, 2013
    • Channel 4

    The series continues with a moving and emotional episode about head injuries and the power of unconditional love. Forty-seven-year-old Chrissie was crossing the road near her home when she was hit by a motorcycle. The side of Chrissie's face took the brunt of the impact and the main concern is potential bleeding behind the eye or in the brain. Her husband Tim struggles to get to the hospital: he's stuck in the traffic jam her accident has caused. Chrissie and Tim first met over 20 years ago. It was love at first sight and Tim proposed almost immediately. But three weeks before the wedding, Chrissie changed her mind, Tim moved out and he never came back. Four years ago Chrissie got in touch looking for closure and they decided, finally, to get married. But could Chrissie's accident jeopardise their second chance of happiness? John is in Resus with a suspected stroke; fortunately, King's specialises in caring for stroke patients. He's confused and doesn't know what year it is. But in spite of his fears about memory loss, John's irrepressible sense of humour shines through. Meanwhile, Benedict, who's 22 and a gifted musician, has come into King's because of his drinking problems: he drinks over 70 units of alcohol a day. Damian, Benedict's dad, finds it difficult to watch the destructive nature of his son's alcoholism; can a father's unconditional love overcome such a terrible disease?

  • S03E06 Head First

    • May 15, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the worried parents of a young girl who fell dangerously at the diving pool, and the difficult work of the hospital's security team. Eight-year-old Abby hit her head after falling from the steps of a high diving board. The medical team need to scan her head and neck to check for serious injuries. 'Head injury in children always makes me worried,' says Paediatric Intensive Care Consultant Tushar. 'Seeing her getting drowsy was not good; her brain could be under pressure from a blood clot.' Abby's mum Nikki is at her beside, but dad Scott is in Scotland, having missed the last train home. Nikki is putting on a brave face and trying to hold things together for her daughter, but like every parent whose child is injured, inside she's terrified. 'I had to say to her you're going to be fine, you're doing really well, just to get through it,' she says. 'I noticed the sheer look of panic and that bottled-up emotion that every mother has when they're scared,' says Tushar. 'Wanting "please tell me this is going to all be all right". And I can't, because I will not give false hope.' Meanwhile, the hospital security team deals with over 50 incidents every month in A&E, ranging from verbal abuse to assault. Anne and Holton are both working the night shift, dealing with a variety of challenging patients in the hospital.

  • S03E07 Walk Like a Man

    • May 22, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This episode takes a moving - and sometimes light-hearted - look at when boys become men, and passing the baton between the generations. Twenty-six-year-old Nicholas has been punched in the face in a random attack. His jaw is fractured and dislocated and he can't close his mouth or speak. Consultant craniofacial surgeon Rob, a world-renowned specialist, puts Nicholas's jaw back in place with his 'magic thumb'. Tyrell has damaged his big toe playing football. The 17-year-old's blackened toe nail needs to be removed and his dad, Adrian, uses the opportunity to lecture him that experiencing pain is what separates men from boys and about the importance of knowing his family tree as well as he knows Spanish football. Ho, who's 26, has brought his 78-year-old grandma Amoui to King's after finding her collapsed in her flat. Amoui came to Britain during the Vietnam war and she's been like a mother to Ho. The thought of losing her is almost too much for her grandson to bear. Meanwhile, consultant Rob, the first person in his family to go to university - 'or, for that matter, to do an A level' - recalls his own rite of passage to becoming a man, with his father, who left school at 13 to work in a brick yard to support his family.

  • S03E08 No Regrets

    • May 29, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This episode is about living life to the full and not looking back. Forty-seven-year-old Gary was on his motorcycle when he had a head-on collision with a car. The single father of two is a code red trauma and is flown 50 miles to King's by air ambulance. He's on life support with serious head, chest and limb injuries and has been put in a medically-induced coma to reduce the risk of brain damage. A&E consultant Chris is leading a trauma team of 20 and her immediate concern is keeping Gary alive: 'You're thinking what will kill him first... you're always thinking of the chances of survival,' she says. In minors, 69-year-old charmer Steve has a fishbone stuck in his finger. It happened while he was preparing supper for a female friend. 'I was showing off my skills in cooking fish,' he says. 'I got somewhat distracted by her beauty, I just got complacent and that's when it happened.' His fear of pain and needles make it a challenge for the nurse to anaesthetise his finger and remove the bone. A year ago, 58-year-old Terry was diagnosed with lung cancer and given two weeks to live. But Terry's a fighter and won't give up easily. He's in A&E with his friend and carer Sandy, who looked after Terry's identical twin brother, Tom, during his last months and promised she would do the same for Terry.

  • S03E09 Live & Let Live

    • June 4, 2013
    • Channel 4

    A touching episode about people living on their own and reaching out to others. Thirty-two-year-old scaffolder Thomas has been struck on the back of the head by a six-metre pole at a building site in South London. He lost consciousness and was convulsing at the scene. Doctors are concerned he may have fractured his skull, spine or neck. Hilton has diabetes and is worried about his swollen legs. At 85, he lives on his own and looks after himself, but he's come to King's with his cousin Earl. Hilton keeps busy putting the world to rights and quipping with his cousin and Nancy, the nurse looking after him. 'I feel as young as ever, I'm quite happy,' says Hilton. 'Never married yet, I don't want nobody to have me pinned down to them. I like to be free.' Retired architect Edgar comes in after suffering an asthma attack. He's struggling to breathe, but A&E doctor Des realises that it's not just asthma that's troubling the 79-year-old. Edgar tells Des that his wife of 45 years, who was a nurse, passed away a few months earlier. He's grieving for her and has no one to turn to, so Des tries to get him some support. And in the waiting room two older women make friends, talk about their life, love and loss and exchange jokes with each other. As one of them points out philosophically, 'Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you sleep alone.'

  • SPECIAL 0x1 The Making of 24 Hours in A&E

    • June 4, 2013
    • Channel 4

    24 Hours in A&E is one of Channel 4's groundbreaking and critically acclaimed programmes. This documentary takes a look behind the scenes at how this large-scale production is made through every stage of the process. It asks why King's College Hospital allowed the cameras in, what impact the series has had on the hospital staff, and why the public agree to be filmed. Unlike most documentaries, the series captures life in the Emergency Department using what's called a 'fixed rig'. This programme captures the rig being set up, as 92 remotely-operated cameras, 100 microphones and 16 miles of wiring are installed in the department by technicians. The programme shows how the crew of 170 - an unprecedented number for a documentary - is assembled and trained. The team work on site for six weeks of non-stop round-the-clock filming, handling 8000 hours of footage to make 28 episodes of the series, which is broadcast in 54 countries. Months of preparation and detailed protocols are drawn up between the hospital, the production company and Channel 4, to ensure that the programmes can be made in such a sensitive environment without adversely affecting the work of the staff, or the care they provide for patients. The programme talks to staff about how they've been affected by the series and also revisits some of the most dramatic cases featured to see how patients and their families felt about being filmed and how they've got on since they appeared.

  • S03E10 Love & Pain

    • June 12, 2013
    • Channel 4

    The RTS Award-winning series continues with an episode about how men deal with pain - whether it's from injury or a broken heart. From fractures, breaks and dislocations to illness brought on by mental anguish, the staff at King's reflect on the different ways in which people deal with physical and emotional pain. 28-year-old Ahmed has dislocated his shoulder in a game of American football and has to grit his teeth while doctor Matt puts it back into place. The relief is immediate and Ahmed leaves A&E with a smile on his face. 'It's like scoring a goal when you manage to get a shoulder back in,' says Matt. 'Or winning £10 on the lottery.' But it's not so straightforward to offer such simple cures to people with long-term illnesses. 24-year-old Lee suffers from Behçet's Syndrome, a condition that affects the nervous system and causes pain so severe he passes out. He's had the disorder for six years and this is his third admission for chronic pain in the past two months alone. But fiancée Meghan is by Lee's side, looking after him. She's the person who keeps him going. 'Without her I don't think I'd be here right now,' says Lee. Meanwhile 30-year-old dad of four Simon is brought in by ambulance after being found unconscious at the bottom of a stairwell. It soon emerges that his partner of 10 years has ended their relationship and he's not eaten for days.

  • S03E11 Duty of Care

    • June 19, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This touching episode explores the responsibility of caring for elderly relatives, while reflecting on the full, and often colourful, lives that some of the older patients at King's have led. Ninety-four-year-old Douglas is a highly decorated Second World War veteran who served in an elite commando unit. He's been brought in to A&E by his youngest daughter Sylvie because his breathing has deteriorated. Sylvie, who's an amputee, has been his full-time carer for the last 20 years. Douglas has four children, 17 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren and a cheeky sense of humour. Another nonagenarian, Hector, has been brought in by ambulance with life-threatening problems: his airway is in danger of collapsing and his blood pressure is dangerously high. Hector is on his own and keeps asking for his grandson, Glen: his only living relative. 'He reckons that the key to long life was to live a decent life and make sure you eat your porridge,' says Glen. 'If my sons are half the man he was I'd still be happy.'

  • S03E12 For Better or Worse

    • June 26, 2013
    • Channel 4

    At King's, husbands and wives reflect on their enduring marriages and the changing nature of love, while the A&E staff talk about the wisdom that comes with experience. Scott is the senior nurse in charge of a very busy shift in Resus. All the beds are full, a trauma has just arrived and an air ambulance trauma is on its way. Pauline, who's 56, has had a fall at home, hitting her head on a table. She smashed her teeth, but the main concern is injury to her spine and neck. Pauline's propensity for accidents is a constant worry for her husband, John. Soon after, the air ambulance brings in satellite and aerial-fitter David from Sussex. The 62-year-old has fallen 30 feet head-first from a roof. He has life-threatening injuries to his head, chest and abdomen. His wife Pam is being blue-lighted into London by the police. Opera critic John and his wife Gudrun are in minors. John injured his leg on a skiing holiday and has pain in his ankle. They've been together for 48 years and John admits the longevity of their relationship probably comes down to his wife being in charge. Meanwhile, window cleaner Alfred, who still works at the age of 78, has had to come to terms with life without Peggy, his wife of nearly 60 years, who recently died in a nursing home.

  • S03E13 Mothers & Sons

    • July 3, 2013
    • Channel 4

    A powerful episode about the challenges of motherhood and the responsibility of raising sons. Sarah, who's 35, has had a blistering headache for four days. She's finally come in to A&E, worried that a recurring brain tumour she first had as a teenager has returned. Sarah says that, now that she has a young son of her own, the thought of going through it again 'is 100 times more scary.' Forty-seven-year-old mum Helen has come in with her 10-month-old son James who has been vomiting since the morning. James was born prematurely with a hole in his heart and one kidney and spent his first 13 weeks in hospital. Helen is worried that it could be something more serious than a stomach bug. 'With that history you can imagine I would be very protective,' says Helen. 'There was absolutely no way that I was taking any chances with him.' And Wayne, a 28-year-old glazer, has been stabbed twice in the leg as he tried to stop someone stealing his girlfriend's mobile phone outside a pub. His mum Joan reflects on her son's wayward youth and how he has turned his life around. 'It doesn't matter what they've done and what you've gone through, you're always going to be protective about them,' says Joan. 'And here's something happening that you have absolutely no control over.'

  • S03E14 Under the Influence

    • July 10, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on fall-related and alcohol-related injuries. One in ten patients in A&E comes in after a fall. Eleven-year-old Archie has tripped and fallen up a step at the school library and has badly cut his lip. Archie's worried about stitches, but he's also concerned about his rumbling tummy; he hasn't had his favourite dinner of chicken and chips. Kevin, a 57-year-old tree surgeon, has fallen off a stepladder, landing heavily on a sharp metal bar, and he's struggling to breathe. His wife June knows that he will never be a 'sitting in the armchair reading a book' kind of guy, but it's hard for her to see him in pain and the doctors are concerned he has punctured his lung. John, who's 53, has fallen down a flight of steps at the south London hostel where he lives. He's been drinking heavily and has a deep wound on the top of his head. John's first love was music, but he has hit hard times in recent years, including drugs and living on the streets. Meanwhile, 31-year-old barman Ross has fallen and smashed his head against a wall. He was leaving a club after an alcohol-fuelled work night out. He's fractured his eye socket and has a possible bleed on his brain, but the full extent of the damage won't be clear until he sobers up.

  • S03E15 A Few Good Men

    • July 17, 2013
    • Channel 4

    The King's medical team deal with challenges ranging from a critically-injured dad to an aggravated prisoner. Staff nurse Graeme is punched and bitten by a prisoner who's been brought in for treatment. The team have to restrain their patient before they can give him the care he needs. Father-of-two Tony, who's 59, is rushed in by helicopter medics after being badly hurt in a head-on road traffic collision. He was trapped in his van and had to be cut free. He has a dislocated hip and a smashed knee and can't feel his right leg, plus he has broken ribs and a collapsed lung. It's especially difficult for his parents: Tony's brother Dean died at King's from a brain haemorrhage when he was 17 and they face the prospect of losing another son at the hospital. Another patient arrives under police escort after a crash following a high-speed car chase. But just as doctors begin to diagnose him, he leaps out of bed and tries to escape. Medical and security staff scramble to catch and restrain him. Meanwhile, 85-year-old Eric has ongoing stomach problems. He and his partner Helen first met in the 1960s, but things didn't work out. They met again by chance at a doctor's surgery almost 30 years later and have stayed together since. And 79-year-old Jim has breathing difficulties. He quickly strikes up a rapport with the female staff and muses on what it means to be a gentleman, how to look after yourself in a fight and the importance of family.

  • S03E16 Grin and Bear It

    • July 24, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the different ways that people deal with pain and how the care and support of friends and family can help you get through almost anything. Motorcyclist Richard, who's 23, is rushed into A&E by helicopter, after colliding with a parked car at speed. He was flung through the air and hit another car's bonnet and a lamppost before landing face-down on the pavement. He's one of over 2500 road traffic accident victims treated by King's College Hospital every year. It's newly-promoted consultant Fleur's first shift in charge of trauma. She sends Richard off for scans to determine the extent of his injuries. They reveal that he has suffered fractures to the sockets and balls of both hips and injured one of his testicles and he'll need surgery to save it. Richard's dad Ian rushes in. He's always worried about his son riding motorbikes, but he did the same when he was younger and feels he would be a hypocrite to object. Bar worker Bobby, who's 22, stood, barefoot, on a broken wine bottle and has a deep cut. His best friend Sophie, who moved to London from Dublin with him, provides moral support and distracts him while junior doctor Ed stitches his foot up. Meanwhile, 75-year-old Sarah has fallen, fracturing her wrist. Doctors are also worried about her irregular heartbeat and high blood pressure. But Sarah deals with the pain stoically, supported by her daughter Lorraine and son Kieron, who's forced to acknowledge that his mum isn't as young as she used to be and that their relationship is changing.

  • S03E17 Tough Love

    • July 31, 2013
    • Channel 4

    A young man who has had a severe reaction to a recreational drug is wheeled into Resus by paramedics, and senior sister Jen and the medical team face a challenge to calm their patient down so they can treat him. A 65-year-old woman is brought in by her best friends after hitting her head when she fell off a chair while playing bingo, and a 31-year-old man with multiple sclerosis is rushed in after developing a fever at home

  • S03E18 Twilight

    • August 7, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This moving episode looks at the start and end of life, as well as the joys and fears of living alone. Seventy-five-year-old Graham is brought in to A&E having been the victim of a random attack - he's been stabbed in the neck with a pair of scissors by a stranger on his doorstep. Graham is also vulnerable because he suffers from schizophrenia. Meanwhile, 89-year-old Pat, a former nursery nurse, arrives having been found at the bottom of her stairs with no recollection of how she got there. Mum of five Cheryl has brought her four-year-old son Dylan into King's as he's struggling to breathe. Then things get even worse as Cheryl's eldest son Saner also has to be rushed in for treatment for a severe asthma attack.

  • S03E19 Night Shift

    • August 14, 2013
    • Channel 4

    On a busy Saturday night the A&E staff have to juggle the needs of elderly patients and sick children with patients who are drunk or violent. Dr Fleur, who's six months pregnant, is the lead trauma consultant working with senior sister Jen during a hectic night shift in Resus. The department's full and some patients can be challenging. Twelve-year-old Grace has fallen down a flight of stairs and has potentially serious spine and neck injuries. She's brought into Resus by paramedics with her mum Michelle and needs to have a CT scan to assess the extent of the damage. Parents Sarah and Andy have brought in their 10-month-old son Dexter, who's been vomiting, has a high temperature and is unresponsive. Later, 88-year-old Irene is brought in by ambulance after suffering with chest pains through the night. As she reflects about growing up in London during the war, her son Stuart faces up to the fact that his own role in the family is changing. Meanwhile, clinical site manager Gordon has worked at Kings' for 14 years. He's in charge of the day-to-day running of hospital resources, including the hospital beds. When senior sister Jen notices that he has a bloodshot eye she suggests he gets his blood pressure checked. Further tests reveal news that changes Gordon's life.

  • S03E20 Life Blood

    • August 21, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on a young girl who is seriously injured when she's run over by a bus, as well as other pedestrians who've ended up as patients at King's College Hospital in south London. Twelve-year-old Jade from Kent is rushed 20 miles to King's after being hit by a car and knocked under a bus while walking to school. Her shocked mum Amanda travels with her in the ambulance, alongside a police officer. Doctors are concerned that Jade may have fractured her skull and could have internal injuries, so she needs an emergency CT scan to determine the extent of her injuries. Trauma consultant Des and a specialist paediatric team are on hand to deal with Jade's injuries and the staff are conscious that it's hard for her parents too. Just a few hours later, Des has his second road traffic victim of the day. Sixty-year-old Geraldine was on her way home from a shopping trip when she was knocked over by a car while trying to cross the road. Meanwhile, in minors, 40-year-old Brian has broken his ankle after falling while running for a bus. He's recently been released from prison and his electronic curfew tag is attached to his injured leg. His increasingly swollen ankle means it will have to be cut off. And six-year-old Linus has come in with his mum Polly after claiming to have swallowed a toy ring. And much to his mum's surprise, she finds out this isn't the first time he's consumed small metal objects.

  • S03E21 Worst Case Scenario

    • August 28, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on men of all ages facing illness and their fears. Seventy-nine-year-old Arthur has been brought to Resus after complaining of stomach pains. The medics are trying to work out which of his underlying conditions could be to blame: he's on kidney dialysis, and has an existing ulcer and an enlarged aorta (the major artery in the heart). But Arthur's not one for complaining; he's known tough times. As a boy, Arthur was evacuated from London during the Blitz, but was brought back by his mother. 'She said "If we're going to die, we may as well die in our own home"', he says. Arthur's daughter Debbie talks proudly about her father's positive attitude to life. Meanwhile, 20-year-old Tom, who works as a wine merchant, is rushed into A&E after collapsing with acute chest pain and difficulty breathing. Tom's normally fit and well, and has no history of a heart condition or respiratory problems. Doctors are uncertain of the underlying cause of his pain. Tom's dad Bob was understandably seriously worried to get the call from A&E. And retired soldier Rockey has come to King's with his wife Cordelia after experiencing blurred vision. Rockey, who was born in Guyana, is worried it could be a detached retina, which could lead to blindness. But Rockey does tend to be a glass-half-full kind of person, perhaps with good reason.

Season 4

  • S04E01 Life in the Fast Lane

    • November 13, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on patients rushed into King's after being involved in serious traffic accidents, and shows that not all problems are immediately obvious. Steve, a 48-year-old retired soldier, arrives for special treatment after driving off a road and being found unconscious at the wheel of his car. But doctors don't know whether Steve lost consciousness before the crash so they need to run tests to ascertain what happened. Eleven-year-old schoolgirl Scarlett has been knocked down by a car on her way to the Science Museum. She's anxious on arrival so the King's team, led by consultant Firas, have to calm her down so that they can treat her. Seventy-year-old Pauline was hit by a car that mounted the pavement, seriously injuring her lower legs. As someone who's always put others first, Pauline reflects on the novelty of having to let others do things for her.

  • S04E02 Love Hurts

    • November 20, 2013
    • Channel 4

    The series continues with a touching episode dedicated to love. Concerned young parents Nicole and Stefian arrive in Resus by ambulance with their 19-month-old baby daughter Xah'Nae. She's been vomiting, has a high fever and has become floppy and unresponsive. The King's medical team are concerned that Xah'Nae may have a life-threatening infection around her brain and in her spine, possibly encephalitis. Doctors hope a strong mixture of antibiotic and anti-viral drugs will stabilise her. Meanwhile, 61-year-old Christine is brought into Resus, unconscious after collapsing in her sister's bathroom. She had a stroke 10 years ago, and the doctors are concerned that she may have had another. As the medical team treats Christine and tries to establish why she passed out, her husband Dave contemplates their life together. They've been married for 42 years, and Dave paints a picture of a relationship that's tempestuous but founded on true love. Graham, who's 52, has fallen over in the bathroom and hit his head. He's been brought in to A&E by his adoring sisters Christine and Jean, who are also his carers. Graham has Down's syndrome and has recently developed dementia. Christine and Jean stay by Graham's side, giving him constant reassurance as he's scanned and has his wound treated. The two sisters discuss their love for their little brother and the challenges and joys of caring for him, and contemplate what the future holds for them all.

  • S04E03 One Day at a Time

    • November 27, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the strong bonds within families and the challenge of breaking bad news. Bill, who's 92, arrives at King's with breathing difficulties and a swollen leg. He's accompanied by his stepdaughter Jo. As he's treated, doctors suspect the shortness of breath and swelling could be due to a clot and send him for X-rays. But the test results suggest there may be something more serious wrong. Meanwhile, Bill talks about reaching his nineties and his strong bond with his stepdaughter. Andy comes into King's with stomach cramps. The 45-year-old had a liver transplant 10 years ago and, as doctors investigate the cause of his discomfort, Andy reflects on living with someone else's liver, growing up in the East End, his time as a punk living in a squat in Waterloo and his career with the Royal Navy. Sarah, who's 25, has been finding it hard to stand up and has been brought into King's by her mum and grandfather. Sarah has learning difficulties as a result of an inherited genetic disorder. Her dad died from the same condition when she was just seven. As her symptoms deteriorate, doctors are concerned she may have suffered a stroke. Sarah's grandfather Clive is by her side throughout. He reflects on his strong bond with Sarah and their mutual love of Charlton Athletic.

  • S04E04 Remember Me

    • December 4, 2013
    • Channel 4

    More than 400 patients are treated in a busy 24 hours at King's. Peggy, who's 85, arrives by ambulance with her doting husband Clement. She's fallen at home and hurt her knee. It's the second time she's fallen in two months and medics want to find out if there's something more serious going on. Peggy suffers from Alzheimer's, and Clement reminisces about their life together, including how he proposed to her by accident. But he knows her condition is getting worse. Bob, who's 75, arrives by ambulance after a suspected heart attack. He has a history of heart disease and has had a triple bypass. The medical team are keeping him under a close watch. Bob talks about the pros and cons of being an older father to his 25-year-old son Matthew, who reflects on being a young boy with a dad people assume is your granddad. And they both contemplate the future. Meanwhile brothers Ben and James arrive at King's after a night out in the West End. Ben's finger has become very swollen and painful. The 25-year-old isn't overly concerned, but the doctor diagnoses cellulitis. It can be serious - and could lead to potentially fatal septicaemia - so Ben will need to be seen by a plastic surgeon and have an operation.

  • S04E05 Mum's the Word

    • December 11, 2013
    • Channel 4

    Twelve-year-old Eddie is brought into A&E by ambulance after being hit by a car on his way home from school. Eddie's head 'bullseyed' the windscreen and he was thrown, somersaulting twice before landing on the pavement. Eddie's accompanied by his sister Chloe while his mum, Justine, rushes back from a rare day out with friends in central London to be by his side. It turns out this is the accident-prone schoolboy's fourth visit to A&E on a blue light. Concerned that Eddie may have suffered a bleed on the brain, consultant Liz sends him for a CT scan. And when blood is detected in his urine, Eddie is sent for a second scan in case of damage to his kidneys. Linda, who's 64, is brought into King's after suffering from respiratory failure at home. Having recently undergone an operation to treat cancer, she now breathes with the help of a tracheostomy, a small hole in her windpipe. And, as her vocal chords had to be removed, Linda communicates with the medical team by writing notes. Linda reflects on what it was like to lose her voice, working as an undertaker and going on pub crawls with her late husband, John. Meanwhile, 20-year-old student Amy has come into King's with her friend Helena after coughing up blood and experiencing headaches and chest pain. And Courtney, who's also 20, has been sent to King's by her optician, who detected an unusual swelling behind her eyes.

  • S04E06 Next of Kin

    • December 18, 2013
    • Channel 4

    This episode explores how friends and relatives can help in the healing process. Stacie, who's 38, is transferred to King's early in the morning after falling out of a tree onto her head at a friend's all-night divorce party. She's accompanied by her ex-boyfriend John and old friend Laura, who've come to be by her side and act as next of kin. It's evident that Stacie has been badly hurt, but doctors have to work out the severity of the injuries to her spine and neck. When it becomes clear that her spine is broken in two places and that Stacie has no feeling below her hips the medical team worry that she may be paralysed. Nineteen-year-old veterinary student Ashleigh is rushed to A&E by helicopter after being involved in a high-speed head-on car crash. She was driving home for Sunday lunch at the time and was left trapped in her car after the collision. Ashleigh is agitated and doctors have to sedate her so she doesn't further injure herself and so that she can be stabilised for scanning. The medical team are concerned that Ashleigh may have a brain injury. Her mother Angela and stepfather Paul arrive, as does her dad Pete. As Ashleigh receives treatment, they reflect on their lives with her. Meanwhile, 78-year-old Peter arrives at King's on his own with abdominal pains. As he's treated, Peter paints a picture of his life: being rescued as a young child from a concentration camp by Russian soldiers and going around the world four times: twice on a motorbike. But he's not met the right woman to settle down with yet.

Season 5

  • S05E01 A Time to Laugh

    • January 8, 2014
    • Channel 4

    On Red Nose Day, patients and staff at King's reflect on the importance of being able to focus on the brighter side of life. Dilson, who's 33, is rushed in by ambulance with severe knife wounds after being repeatedly stabbed in the head and neck as he tried to stop a fight outside a nightclub. Dilson is agitated when he arrives and the staff have to calm him down before they can properly assess his injuries. It's vital he has a CT scan as it's incredibly difficult to judge how serious a stabbing is from a visual inspection. Doreen, who's 79, arrives at King's after falling at home and breaking her wrist. Doreen's daughter Helen arrives to be with her mother. As Doreen's wrist is treated, mother and daughter describe their strong bond and the pain they both experienced when Doreen and her husband had to have their young children taken into care when they couldn't cope. Helen tracked down Doreen when she was in her twenties and they're now inseparable. Meanwhile, two-year-old Cydney is brought into paediatric A&E by her concerned parents, Keeley and Michael. Cydney hasn't had a wee for two days. Consultant Firas thinks the toddler will be fine, but he wants her to have blood tests to make sure. As they wait for the results, Keeley and Michael reflect on the highs and lows of becoming parents at 13, and how they've decided to stop at four kids.

  • S05E02 Pick Me Up

    • January 15, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode meets patients at King's facing up to some difficult home truths. Consultant Des is running Resus. One of his patients is 50-year-old mechanical engineer Graham, who's rushed to King's by ambulance. He's had a suspected heart attack after complaining of chest pains. Graham is accompanied by his brother and business partner Tony, who talks about their carefree days in the 80s, their funny haircuts and the bars in Bermondsey where they used to hang out. As Des treats Graham it becomes clear that stress and lifestyle could have been contributing to his health problems over time. It's a moment of reckoning for Graham and his wife Gina, who arrives to be at his side. Tests confirm that Graham has suffered a heart attack and he is transferred to the specialist heart attack centre at King's, where cardiologist Phil carries out a procedure to reopen a blocked artery. Pat, who's 71, is taken to King's by paramedics after her husband Bill found her unconscious at home. Bill and the doctors are concerned because she has a history of brain haemorrhages. As Pat's symptoms worsen doctors take her for a CT scan to determine whether she's suffered a brain injury. Bill talks about their long life together and how she loves Elvis Presley and dancing, although he has two left feet. Meanwhile, 65-year-old Mick is brought to King's after a neighbour found him lying in the street with blood coming out of his ear. Doctors are concerned that his confusion might partly be a result of a brain haemorrhage and he has to be sedated to allow doctors to do a scan of his neck and brain to discover if he's had an internal bleed to his brain.

  • S05E03 Luck of the Draw

    • January 22, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode looks at the lottery of life through the eyes of patients and their relatives in A&E. Alyce, who's 89, is brought to King's by ambulance after falling near her home. She's accompanied by her neighbour and close friend Linda. Alyse reveals her resolve to make sure she lives long enough to celebrate her next birthday: her 90th. And as doctors run tests to rule out anything serious, Alyce talks about her childhood and about the love of her life, her husband Steve, who never called her 'Alyce', only 'Babe', and tried to pinch her bum on the stairs. Soon after, 23-year-old Sean is rushed to King's after a seizure that has lasted most of the night. He's brought to King's three to four times a year for seizures that stem from his epilepsy. When the seizure stops, Sean suggests that the latest episode has been brought on by the stress of his imminent wedding. And Sean and his fiancée Zara describe how they met and how they manage life with the ever present threat of Sean's illness. Meanwhile, 57-year-old father of one John comes to King's after suffering bouts of delirium, the result of liver disease. John may have developed Hepatitis C after experimenting with drugs when he lived in a squat 40 years ago. John is learning to live with the consequences and trying to spend as much time as he can with his son, Sean, who has a terminal brain disorder. John touchingly considers how his condition is the result of his own misadventure whereas his son is ill through no fault of his own.

  • S05E04 Wake Up Call

    • January 29, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode shows how a trip to A&E can act as a long overdue wake-up call. Malcolm, who's 56, has been rushed to King's after suffering a cardiac arrest, and is on life support. His wife Heather found him when his heart stopped and she managed to resuscitate him after two minutes, before the paramedics arrived. Heather and Malcolm's daughters feel that his survival was fate as Heather wouldn't usually have been at home to save him. Phil, who's 36, has come to King's with chronic pain in his back and side. Nightclub host Phil lives on tequila and milk, with virtually no solids. It's clear that Phil's party lifestyle, including over 100 units of alcohol a week, is taking its toll. As he's treated, Phil reflects on living the life of a 21-year-old at 36. Meanwhile, 12-year-old Kamilla is rushed to King's after being knocked down by a car on a pedestrian crossing on her way home from school. Doctors are worried that she has injured her head and neck. While Kamilla is scanned by doctors, her mother Nora talks about coming to England from Lithuania, her first impressions of London and her strong bond with her daughter. Finally, 61-year-old Bob has come in to A&E after developing numbness in his arm. Medics discover that Bob has suffered a stroke. His son Steven talks emotionally about what his father means to him, while he tries to keep a sense of humour.

  • S05E05 City of Angels

    • February 5, 2014
    • Channel 4

    While some have obvious symptoms, others initially baffle the medical team. Consultants Graham and Firas are running A&E and tensions run high as police suspect a patient has come to King's with a concealed weapon. 'I guess it's part of King's - you expect the unexpected,' says Firas. Mother-of-four Hillary, who's 58, arrives in Resus by air ambulance with a severe head injury after falling from her horse. Hillary stopped breathing at the scene of the accident, blew a pupil and was put into an induced coma. Firas suspects a life-threatening brain injury and Hillary is put in the specialist neurological unit while two of her children rush to King's to be by her side. Meanwhile, Icylyn comes to King's with a bloated abdomen. Consultant Graham initially thinks she might be pregnant, but tests rule that out and her symptoms throw the medics. Icylyn will have to wait overnight for diagnosis, but Graham is concerned that her symptoms could be the result of something serious. Icylyn is accompanied by her best friend Tony, who talks about their relationship and ponders what's really important in life. And 14-year-old Chloe is in Resus after getting involved in a fight after school. Doctors are worried that she may have injured her neck. As she's treated, Chloe talks about her love of high street fashion, the importance of having her nails painted regularly and what the people in her life mean to her.

  • S05E06 The Fall

    • February 12, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the huge variety of cases that come in to King's A&E every day and the even more varied life stories that the patients and their relatives have to tell. Sister Jen is on duty in Resus. She's looking after 48-year-old Bobby, who's been brought to King's by his partner, Jackie, after having seizures at home. Bobby has spent most of his adult life in prison, with a number of convictions for violent crimes. While doctors control Bobby's seizures he talks about his life, from being sent out by his parents as a six-year-old child to steal dinner, to being put into care, an approved school, borstal and eventually prison. And he reflects on how Jackie has helped him to turn a corner and change his life. Seventy-year-old Ronald is brought to King's by paramedics. He was celebrating his 46th wedding anniversary with his wife Carole when he had problems breathing and she had to call an ambulance. As doctors examine Ronald to find out what has happened the couple talk about their life together and the difference between nagging and asking. Meanwhile, seven-year-old Rienelle is rushed to A&E after falling two metres from the top of a climbing frame at school, landing on her back. She's come to King's with her teacher, while her parents are on their way to the hospital. It's a paediatric trauma call and for consultant Chris this makes it particularly challenging.

  • S05E07 Amongst Friends

    • February 19, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode explores the importance of friendships for both staff and patients in A&E. David, who's 23, is brought to King's after having seizures uncontrollably for 30 minutes. He was found on the floor at home by his housemate Mike, who has accompanied him to hospital. This is David's second trip to A&E in a fortnight due to his epilepsy. 'If someone doesn't stop to fit after half an hour, we will become very concerned,' says Dr Ling. 'Brain damage is a concern, so there's a pressure to get on top of the situation quickly.' David isn't responding to drugs so Ling weighs up the benefits of putting him into an induced coma to stop the seizures. Meanwhile, 49-year-old Suzette and her grandson Azario have come to King's after Suzette was knocked over by a cyclist. While Suzette waits to be seen, four-year-old Azario races around A&E on his scooter, reminding visitors and patients to wash their hands. And best friends Selin and Maria have come to King's after Selin cut her hand while taking the stone out of an avocado. While Selin has her finger stitched up by Dr Ling, she and Maria discuss what friendship means to them.

  • S05E08 Bolt from the Blue

    • February 26, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode explores how life can change in the blink of an eye and how life or death depends on the actions of those around you when things go wrong. Leanne is the sister in charge of Resus today. Kevin, who's 78, is rushed to A&E by ambulance after suffering a cardiac arrest while exercising at the gym. Luckily for Kevin, gym instructor Jeff was nearby and was trained to use the gym's portable defibrillator to save his life. Kevin's wife Maureen was next door in the gym's swimming pool while all this was going on and came out of the changing rooms to find out that her husband's heart had stopped for a minute. Kevin begins to stabilise and he's sent to the specialist cardiac catheter lab for an emergency procedure. Meanwhile, 23-year-old paramedic Declan has been brought into A&E by his colleague Amy. He's feeling dizzy and junior doctor Sammy is concerned that there are signs he may have a problem with his brain so she sends him for an emergency CT scan to find out what's happening. And 83-year-old Monica has been rushed to King's after falling at home. Monica suffers from osteoporosis and is complaining of numbness in her leg after the fall. Her initial x-ray appears to indicate that she's suffered a broken neck. As she's treated, Monica talks about scrumping apples as a child, missing out on being a mother and losing her husband in a tragic accident.

Season 6

  • S06E01 Stand By Me

    • May 7, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode looks at how A&E is a place where mums and girlfriends show their natural instinct to protect their men. Four-year-old Alfie is rushed to King's with a broken thighbone after falling off his bike into a sandpit. The medical team are concerned that Alfie may have ruptured an artery, causing internal bleeding. It's a shock for Alfie's mum, Toni, who reveals why she is so protective of her son: her sister was murdered when she was a child. Nineteen-year-old Chris is brought in from a rugby match in Kent, having suffered suspected neck and spinal injuries from a hard impact during the game. Chris is experiencing numbness and the injuries look serious, so the medical team perform a series of tests, including a CT scan. He's accompanied by his mum and dad, as well as by his girlfriend, Becky, who stays by his side as they await news. Meanwhile, 42-year-old James has chest pains and is struggling to breathe. While the medical team find out what's wrong, James and his wife Fiona joke that he's a hypochondriac. But the tests show that they were right to come to King's.

  • S06E02 Young at Heart

    • May 14, 2014
    • Channel 4

    King's is a specialist stroke centre, treating over 1300 stroke patients each year. This episode features the work of the stroke team over 24 hours in the Emergency Department. Laura, who's 72, is rushed to King's after suffering a suspected stroke. She can't speak and her husband Camillo, her daughter Gabby and her grandchildren are soon by her bedside. With scans showing a blood clot on Laura's brain, the family have to decide, with the help of the medical team, whether she should have the clot-busting drug that could reduce the risk of permanent brain damage, but that carries a low risk of serious side effects. Father-of-three Nic walks into King's and collapses in reception. He's the over-40s National BMX Champion and has fallen 20 feet off his bike while performing a stunt in training. The medics are concerned that Nic doesn't appreciate how bad his injuries could be. Meanwhile, 83-year-old Marjorie has come to King's with pain behind her eye following a recent bout of shingles. While Marjorie is treated, her husband David talks about being born in a workhouse and how his family life only began after he met Marjorie, when her dog 'got naughty' with his.

  • S06E03 Going the Distance

    • May 21, 2014
    • Channel 4

    Patients and staff at King's reflect on getting older and coming to terms with mortality. Brian, who's 74, is brought into King's by ambulance after falling backwards down a flight of stairs and being knocked unconscious. Brian has severe dementia and lives in sheltered accommodation, but he was staying at his partner Margaret's house at the time of the accident. Margaret speaks about the challenges of Brian's illness as well as their life together. 'The one thing he does keep saying is that he loves me. I think when that goes, that will really seem like the end,' she says. Meanwhile, Sylvester has brought his two-year-old son, Sylvester Junior, in to paediatric A&E after the toddler hit his head on a chair at church and cut his forehead. Sylvester speaks about the joys of fatherhood and how Junior can't keep still. And 70-year-old Leonard, a builder from South London, comes to King's with his partner Susanne. He's lost sensation down his left side and the medics are worried that he may have had a stroke, particularly as he has suffered a previous mini stroke. As the medics treat Leonard, he and Susanne describe how they met - when she was an 18-year-old croupier and he was a cab driver two decades her senior driving her home after a shift - as well as having six kids and what keeps Leonard feeling and acting younger than his age.

  • S06E04 Resilience

    • May 28, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on older patients who've had to show resilience in their lives. Ellen, who's 86, has been brought in by ambulance after her daughters Carole and Janet found her collapsed on the floor at home. As she was on the floor for a long time, Ellen's body temperature has dropped dangerously low to just 27 degrees. She's also lost five pints of blood. The medics want to get Ellen warmed up as soon as possible, give her a blood transfusion and find out why she's lost so much blood. Meanwhile, Carole and Janet talk about their mum's uncomplaining nature and her lifelong work ethic. Martin, who's 75, is rushed to King's with severe abdominal pain. Doctors think appendicitis could be the cause. They give him morphine for the pain and prepare him for emergency surgery. As the medical team treat him, Martin talks about living alone and never being happy. But he also reveals his pride in his son Steve, a history professor based in America, and how much he looks forward to his visits home. Meanwhile, 70-year-old Lula is brought in after suffering a suspected stroke. The mum of 10 arrived in England from Sierra Leone in 2003, just after the civil war ended. Neurologists scan Lula's head to find out what's happened and have to decide whether to operate. And toddler Zara has come to A&E with some Lego stuck up her nose. It falls to junior doctor Jim to try to extract it.

  • S06E05 Throw of the Dice

    • June 4, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode shows how A&E is somewhere that wisdom and insight is passed not just from medic to medic, but also from generation to generation. Fifteen-year-old Linden is brought to A&E having badly cut his leg while back-flipping off a shed roof onto a trampoline. As well as calling an ambulance, Linden's friends filmed the accident on their mobile phones and happily show the clip to A&E staff. But Linden's mum Liz is less impressed and worries whether her son will ever learn to be more careful. Junior doctor Sammy is looking after 88-year-old Panayiota, who's been referred to hospital with breathing difficulties. Originally from Cyprus, Panayiota speaks very little English and Sammy has to telephone a translator to help with the diagnosis and treatment. Panayiota's daughter Maria talks about her strained relationship with her strict mum. Meanwhile, 55-year-old lorry driver Antony has come to King's having lost all feeling in his left leg. An ultrasound scan reveals that Antony has a blocked artery and needs emergency surgery or he could lose his leg. Antony's smoked for 40 years. He realises that it's likely to have contributed to his condition, but he says that it's his only enjoyment in life.

  • S06E06 Family Matters

    • June 9, 2014
    • Channel 4

    It's a busy Mother's Day at south London's King's College Hospital as 23-year-old builder Jamie is rushed in by paramedics having fallen from the roof of a three-storey building, landing on a brick wall. The team performs an emergency ultrasound to determine whether he has suffered internal injuries or fractured his ribs and spine, and spot a punctured lung that needs to be reinflated. Four-month-old Weston has been brought to paediatric A&E after suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting for more than 24 hours, while doctors suspect David, 74, has had a stroke. Junior doctor Matt looks after 80-year-old Daphne, who has dislocated her replacement hip.

  • S06E07 Boys Don't Cry

    • June 16, 2014
    • Channel 4

    Max, 16, is brought to King's College Hospital by air ambulance after falling 14ft onto his face at a skate park, and the results of the CT scan show a life-threatening bleed on his brain, meaning the next 12 hours are critical, as well as being an agonising wait for his parents. Meanwhile, 13-year-old Hector has injured his hip playing football and needs an X-ray to confirm whether his leg is broken.

Season 7

  • S07E01 One Fine Day

    • October 30, 2014
    • Channel 4

    The St George's trauma team fight to save the life of a young woman after a horrific motorbike accident. Dental nurse Kerry, who's 29, arrives from Essex by emergency air ambulance on the hospital's new helipad. She lost control of her motorbike, completely severing her right leg below the knee. Kerry's grandparents were always worried about her getting a motorbike and were among the first on the scene of the accident. Due to the severity of her injuries, specialists from seven different departments have been called in to treat Kerry. But the medics need to stabilise Kerry before they can see if it's possible to re-attach her leg. 'The first priority is always life. Limb comes second,' says consultant Jai. Meanwhile, 11-year-old Luke is brought in to the department after suffering a prolonged epileptic seizure. Luke has a form of complex epilepsy that has left him with severe learning difficulties and he has up to three seizures a week. While the paediatric team stabilises Luke, his mum and dad discuss their love for their son and the challenges of living with his condition. And 19-year-old Tina comes to A&E after stepping on a sewing needle, which is stuck inside her foot. But she seems more keen to take advice from her mum in Bulgaria than from Mo, the doctor treating her.

  • S07E02 Seize The Day

    • November 6, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the treatment of sporting enthusiasts who've been injured on two wheels. Nineteen-year-old Billy has been thrown 20 feet from his motocross bike during a race, suffering multiple spinal injuries, and he's lost sensation from the chest down. He's been transferred from a hospital in Brighton to St George's for treatment by the specialist neurosurgical team. Billy's parents and brothers witnessed his crash and are by his bedside, braced for the worst. Meanwhile, 53-year-old teacher Dave has facial injuries after riding his new bicycle into the back of a stationary car in Richmond Park. The crash is a wake-up call for Dave. 'It makes you realise you are quite vulnerable,' he says. 'Maybe I'll go back to golf and fishing!' And 30-year-old adrenaline junkie and ex-Royal Marine Richard has badly dislocated his thumb after falling off a bicycle. As the emergency team try to realign the tip of his thumb, Richard enjoys the effects of the pain-killing gas and air while reflecting on his time in the marines and the evolutionary benefits of risk.

  • S07E03 Someone To Love

    • November 13, 2014
    • Channel 4

    Tree surgeon Paul, 38, is rushed into Resus by ambulance from Kent after falling 25 feet from a tree. He has a head wound and is complaining of shooting pains in his back and pins and needles in his feet. Doctors are concerned that he may have injured his spine. 'When the patient comes in if they're complaining of pins and needles my heart always sinks' says orthopaedic doctor Mike. 'It could be a sign that there is trauma to the spinal cord which can cause paralysis'. A CT scan shows that Paul has broken a vertebra in his back and medics are concerned fragments of bone could damage his spinal cord. Meanwhile Anthony, 66, who's recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's and Prostate cancer, has fallen down fifteen stairs at home. He's very frail and a scan reveals that he's broken some ribs, puncturing a lung and will need a chest drain. His wife Jennifer reflects on how they met through a dating agency in 1975. 'We met up in London somewhere. And he had this funny tweed coat with a belt round the middle and I thought 'I don't like that!'

  • S07E04 Stay With Me

    • November 20, 2014
    • Channel 4

    Former boxer Paul, 22, has been stabbed in the face and arm with a broken bottle outside a nightclub in Kingston. As the team works to stop the bleeding and treat the patient's wounds, his girlfriend Naveena reflects on his sensitive side. Angela, 93, is brought to A&E by her daughter Elizabeth after suffering from blood loss and disorientation at her care home, while 70-year-old John arrives with his wife Francesca after falling while out running and dislocating his shoulder. To get John's pain under control quickly the medics give him ketamine, and the hallucinogenic side effects keep everyone entertained

  • S07E05 Bouncing Back

    • November 27, 2014
    • Channel 4

    The team at St George's treats patients who have injured themselves through work or play. Iain, 60, is rushed in by ambulance after falling 10ft off a ladder on to his head while fixing an air-conditioning unit. He has a deep laceration above his right eye and doctors can't guarantee he won't lose some of his sight. Student teacher Lloyd is helped into A&E by his friend Mollie after injuring his foot on an inflatable obstacle course on their last day at university. Lucy has had a trampolining accident in her family's garden and medics fear the 13-year-old may have suffered a neck injury

  • S07E06 Strong Medicine

    • December 4, 2014
    • Channel 4

    The team treats two trauma patients arriving by helicopter on the hospital's new helipad. Eric, 75, collapsed shortly after falling from a ladder while pruning trees in his garden. He is stabilised and put in an induced coma while a CT scan is used to determine any internal injuries. IT consultant Mihhail, 29, is admitted after crashing his motorbike at high speed and again a CT scan is employed to look for hidden wounds. He's later transferred to the Intensive Care Unit while specialists decide how to repair the damage to his liver and stop his internal bleeding. Meanwhile, 22-year-old performing arts student Maria complains of chest pains and 82-year-old Rusty is treated for a broken ankle sustained in a road accident

  • S07E07 Chip off the Block

    • December 11, 2014
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the important links we have to our immediate family and the qualities that we inherit from our parents. Freddie, seven, is brought in after falling several metres from a tree in his garden. He's been in and out of consciousness and doctors are concerned he could have head or spinal injuries. Martin, 66, collapsed at home and spent the night on the floor, and he's now experiencing poor eyesight and dizziness. The stroke team diagnoses a blood clot, but because of the amount of time that has passed since the incident, clot-busting drugs will have little effect. Elsewhere, eight-year-old Jayden has come to St George's with swollen eyes, the result of severe hay fever.

  • S07E08 In A Heartbeat

    • December 18, 2014
    • Channel 4

    Retired builder Roger has fallen 13ft from his daughter's roof and the trauma team is concerned he may have badly injured his head, back and neck. Folk musician Tad, 29, has come to A&E after developing a dangerously high heart rate, and doctors must use an electric shock to try to get it back to normal. Meanwhile, 69-year-old Richard is brought in after being found unwell at home by his son, and there are fears he has developed a serious infection.

Season 8

  • S08E01 Modern Families

    • January 7, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Thirteen-year-old Will gets a CT scan for head injuries sustained in a baseball accident, baby Amira has an irregular heartbeat, and pizza delivery rider Chris has been knocked off his motorbike

  • S08E02 Addicted to Love

    • January 14, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Carole, who's 45, has had a heart attack. She talks about being put into care when she was 11, using heroin, turning her life around then losing touch - until recently - with her partner.

  • S08E03 Every Minute Counts

    • January 21, 2015
    • Channel 4

    The staff at St George's tackle one of their most dramatic and unusual emergencies. Rail worker Alan has been hit by a high-speed train and is at risk of losing his right arm.

  • S08E04 Do No Harm

    • January 28, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Eleven-month-old Isabel is rushed to St George's after suffering a fit and losing consciousness, while 22-year-old Felix is brought to A&E with a self-inflicted stab wound to his stomach. Retired engineer Bill, 68, fell 15ft from a ladder while cutting a leylandii hedge. He arrives by air ambulance with breathing difficulties and suspected multiple fractures.

  • S08E05 No Place Like Home

    • February 4, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Peter, 85, has been brought - unwillingly - to A&E by his stepson Brian. He cut his finger on some wire two weeks earlier and his hand is swollen and won't stop bleeding. Emma, 23, is rushed to St George's after crashing her car on the way to her father's house, while doctors also see to 86-year-old Harry, who fell down a flight of stairs a day earlier but didn't seek treatment. Ciaran, 27, injured his ankle the previous night while out with friends and was given a temporary cast. Emergency nurse practitioner Helen needs to get him X-rayed and replastered, but he faces a return visit for an operation.

  • S08E06 Free Spirit

    • February 11, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Tree surgeon David, 27, is airlifted to St George's after falling 40ft to the ground, hitting several branches on his way down and landing head-first onto concrete. Having been knocked unconscious for 10 minutes, the medical team must urgently assess him for internal injuries. Anne, 74, arrives with a sharp pain in her chest, 51-year-old taxi driver Mark receives treatment for a cut on his finger caused by broken glass, and 92-year-old Betty is brought in by ambulance after her carers found her with slurred speech and a shaking hand

  • S08E07 Emergency Landing

    • February 18, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Bob, 51, is airlifted to St George's after falling 20ft from a ladder while repairing his roof. With debris in his wound, doctors are concerned he could develop a life-threatening infection. Retired pharmacologist Anthony, 68, receives help for a chronic gas problem, while 83-year-old Gladys collapsed on the stairs at home and has a dangerously low heart rate.

  • S08E08 Free Fall

    • February 25, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Keen rugby player Robert has a dangerously high heart rate and may need to have a pacemaker fitted - a scary thought for the nine-year-old's father. Mark, 32, has fallen 30ft from scaffolding while doing some DIY, and there's concern he may have damaged his spine. Christine, 74, arrives in A&E after an accident in her garden, and she's suffered nasty injuries to her face.

  • S08E09 Force of Nature

    • March 4, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Becky, 59, is rushed in after a suspected stroke, and medics are concerned she may have had a bleed on the brain. Georgia, 19, locked herself out of her flat and lost her balance trying to climb through a second-floor window, falling 20ft on to concrete. She's sent for an urgent CT scan with possible spinal injuries. Meanwhile, 88-year-old Edith is kept under observation after collapsing at home.

  • S08E10 Don't Look Back

    • March 11, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Nikki, 50, and her mum Angela, 68, have been involved in a serious car crash. While Nikki, who was driving, is sent for a CT scan with suspected internal injuries, Angela is treated for head wounds and a dislocated elbow. Ellen, 53, arrives with a painfully swollen elbow after falling over in a supermarket, and seven-year-old Jack is rushed to A&E with an open fracture on his arm and a blow to his head after an accident at a wedding.

  • S08E11 Guardian Angels

    • March 18, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Zaki, 63, recently underwent a tonsillectomy following a diagnosis of throat cancer, but he has come to A&E after suffering a serious bleed. Doctors try to save 10-month-old baby Amy, who stopped breathing at home, while 21-year-old expectant father Craig appears to have had a miraculous escape after a motocross accident, but has he learnt his lesson?

  • S08E12 Soldier On

    • March 25, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Betting shop owner Les, 40, is rushed to St George's after losing control of his car on a country road on his way to work. Cambelle, a 21-year-old plumber, has an infected cyst that may require surgery, while 67-year-old retired doctor Patrick is brought to A&E following a horse-riding accident in which he was dragged 130ft and not found for more than two hours

  • S08E13 Look Forward

    • April 1, 2015
    • Channel 4

    This episode meets patients and families looking to the future rather than dwelling on the past. Scott, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a teenager, has badly cut his knee on a night out.

Season 9

  • S09E01 Summer Of Love

    • May 27, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Return of the documentary following life inside the A&E department of St George's Hospital in south-west London. Ashley, 28, is brought in after a car pulled out into his motorbike and doctors are concerned he could have back, pelvis and internal injuries and send him for a CT scan, while 77-year-old ambulance driver Jim arrives after collapsing at the wheel of his vehicle and driving into a lamppost. Staff also treat 14-year-old Fabian, who fell 20ft from a tree and hasn't moved since and is suffering from back and neck pain

  • S09E02 The One

    • June 3, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Pub landlord Tony is brought in with burnt legs as a result of his barbecue gas cylinder exploding - made slightly worse by the fact he was only wearing boxer shorts at the time. Henry, a 93-year-old war veteran, is rushed in with severe breathing difficulties, and builder Bill was knocked unconscious after falling off his shed. His CT scan reveals he has broken his neck in three places, and he may need surgery to avoid damage to his spinal cord

  • S09E03 Never Too Late

    • June 10, 2015
    • Channel 4

    A 68-year-old professional actor visits St George's Hospital after injuring his shoulder while rushing to catch a train, and a check-up indicates he may need corrective surgery to set things right, but further assessment suggests he might be living with a much more serious condition. An octogenarian couple are rushed in to A&E after being knocked over by a motorcyclist while crossing the road, and the police maintain an active presence as paramedics bring in a man who has collapsed after a suspected drug overdose. Plus, an 88-year-old woman with a swollen leg discusses her ill-fated marriage to a much younger man nearly four decades ago

  • S09E04 Take Care

    • June 17, 2015
    • Channel 4

    The A&E documentary series turns its attention to care and kindness at St George's Hospital in south-west London, highlighting altruistic acts from staff, patients and visitors alike. A 13-year-old cyclist experiencing bouts of unconciousness is sent for a CT scan, and 84-year-old Ursula, who was born in Germany, arrives in resus having lost a lot of blood during a series of severe nose-bleeds. Plus, 76-year-old Margaret is brought in to St George's after suffering a suspected stroke during a routine appointment at another hospital, and the doctors must quickly administer a clot-busting drug if they are to prevent further damage to her brain

  • S09E05 Lean On Me

    • June 24, 2015
    • Channel 4

    This time highlighting the stories of patients who received support from loved ones when life became tough. Gerald, a 66-year-old trained lifeguard and polo club official is rushed into A&E, having sustained a serious head wound after a 10-foot fall. The friends and family of 55-year-old Beverly gather at the hospital when she is admitted with a broken leg after being hit by a car near her home, and Paul, a 39-year-old father-of-three, arrives in resus with a nasty cut to his right arm. Paul complains that he is unable to move his fingers, leading staff to believe be may have significant tendon or nerve damage that could leave him permanently unable to use his hand

  • S09E06 Keep on Moving

    • July 1, 2015
    • Channel 4

    The emergency room documentary continues, highlighting the stories of people facing adversity head-on. Erin, a 61-year-old former cancer patient with an ear infection, is rushed to St George's Hospital after she collapsed at home. Doctors fear the condition may have spread to her brain, and send her for a CT scan to find out more. Tony, a 70-year-old part-time DJ, arrives in A&E after being involved in a high-speed bicycle accident while training for a 100-mile charity bike ride, and Charlie, a 39-year-old cabin crew worker, turns up at the hospital complaining of unbearable pain after discharging himself during a previous visit, and removing the cast fitted to support his broken arm

  • S09E07 Some Like It Hot

    • July 8, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Junior doctor Simon is concerned 40-year-old doorman Alfred, who was stabbed multiple times outside the social club where he works, may have internal injuries. Eighteen-year-old student George is brought into resus with blood coming from his ear and behaving erratically, following a fight at a party, and is sent for an urgent scan when consultant Phil becomes worried he may have a life-threatening bleed on his brain

  • S09E08 Father's Day

    • July 15, 2015
    • Channel 4

    The medics treat 60-year-old diabetic Tony, who has an infected leg wound and must be assessed to ensure it doesn't spread, and three-year-old Billy, who has swollen eyes after accidentally squirting detergent in them. Also treated is 80-year-old Ida, who has pain in her knee, and doctors are concerned when an x-ray reveals a shadow on her bone, which requires further tests to rule out cancer.

Season 10

  • S10E01 To Sir, With Love

    • October 20, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Documentary following life inside the A&E department at St George's in south west London, where the patients treated include John, 89, who has acute abdominal pain. The medics think it could be an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which can prove fatal, and test results mean emergency surgery is required. Meanwhile, 68-year-old Mick and his wife Linda have been involved in a head-on car crash, with Mick suffering multiple injuries that could be life-changing, and 10-year-old Niall is brought to A&E after falling out of a tree during a family picnic and breaking his arm

  • S10E02 One Step at a Time

    • October 27, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Nineteen-year-old motorcyclist Sam is airlifted to St George's after crashing into a bus and being thrown under a car. He is placed in an induced coma and CT scans reveal Sam has bruising to his lungs, a ruptured kidney, a broken thigh bone and a fractured spine. The priority of the medics is is to stop his internal bleeding, while Sam's parents are rushed to the hospital by police. Meanwhile, seven-year-old Raheem arrives in A&E with his dad Dennis after cutting his wrist while playing at home, and 59-year-old Therese turns up with a painful lump on her finger.

  • S10E03 Always On My Mind

    • November 3, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Surgeons must plan their next move carefully when Daisy, a 22-month-old girl, arrives at St George's Hospital by air ambulance after being kicked in the head by a horse at her family's stables. Meanwhile, 54-year-old Mike, who has a form of medication-resistant epilepsy, arrives in minors with a bandage around his jaw after falling face-first onto the pavement. Plus, 100-year-old Florence and her daughter Frances, who was diagnosed with dementia three years earlier, arrive at the hospital when the former suffers what appears to be a stroke.

  • S10E04 Give Me Strength

    • November 10, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Ninety-one-year-old Cyril is airlifted to hospital after a car crash which required him to be cut from his car. Meanwhile, the medical team treat 57-year-old Caroline, who arrives at St Georges with chest pains, plus five-year-old Roman has a pencil stuck in his ear.

  • S10E05 Handle With Care

    • November 17, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Cameras follow Lawrence, 26, who is rushed to St George's after being hit by a car while crossing the road on a night out in Eastbourne. Meanwhile, 53-year-old Katrina is brought to A&E after having difficulty breathing and experiencing chest pains that could indicate a heart attack.

  • S10E06 Out of Sight

    • November 24, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Cameras follow a 10-year-old who has severed his finger at school and a stonemason who has dropped a slab of marble on his hand. Meanwhile, a 74-year-old partially sighted woman is brought in by her neighbour after breaking her ankle in a fall, and draws the medical staff into stories of her challenging childhood.

  • S10E07 First Impressions

    • December 3, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Mechanic Grant, 34, is rushed in after being crushed against a brick wall by his own car, which he was working on at the time. Doctors are concerned he has a serious pelvic injury and other internal wounds and work quickly to establish how severe they are. Meanwhile, 44-year-old Doug, who has a rare growth on his head and face which is prone to profuse bleeding, arrives in A&E, and 23-year-old cage fighter Charlie is treated in minor injuries for something in his eye.

  • S10E08 Brave Hearts

    • December 9, 2015
    • Channel 4

    A five-year-old is rushed into St George's struggling to breathe, and her mum reveals how she has spent months in Great Ormond Street Hospital after being diagnosed with a rare form of juvenile arthritis. Meanwhile, an 83-year-old man in a confused state arrives in A&E after falling over, and as doctors carry out tests and a CT scan, his wife helps them understand the reason behind his confusion. Plus, a twelve-year-old girl must be brave as she undergoes treatment for a nasty cut on her leg.

  • S10E09 Independence Days

    • December 16, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Twenty-two-year-old motorcyclist Adam is brought into A&E after crashing into a car and being thrown 30 metres. He has possibly injured his neck and spine, and doctors are concerned that he may be at risk of losing his foot due to his severe leg injuries. Meanwhile, a 78-year-old former nurse arrives in St George's after becoming dizzy at her sewing class, and doctors worry she has had a stroke. Plus, 18-year-old Rosa is treated after falling off her bike on the way home from a night out with friends.

  • S10E10 Fathers and Sons

    • December 23, 2015
    • Channel 4

    In an edition of the documentary focusing on fathers and sons, 51-year-old builder Rod is rushed into A&E after falling 18 feet from scaffolding onto concrete. When scans reveal that he has fractured some of his vertebrae and will require extensive surgery, his wife Nicky is left to call their two sons to prepare them for bad news. Meanwhile, 86-year-old retired policeman John is brought to St Georges with a head injury after falling off a wall. As doctors assess the severity of the damage, he talks about how his career took over his life, so much so that he missed the birth of his son. Plus, 19-year-old cyclist Mack requires specialist help for a dislocated shoulder, after he collided with a Porsche. His dad explains how adopting him and his brother changed all of their lives.

  • S10E11 Extra Time

    • December 30, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Eighty-four-year-old Paula is referred to St Georges for urgent treatment, after a routine blood test detected that she has a dangerously high level of potassium in her blood. Meanwhile, 74-year-old Derek is brought into A&E after suffering a suspected stroke. As he goes for emergency surgery, his devoted wife Mary is determined to help him recover. Plus, 31-year-old fireman Glenn arrives with a suspected abscess in his throat; he is joined by his twin brother Dean and the pair are inseparable.

  • S10E12 Glass Half Full

    • January 6, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Three-year-old Louie is airlifted to St George's after being run over by a car while playing outside, with doctors expressing concern about his neck, which seems to be stuck in one position. Elsewhere, 14-year-old Josh is treated after injuring his ankle when riding a BMX with his father on the front. Meanwhile, 41-year-old Sam arrives in resus with a cut to her head and possible spinal and internal injuries after losing control of her car and crashing into a tree.

  • S10E13 Altered States

    • January 13, 2016
    • Channel 4

    A 79-year-old woman is brought in with signs of a stroke, and neurologist Dr Mahinda opts for a treatment that only has a slim chance of success. A 77-year-old man with diabetes has an infection in his toes, and doctors consider amputating his foot to stop it spreading. A woman's false eyelashes leave her with abrasions to her eyes.

  • S10E14 Stronger Together

    • January 20, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Fifty-two-year-old retired firefighter John is airlifted to A&E after being accidentally hit in the face by a golf club, which hit him so hard that it snapped. With a suspected critical head injury, he is sent for a CT scan, and doctors are concerned that his right eye is not reacting as it should and he is weak down the right-hand side of his body. Meanwhile, 77-year-old Joan arrives in St Georges after falling down the stairs at home and hurting her leg. As she waits to be treated, she talks about growing up in Camberwell.

  • S10E15 Stiff Upper Lip

    • January 27, 2016
    • Channel 4

    After falling over during the night at home and being rushed into A&E, 85-year-old Maura faces potentially life-changing injuries. CT scans reveal broken bones in her spine, and her son and daughter-in-law must decide when to share the gravity of the situation with Maura and her granddaughter Meg. Meanwhile, 37-year-old doctor Jim arrives at St Georges after a collision with a van while he was cycling to work. Despite putting on a brave face, scans reveal his injuries are more serious than first thought. Plus, a chef is treated after cutting her thumb while chopping peppers at home.

  • S10E16 Forever Young

    • February 3, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Eighty-one-year-old cyclist Bill is brought to St George's from Surrey after being hit by a car. He was not wearing a helmet, and doctors are concerned he may have sustained a serious head injury. Meanwhile, 93-year-old Amy arrives in A&E with her friend after a clothes airer fell on top of her while she was hanging out the washing. Plus, an emergency nurse practitioner looks after 78-year-old Samuel, who landed on his face after falling over some boxes.

  • S10E17 Till Death Do Us Part

    • February 10, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Fifty-nine-year-old Charulata is rushed to A&E after collapsing at home with signs of a stroke. She has a history of strokes, diabetes, and is awaiting a heart bypass, so doctors send her for a CT scan to find out what has happened. Twenty-eight-year-old carpenter Luke - who has epilepsy - arrives after cutting his finger at work. Although his girlfriend Stacy says it looks like a paper cut, he is worried it may trigger a seizure. Meanwhile, 75-year-old Anne comes to St George's after falling and hurting her arm on holiday.

  • S10E18 Training Day

    • February 17, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Doctors carry out tests on 77-year-old Martin, who was rushed to St Georges after collapsing at home and suffered two further seizures in A&E. As he waits to find out what is causing him problems, his wife Margaret talks about their life together. Meanwhile, 83-year-old widower Harry arrives with shortness of breath, chest pains and dizziness after collapsing while shopping. Paediatric nurse Kelly, who loves working with children, treats six-year-old Lilly, who has cut her head after falling off her scooter.

  • S10E19 Daddy's Girl

    • February 24, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Ten-year-old Ashleigh is rushed to St George's by ambulance after twisting her leg while playing football. X-rays reveal that her femur is broken and she will need surgery. Meanwhile, three-year-old Lola visits A&E with her dad after having a seizure, and 91-year-old Betty arrives with severe chest pain. Doctors carry out a blood test in order to find out whether she is having a heart attack and will require life-saving surgery

  • S10E20 Work Hard, Play Hard

    • March 2, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Thirty-seven-year-old Robert arrives at St Georges Hospital, London after colliding with a car on his motorbike. Scans show he has a bleed on the brain, a broken jaw, and two missing teeth, and he faces potentially life-changing injuries and extensive surgery. Meanwhile, 54-year-old Mary collapsed in the street on the way to work and hit her head. Doctors need to establish whether it is simple fainting, or whether something more sinister is to blame, with tests revealing she will need a pacemaker fitted. Plus, 27-year-old Jessica comes to A&E with a wound that will not heal, after having a lumpectomy to remove breast cancer tissue two months ago.

  • S10E21 New Horizons

    • March 9, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Five-year-old Isa is rushed to A&E after being hit by a car and trapped underneath it, and doctors suspect the impact may have caused serious internal damage, as well as significant head injuries. Meanwhile, 26-year-old Tom is treated after slicing through his leg with a circular saw, with medics fearing the blade has cut so deeply into the muscle tissue that it could starve his leg of blood. Plus, 85-year-old retired actor Donald comes to the hospital with pain in his bladder, and consultant Faheem is concerned there may be an infection.

  • S10E22 Heartbreak

    • March 16, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Seventy-five-year-old Gerry is rushed to A&E with a dangerously high heart rate of over 250bpm, and doctors suspect an underlying chest infection is the cause. Meanwhile, 92-year-old Margaret arrives at St Georges after falling over and hitting her head, and six-year-old Daniel is treated for an infected blister on his foot.

  • S10E23 Through Thick and Thin

    • March 23, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Thirteen-year-old Tom is rushed to St Georges after crashing his bike head first into a parked car while racing a friend. Doctors order a CT scan to assess his injuries and must decide whether he will need emergency surgery to his face. Plus, 26-year-old Andy comes to A&E after injuring his knee during a game of Frisbee, and 51-year-old Jason arrives after suffering from blurred vision for two days.

  • S10E24 Coming Home

    • April 13, 2016
    • Channel 4

    A 43-year-old cyclist is brought to A&E after crashing face first into a car, with injuries are so severe that he was put into an induced coma at the scene. Meanwhile, 68-year-old Pat awaits the results of an X-ray after injuring her leg on holiday, and 89-year-old Adrian complains of chest pain.

Season 11

  • S11E01 Quality of Life

    • May 16, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Barrie, 78, is rushed in with breathing difficulties and tests reveal he has fluid on his lungs and faces serious medical treatment, while 75-year-old David is treated after falling down a flight of stairs, and 82-year-old Bob is admitted after a DIY accident at home.

  • S11E02 Love Thy Neighbour

    • May 23, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Train driver Andy, 48, is rushed in after falling 12ft from a tree while cutting branches and landing on his feet, badly fracturing both ankles, and doctors are concerned the impact may have caused life-changing damage to critical nerves and blood vessels in his feet and legs. Angela, 59, has come to St George's as her heart has been beating at over 150bpm for eight hours, risking stroke and other complications. Cardiologist Dr Arun's attempts to bring down her pulse using a powerful drug aren't successful, so he decides to electrically shock her heart to reset it.

  • S11E03 Only Yesterday

    • May 30, 2016
    • Channel 4

    George's motorbike collided with a car and he was catapulted into the windscreen. Janine, Who's 44, is rushed to St George's after being kicked by a horse at her stables in Surrey. Janine was left unable to walk and had to crawl over two fields to call for help. A CT scan reveals a major fracture to Janine's pelvis.

  • S11E04 Keep on Going

    • June 6, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Liam, 31, is rushed to St George's after collapsing at home after his fourth epileptic seizure of the day, and he experiences another at the hospital, while 89-year-old Mair is brought to A&E with severe chest pain and difficulty breathing and doctors take blood samples to test whether her symptoms are due to pneumonia. Twelve-year-old Lauren arrives by ambulance after breaking her leg while scoring a try in a rugby match and she needs extensive surgery to give her the best chance of walking normally again.

  • S11E05 Here We Go Again...

    • June 13, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Stephan, 39, is rushed to St George's with internal bleeding from his femoral artery, caused by complications following an angiogram he had the day before, and doctors are concerned his heart could be under potentially fatal strain. Emmanuel Jr (19) arrives in A&E after suffering an acute sickle cell crisis, and his mum Elizabeth talks about the impact the condition has had on the family, while 40-year-old Fernanda is admitted with abdominal pain, but the test results reveal a surprising reason for her discomfort.

  • S11E06 Dangerous Pursuits

    • June 20, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Motorcyclist Michelle (50) is rushed to A&E after crashing head first into a lamp post, with scans revealing that she has broken bones in her neck, arm and shoulder and requires emergency surgery. Timothy, 69, arrives at St George's after riding his bicycle into the back of a parked ambulance, while 33-year-old expectant mother Eleanor is admitted after cutting her thumb on a meat cleaver.

  • S11E07 Lonely Hearts

    • June 27, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Beth, 68, is rushed to St George's after falling down a flight of stairs and badly breaking her ankle, meaning she faces emergency surgery and intensive physiotherapy to walk again. Leigh, 67, is admitted with head injuries after being knocked off his bicycle in a hit-and-run incident and medics are concerned he has suffered a severe trauma to his head as he was not wearing a helmet, while 26-year-old Luke arrives in A&E after an accident at work involving an electric saw.

  • S11E08 Love's Sacrifice

    • July 6, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Cyclist Athar, who's 22, is rushed to St George's after a collision with a car on his way to work. Athar wasn't wearing a helmet and he 'bullseyed' the car's rear window; he can't remember anything about the crash.

  • S11E09 You Only Live Once

    • July 13, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Jake, who admits he's accident-prone, has had a head-on collision with another car. Eleven-year-old Jack is rushed to A&E after being hit by a motorbike while walking to his first day at secondary school. A CT scan reveals that Jack has a bleed on his brain caused by the fracture.

  • S11E10 The Handover

    • July 20, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Lucy, who's 10, has been having seizures for 48 hours. Seventy-one-year-old Tony is rushed to St George's by air ambulance after falling head first onto a tiled floor while doing some DIY in his kitchen. Scans reveal that Tony has a severe bleed on his brain and requires a life-changing surgery.

  • S11E11 One False Move

    • July 27, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Twelve-year-old Tulsi is airlifted to St George's after falling from a cliff near here home in Hastings. The CT scans reveal that she has a subdural haematoma: a clot of blood in her head, which is expanding, putting pressure on her brain. Retired mechanic Ron got his hand caught between two vehicles when he was helping a friend fix their car.

Season 12

  • S12E01 Someone To Watch Over Me

    • November 16, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Mel, 71, is rushed to St George's after being accidentally knocked down and run over by her husband John. Mel's blood pressure drops critically low and doctors call a 'Code Red' putting her on standby for an emergency blood transfusion. Maddi, who's four and was born with the bones in her neck fused together, has fallen and injured her neck on a train.

  • S12E02 Dear Heart

    • November 23, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Mark, who's 52, is rushed to St George's by air after a road traffic collision threw him from his motorbike and left him suffering a cardiac arrest. His wife Jacquie reveals how their relationship slowly blossomed from friendship into romance. Meanwhile, receptionist Melissa, who works alongside friends and family at St George's, is having trouble hearing.

  • S12E03 Never Say Die

    • November 30, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Eighty-year-old Frances is rushed to St George's by air ambulance after falling three metres into her empty swimming pool while gardening. Consultant Rathan is concerned that a significant head wound may conceal a potentially life-changing bleed on her brain. Frances's son Clive talks about how she's fiercely independent, continuing to mow the large lawn on her tractor and even re-felting the garden shed roof. With her independence at risk, the medical team work quickly to identify France's injuries. Jerry, who's 20, starts to question partying until 5am on a weeknight, after ending up in A&E.

  • S12E04 Time of your Life

    • December 7, 2016
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the bond between families and what holds them together through thick and thin. John, who's 84, is rushed to St George's after losing control of his car and crashing into a road sign. He bullseyed his windscreen, and when his blood pressure drops dangerously low doctors declare a Code Red, giving him an emergency blood transfusion. As doctors discover that John has a broken pelvis and will need emergency surgery, his wife Gwynaeth talks about how she's leaned on John over their years of marriage: 'I don't think I know anyone else who I could rely on who could get me over the humps.' Reggie, who's seven, has broken his arm while doing a cartwheel to celebrate England beating Wales at Euro 2016.

  • S12E05 Time's Arrow

    • December 14, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Nicky, who's 61, is airlifted to St George's by helicopter after a car mounted the pavement at 30mph and ran her over while she was out walking. Doctors quickly get her into the CT scanner to ascertain the full extent of her injuries. Her husband Richard tries hard to reassure and calm everyone, while their daughter Annie struggles to come to terms with her mother's accident. Meanwhile, 91-year-old Sam arrives in Resus after a suspected stoke. He's accompanied by his doting wife Roshan. And baby Teddy has fallen out of his car seat face-first onto concrete.

  • S12E06 Face Value

    • December 21, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Seventy-year-old George is rushed to A&E with driftwood stuck in his left eye. He was bailing out rainwater from his boat moored on the Thames when he fell and impaled his eye on a piece of driftwood. His partner Irene rushed to the scene to find paramedics attempting to stem the flow of blood from George's eye. She says: 'I nearly fainted a couple of times, it was like something out of a horror movie.' Doctors become increasingly concerned about whether George could lose sight in the eye. Debby, who's 59, has cut her hand in her lawnmower while removing some grass cuttings, after becoming distracted by thinking about her son's upcoming wedding: 'whether my pink hat matched the rest of my pink outfit, whether pink was right anyhow, there's so much to think about.'

  • S12E07 You've Got a Friend in Me

    • December 28, 2016
    • Channel 4

    This episode meets three different sets of friends who have been there for each other through thick and thin. Sixty-year-old bricklayer Phil is rushed to A&E in a critical condition after falling just two feet off a ladder at work and suffering multiple injuries. Initial results show Phil has fractured his spine, wrist and ribs, and doctors need to CT scan him urgently to check for internal injuries. Phil's friend and business partner Paul talks about the highs of their 28-year friendship and also about when Phil confided in him about how he'd dealt with the death of his son before they met.

  • S12E08 In Sickness and in Health

    • January 3, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the bond between married couples in the face of testing circumstances. Corey, who's 27, is rushed to St George's after suffering a cardiac arrest during a game of ice hockey. His wife of seven days, Alice, was watching him play when he collapsed. As Corey arrives in Resus, the medical team learn that his brain has been deprived of oxygen for over 25 minutes and doctors put him in an induced coma to prevent further damage to his brain and major organs. Nurse Liz talks about the difficulty in predicting the long term outcome of cases like Corey's: 'until the patient has woken up, you've got no idea how this has affected them, how badly brain damaged they've got, how they are going to function.' John, who's 55, fell 10 feet while taking down scaffolding at home.

  • S12E09 You Raise Me Up

    • January 10, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on how love can pull you through the hardest of times. Michelle, who's 54, is airlifted to St George's after being involved in a car crash with her husband Paul in Surrey. She was given a blood transfusion at the scene and doctors work quickly to get her to CT to ascertain the full extent of her injuries. Her daughter Toni talks about when her mum was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and split personality disorder and how her dad gave up work to become Michelle's full-time carer. Derren, who's 41, has fractured his ankle while trampolining with his 12-year-old daughter Macie. Doctors are concerned that the injury may have affected the blood supply to his foot and need to work quickly to realign his ankle.

  • S12E10 Made of Steel

    • January 17, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the family bonds that carry people through tough times. Mohammed, who's 64, has been hit by a pizza delivery motorbike. Consultant Will is concerned that he may have a pelvic fracture, which could seriously affect his mobility and, if it hits a major artery, can be life threatening. His son Tom reflects: 'When you are younger you think your dad is superhuman. When this happens, you realise he isn't invincible...' Ninety-year-old John comes to St George's with his wife Iris and daughter Joan after his GP picked up on his abnormally low heart rate.

  • S12E11 Flying Solo

    • January 24, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Aaron, who's 31, is rushed to St George's after overturning his car onto metal railings during a high-speed collision. He has a serious laceration to his face where a spiked railing narrowly missed his eye socket. It becomes apparent that Aaron's memory has been affected; doctors suspect a brain injury and take him to CT. As Aaron undergoes tests, his twin brother Alvin talks about his hopes for Aaron's future. Fiona, who's 65, is rushed to St George's after falling over in a restaurant and cutting her knee during her friend Evelyn's 70th birthday party. Doctors are concerned that Fiona may have damaged a major artery.

  • S12E12 The Tree of Life

    • January 31, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the precious relationships between family and friends that pull people through difficult times. Neil, who's 84, has fallen down the stairs at home. His wife Jenny reflects on the shock of realising that their life may never be the same again. Doctors become increasingly worried about damage to Neil's shoulder and an underlying heart condition. Meanwhile, his daughter Jane reveals how Neil carved out a long career as one of London's leading tree officers, and how proud she feels when she sees the trees he's saved and the legacy he's left for London. Danny, who's 25, has been knocked off his motorbike. Orthopaedic registrar Sadia is concerned about a serious leg fracture and that Danny may have other hidden internal injuries.

  • S12E13 Carpe Diem

    • February 7, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Niki, who's 34, is airlifted to St George's after crashing into another rider during a charity bike ride between London and Brighton. Race volunteers found him unconscious and unresponsive. It becomes obvious that Niki's memory has been affected by the impact as he struggles to recall details of the crash. Meanwhile, St George's staff try to contact Niki's wife Phil, who is almost 300 miles away at their home in the north east of England.

  • S12E14 Catch Me If I Fall

    • February 14, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Valerie, who's 63, is rushed to St George's after falling from a horse. Consultant Will is concerned about potential spinal and head injuries, and she's whisked off for an emergency CT scan. Valerie's daughter Vikki talks about how, with no father around and no brothers or sisters, her mum's been the one person who taught her about life: 'mum and dad rolled into one,' and her fears about losing her. Lisa, who's 66, may have damage to her prosthetic hip. Her husband Tony found her lying on the kitchen floor. Doctors send her for X-rays to find out if she'll need emergency surgery. Lisa reveals that she struggled with anxiety and agoraphobia as a young girl and how she spent a year and half in her bedroom.

  • S12E15 Flesh and Blood

    • February 21, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the ups and downs of family life and how people pull together to get through them. Pam, who's 53, is rushed to A&E after suffering a suspected heart attack. As doctors try to establish whether it definitely was a heart attack or another underlying condition, Pam's daughter Meg talks about how her bond with her mum has strengthened over the years and how she helped her mum when she and Meg's dad decided to get divorced. Ten-year-old Cora is rushed to St George's after being thrown from a horse into the low hanging branches of a tree. Her mother Sharon rushed to the scene and says 'she had blood all over her face... and... this piece of wood sticking out just under her eye.' Doctors work quickly to assess whether or not she has also injured her neck, spine or brain.

  • S12E16 Safe From Harm

    • February 28, 2017
    • Channel 4

    In this episode staff and patients talk about the importance of family support when dealing with difficult circumstances. Fifty-one-year-old painter and decorator Gary is rushed to St George's after falling ten feet from a ladder. As Dr Rob sends Gary for urgent CT scans, Gary's dad Don talks about Gary's bad luck in love after two engagements were broken off: 'it broke his heart and he's never been with anyone since'. Gary's best friend and colleague John reflects on the importance of their friendship: 'he's a member of the family, he's seen my daughter born... never misses out on anybody's birthday.' But when Gary's scans arrive, Dr Rob becomes increasingly concerned about fractures in his back, pelvis and coccyx.

  • S12E17 Sweethearts

    • March 13, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on couples whose loving relationships are tested by distance and unexpected illness. Forty-year-old Adrian is escalated from majors to Resus after crashing his bike into a car. Adrian recently moved back to London to set up a new life for his family, but at the time of the accident his wife Lili and daughter Luna are 1400 miles away in Montenegro. Consultant Melissa is concerned that Adrian may have a serious chest injury, so he's sent for a full CT scan. As concern grows that Adrian has a collapsed lung and may need emergency surgery, he makes a heartfelt phone call to Lili.

  • S12E18 Against All Odds

    • March 20, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode explores the unexpected things in life that make us value the people we love. Twenty-year-old Antonio is rushed to A&E after a motorcycle accident. He has a severe fracture to his leg and the medical team are concerned about a potential arterial bleed. As Antonio goes for a CT scan, his mother Dawn explains how he was hyperactive as a child and struggled at school, with teachers unable to cope with his behaviour. But as he's grown up, motorbikes have captured his attention and given him focus. Forty-year-old Karen has fallen off her horse, which then trampled on her.

  • S12E19 Stand By Your Man

    • March 27, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on the highs and lows of relationships and the power of family ties to endure against the odds. Long-distance lorry driver Neil, who's 52, has fallen backwards off a ramp onto a concrete floor. His family is 200 miles away in Middlesbrough and unaware of his accident. While Neil is sent for an urgent CT scan, his ex-wife Heather describes how, after 20 years together and two wonderful children, she and Neil began to drift apart and eventually separated. Nevertheless, she admits that she'll always be there for him. The CT scan shows that Neil has not sustained any serious injuries from his fall but, unexpectedly, it reveals a large tumour on his brain.

  • S12E20 Boys Will Be Boys

    • April 3, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on three male patients who are at different stages when it comes to growing up and taking responsibility for their actions. Thirty-year-old Chris has sustained a potentially life-threatening wound in a shooting. It happened during a game with his friend Jack, who fired the inside shaft of a biro pen, from an air rifle, deep into Chris's abdomen. Meanwhile, college student Lennon has injured his head after jumping into a door frame while kicking a balloon.

  • S12E21 Candle in the Wind

    • April 10, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode focuses on some of the youngest patients who visit A&E and the staff who care for them. Eight-year-old Billy is rushed to St George's after being crushed by falling bricks that were being stored on his front drive. His dad Shaun recounts the horror of finding out about the accident: 'I was in the back garden... I heard a scream and I wasn't too sure if it was Billy, when I ran out there it was just horrible, absolutely horrible.' An X-ray reveals that Billy has fractured his femur and he faces emergency surgery to give him the best chance of walking normally again. Six-year-old Luther has a metal washer stuck on his finger.

Season 13

  • S13E01 Just Seventeen

    • May 31, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Three young men from different walks of life are brought in to the A&E department of St George's Hospital in London, including 17-year-old Shea, who has serious stab wounds and is sent to a high dependency unit. Fellow 17-year-old Bob arrives after impaling his leg on a fence while taking a shortcut home from his boys' school, and 33-year-old James is brought in by ambulance after fainting at home

  • S13E02 Love Through the Ages

    • June 7, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Judith, who's 79, is airlifted to St George's after being involved in a road traffic collision. Consultant Will is concerned that she may have a pelvic fracture and life-threatening internal bleeding, and declares her condition 'code red'.

  • S13E03 Growing Pains

    • June 14, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Lewis, who's 18, has come off a motorbike and collided with two cars. Sam, who's 27, fainted and cut his lips while smoking a Cuban cigar at a barbecue.

  • S13E04 Road to Freedom

    • June 21, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Michelle, who's 49, is rushed to St George's after having a collision with a car while riding her motorbike on a dual carriageway. Emergency care nurse Lee, who also has a passion for motorbikes, asks to be the nurse in charge of her care.

  • S13E05 Game of Chance

    • June 28, 2017
    • Channel 4

    David, who's 29, is airlifted to St George's following a head on collision at speed. His girlfriend Emily drives for two hours to the hospital, with thoughts of serious internal injuries flashing through her mind.

  • S13E06 Lost and Found

    • July 5, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode of RTS award-winning 24 Hours in A&E explores how loss and grief can test even the strongest marriages and how finding love for a second time can save you. Kim, who's 58, has been run over by a lorry and suffered severe blood loss. Her partner Andy was with her at the scene. Doctors are concerned that nerves and tissue in Kim's leg may have suffered irreparable damage and she may need an emergency operation. Kim explains how the death of her young son in a road traffic accident destroyed her first marriage: 'I just wanted to suffer and I did for quite a few years until I met Andy,' she says. 'But he's changed everything.' Patrick, who's 65, has fallen from a loft ladder. Doctors are concerned that he may have fractured his pelvis and spine.

  • S13E07 Special Relationships

    • July 12, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Lee, who's 36, is rushed to St George's after being involved in a high-speed road traffic collision. As doctors examine Lee, his wife Emily reveals that Lee lost his best friend months earlier in a similar collision, saying 'It can't happen again, two best friends can't go in the same way.' Lee's CT scans reveal a potentially life-threatening injury to his spleen. Meanwhile, 34-year-old Jeroen has been knocked off his bike on the way to work. The accident was caught on his own GoPro camera mounted on his helmet. As Jeroen is taken for emergency CT scans, his wife Joanna reflects on how they both wanted children together and underwent IVF.

  • S13E08 Broken Heart

    • July 26, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Joan, who's 80, has severe pain in her chest, arm and jaw. Consultant Sarah is concerned that Joan's heart is struggling and requests an urgent blood test and heart trace. Joan's daughters Sarah and Sue talk about how their parents were only 16 when they first met at a local dance, how they were together ever since, how they would hold hands in bed every night, and how Joan lost her husband - and they lost their father - just six months ago. Roofer Mark, who's 54, has fallen 10 feet off a ladder. Doctors are concerned that the impact may have broken bones in his pelvis and spine. Mark's wife Sarah talks about the 11-year age gap in their relationship, and how she proposed to him and they were engaged on her 18th birthday.

  • S13E09 Forget Me Not

    • August 9, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Head teacher Emma needs a CT scan following a cycling collision with a bus, Josh has severe back pain and Pamela is worried she has a blood clot in her leg

  • S13E10 My Guiding Star

    • August 16, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Mike, who's 79, collapsed in the street while walking his dog, Louie. His daughter Emma was driving along the same street when she saw Louie, then realised it was her father who had collapsed. Doctors give Mike medication to try and stabilise his very high heart rate. Meanwhile, his wife Rita talks about how important he is to her. Chartered surveyor Andrew, who's 53, tripped on a paving slab on his way to work and has a suspected dislocated shoulder. His daughter Hannah is surprised that such an innocuous accident brought him to A&E: 'the amount of miles he sails, his speedboats, he does all this crazy stuff, and we ended up in A&E with him because he tripped on a paving slab.

  • S13E11 Supporting Cast

    • August 24, 2017
    • Channel 4

    John, who's 64, is brought to St George's in an induced coma, having been thrown from his bicycle at high speed. As doctors scan John to check for internal injuries, his wife Pauline explains how she has always been an anxious person and was medically retired. She talks about John's invaluable help dealing with her anxieties. Drama student Florian, who's 21, tripped and hurt his foot rushing to class. Florian and his fellow drama student Jake rehearse lines in the waiting room.

  • S13E12 Love Conquers All

    • August 30, 2017
    • Channel 4

    This episode of RTS award-winning 24 Hours in A&E explores the power of love when a man is involved in a serious bicycle collision and an elderly lady becomes unwell at home. Stuart, who's 40, is transferred from another hospital after being involved in a high-speed collision with multiple cyclists during a race. His fiancée Tracy was in Italy at the time of the accident. She says 'I thought I was going to lose him.' Stuart is rushed for emergency surgery after a CT scan reveals that he's bleeding internally. Elicia-Jean, who's 83, collapsed at home after experiencing dizziness. Doctors suspect that she may have an infection. Her son Stephen talks about Elicia-Jean's transition from life with her wealthy family in Sierra Leone to starting again in England with his dad.

Season 14

  • S14E01 The Unknown

    • January 2, 2018
    • Channel 4

    This episode follows staff as they unravel the mystery of an unknown patient who arrives after collapsing and falling face first in the street. The team manage to contact his two daughters as they race to find out what may have caused him to fall unconscious. Twenty-nine-year-old Rick comes to minors after an accident at the gym, and three-year-old Marigold, who has signs of a chest infection, is in paediatrics with her mum Helen.

  • S14E02 Bringing Up Baby

    • January 9, 2018
    • Channel 4

    This episode displays the strength of parental love. Marie, who's 31, arrives in A&E by ambulance after collapsing at home with an unexplained headache. Doctors work fast to ascertain the cause of her collapse, with potentially devastating results. Marie's joined by her partner Cameron and her young child. Eileen, who's 87, comes in with shortness of breath and a high heart rate. She's no stranger to hospital. And 10-month-old Erin, who's accompanied by her doting dad Andy, has a build-up of wax in her ears following a cold and fever.

  • S14E03 Wrong Place, Wrong Time

    • January 16, 2018
    • Channel 4

    This shocking episode follows three middle-aged women who are stabbed in broad daylight in a random attack at a supermarket car park in Surrey. Jean, who's 67, had gone to Sainsbury's to get macaroni cheese for her grandson and was stabbed in the back while carrying shopping to her car. Doctors are worried that the wound may have hit a vital organ or a major vessel and she's sent for urgent CT scans. Meanwhile, her daughter Clair recalls growing up in a pub in Fulham where her mum was the landlady: 'I remember a couple of guys came in with machetes yelling and shouting and she gave them a jolly good talking to... she's always been feisty... she can throw someone on the floor if she needs to'. Rani, who's 71, was stabbed twice in the back while waiting for a bus.

  • S14E04 Unconditional Love

    • January 23, 2018
    • Channel 4

    This episode displays the strengths of unconditional love whether there are blood ties or not. Gary, who's 50, is brought in by ambulance after a garage collapsed and fell on his legs. His wife Peta joins him. Maggie, who's 83, comes in to A&E with suspected sepsis. She also has lung cancer. She's joined by her son and daughter. And one-year-old George comes in with his mum after drinking nail varnish remover.

  • S14E05 Shelter from the Storm

    • January 30, 2018
    • Channel 4

    This episode demonstrates the strengths of single parenthood and shows how families unite in tough times. Adam, who's 20, is brought in by ambulance after being involved in a high-speed motorcycle accident. He's joined by his dad and sister. Richard, who's 70, comes to A&E with a high heart rate. Pia, who's 10, is brought in by her mum after falling over and hurting her knee.

  • S14E06 Collision Course

    • February 6, 2018
    • Channel 4

    This episode explores strength through adversity. Leon, who's 36, is airlifted to St George's after being involved in a head-on collision with a car. Graham, who's 37, has collided with another player while playing rugby and has lost feeling in his arms and legs. He's joined by his wife. And four-year-old Elliott has got a foreign object stuck up his nose and has come to A&E with his mum.

  • S14E07 Out of the Fire

    • February 13, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Evadney, who's 56, walks into A&E after badly burning her arm when an aerosol exploded in a bonfire that she was standing close to. Her skin is badly blistered and seeping. Sufia, who's five, is rushed to St George's by ambulance with head and scalp injuries after she was dragged under a car while she was on her way to school. And Pat, who's 70, arrives after the car that she was driving hit a wall at speed.

  • S14E08 The Courage To Go On

    • February 20, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Zach, who's 25, is rushed to A&E after completely severing four fingers in a building site accident. A&E staff and plastic surgeons work hard to assess the damage and stem the extremely bloody wound. Zach and his girlfriend Betsy wait anxiously to find out if his fingers can be re-attached. Former teacher Ricky, who's 85, has hurt her back after falling at home, and 10-year-old Daquon was hit by a motorbike when he was on his way to school. He has memory loss and a badly broken arm.

  • S14E09 Lost For Words

    • February 27, 2018
    • Channel 4

    54 year old Richard arrives to A&E suffering symptons of a suspected stroke. Neurology registrar Vijay works quickly to assess what may have happened and Richard is sent to CT.

Season 15

  • S15E01 Every Cloud...

    • May 16, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Maria, who's 52, suffers from MS and has been brought to resus with suspected sepsis. As doctors work to regulate her temperature, her husband Duncan talks about their life together and how they supported each other through her diagnosis.

  • S15E02 Born To Be Wild

    • May 23, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Megan, who's 20, is rushed to St George's after being involved in a high-speed car crash. As doctors work to assess her injuries, it becomes clear how her hedonistic lifestyle has put her at risk. James, who's 78, is transferred from his local hospital with suspected internal bleeding. And 40-year-old Jibraeel has lodged a cotton bud in his ear.

  • S15E03 The Underdogs

    • May 30, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Tony and his father have been in a motorbike crash and Alison has a broken leg from a horse riding accident. Eleswhere, Harry, who's 12, has been in a 10-bike pile-up at a velodrome.

  • S15E04 Liberation Day

    • June 6, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Tim came off his bike and has suspected spinal injuries, Jeanette is struggling to breathe and Mollie, who is 91, is in Accident and Emergency after her daughter accidentally crashed into a lamp post.

  • S15E05 The Good Fight

    • June 13, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Hussnain is rushed the the Accident and Emergency after being caught up in a accident involving a police car chasing another vehicle. Also, wrestler Kieran comes in after injuring his knee in a bout.

  • S15E06 Child at Heart

    • June 20, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Billy is brought to St George's by helicopter after a van ran over his chest when he was in a motorcycle accident. Two year old Freddie has jammed his thumb in a door.

  • S15E07 Live for Today

    • June 27, 2018
    • Channel 4

    This episode looks at how a single event can change the lives of the people who live through it. Mark, who's 51, is brought to resus after coming off his bike. Doctors are concerned that he may have suffered life-changing damage to his spine. His wife Karen rushes to be by his side. Dibs, who's 60, has fallen 10 feet off a balcony onto concrete and comes to resus with his wife Di. And 10-year-old Aiden comes to paediatrics with his mum and her girlfriend, Lorraine, after hurting his foot on the monkey bars at school.

  • S15E08 Safe Haven

    • July 4, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Judy, who's 72, is airlifted to St George's after being trampled by a herd of cows while she was walking her dog. Her friend, who was with her at the time, pulled her out from under the hooves of the herd. Tamzen, who's 13, has broken her leg at trampoline practice at school. And 18-year-old art student Hermione has cut her hand on a glass at her part-time waitressing job.

  • S15E09 My Other Half

    • July 11, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Three-year-old Clara has a chickpea stuck up her nose. Danny has fallen 20 feet through a skylight. Tara has severe abdominal pains. Her husband keeps her entertained in A&E.

  • S15E10 Someone To Come Home To

    • July 18, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Richard, who's 47, has fallen off a ladder while he was fixing his roof, and 87-year-old Doreen arrives in resus suffering from a serious infection. Elsewhere, doctors also treat five-year-old Cojo, who has come to paediatrics with his dad after injuring his elbow while he was wrestling with his brother.

  • S15E11 A Stubborn Kind of Fellow

    • July 25, 2018
    • Channel 4

    John has been in a cycling accident. He went over his handlebars and was unconscious for 10 minutes. Sydney has severe chest pains, while Alan has fallen and fractured his elbow.

  • S15E12 Heart of the Home

    • August 1, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Mum of six Lillian has extremely low blood pressure, and doctors discover that she is in the latter stages of pancreatic cancer. Carolyn bruised her neck and face when she slipped on wet decking, while Dennis is having difficulty breathing.

  • S15E13 In the Line of Duty

    • August 8, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Psychiatric nurse Christie has severe burns after being attacked by a patient and Joe's cousin accidentally stabbed him in the thigh. Meanwhile, two year old Freddie will not let doctors look in his eye after complaining of pain.

  • S15E14 Heavens Above

    • August 15, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Ex-paratrooper Martin has sustained life-changing injuries in a paragliding crash. Meanwhile, Eddie has been weakened by chemotherapy and has severe sepsis and Graham's nose just will not stop bleeding.

  • S15E15 Moving On Up

    • August 22, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Zac has dislocated and fractured his ankle playing football and doctors rush to restore the blood flow to his foot. Ian has fallen off a lorry tailgate, while Jayden has a swollen eye.

  • S15E16 A Friend in Need

    • August 29, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Glyn's brought in after his legs run over by a three tonne digger. John, who has severe sepsis, is admitted after a fall at home and a toddler is brought in with diarrhoea.

  • S15E17 Down to Earth

    • September 5, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Stephen has severely damaged his ankle after coming off his bike deep in the woods. Derek has had a suspected stroke. Bridget broke her wrist on a mountain path in Greece.

  • S15E18 Love's Young Dream

    • September 12, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Neil is rushed in with severe chest and lung injuries after coming off his bike. Also, Michael is brought in with chest problems after collapsing on a golf course and George grazes his eye on a branch.

Season 16

  • S16E01 Value of Life

    • November 12, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Rich has been in a high speed car crash and cannot move his legs. His pregnant girlfriend rushes to the hospital. Also, Justin has had a life threatening accident while playing football.

  • S16E02 Mother's Courage

    • November 19, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Jacob, who is 20, has crashed his car into a wall at high speed and has suspected internal bleeding. Joan, who is 82, has fallen down the stairs and young Jackson has a suspected infection on his cheek.

  • S16E03 Inside Out

    • November 26, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Clive, who like to tell a joke or two, has breathing difficulties. Meanwhile, Samuel has crashed his motorbike and two year old Florence's parents think she has swallowed a coin.

  • S16E04 To Have and To Hold

    • December 3, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Nikkita, who's 27, comes to A&E with her father after having a severe epileptic fit. Plumber Sebastian has sliced the tops of his fingers off at work.

  • S16E05 A Job for Life

    • December 10, 2018
    • Channel 4

    Hitin has been assaulted on a night out and is rushed into the Accident and Emergency. Doctors are worried that he has a bleed on the brain, and he also has a dangerous pre-existing medical condition.

  • S16E06 I Will Survive

    • December 17, 2018
    • Channel 4

    The documentary following patients being treated at St George's in south-west London reaches its 200th edition. Ky, 18, is brought in after being knocked off her motorbike in a hit-and-run, and her mum Sam is by her side as doctors assess the damage to her legs and pelvis. Aleks, 41, is suffering from confusion and memory loss after falling from her loft onto her head, and as her husband Paulo arrives at the hospital, medical staff are still unsure as to whether she has sustained permanent brain damage.

Season 17

  • S17E01 Acts of Love

    • January 8, 2019
    • Channel 4

    David, who is 69, is rushed to A&E with severe leg pain and a pale foot, accompanied by his wife, Christine. Doctors suspect a blood clot and vascular specialists are called to assess David for surgery to save his leg.

  • S17E02 A Change is Gonna Come

    • January 15, 2019
    • Channel 4

    This episode meets patient's whose visions of the world are rocked by life-changing events. Sergio, who's 44 and Alan, who's 71, have both been badly injured in cycling accidents.

  • S17E03 The Cards We're Dealt

    • January 22, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Four year old Billy has fallen on her face, while ten year old Ryan has fallen and badly damaged his spleen. Also, Maureen, who has multiple system atrophy, is struggling to breathe.

  • S17E04 Do The Right Thing

    • January 29, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Katrina has injured her knee and Mark is rushed to St George's struggling to breathe. Meanwhile, three year old Thomas, who was born with a rare blood condition, has a high temperature.

  • S17E05 Man Down

    • February 5, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Exploring the hopes and expectations of three different men and how they respond to changes that are beyond their control. They include Stanlie, 24, who is airlifted to St George's by helicopter paramedics after being impaled on a metal rod at a construction site.

  • S17E06 Walk on the Wild Side

    • February 12, 2019
    • Channel 4

    People who have faced challenges and transformed their lives. Nicole was born a man and used to be a pop star. She has burnt her foot with caustic soda. Francis fell of his bike and is suffering amnesia. He suffered a loss when he was younger.

  • S17E07 Look Both Ways

    • February 19, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Examining the paths people take when they reach a crossroads in their lives, whether or not the decisions remain in their control. Dave has fallen from a ladder and three year old Alf has been hit by a car.

  • S17E08 A Road Less Travelled

    • February 26, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Paul, who is 60, has been in a collision with a van. Also, four year old Jeremy is struggling to breathe and he has a series of chronic conditions including microcephaly and epilepsy.

Season 18

  • S18E01 From This Day Forward

    • May 7, 2019
    • Channel 4

    On royal wedding day, patients - including David, who has fallen from a ladder, and John, who has fallen down stairs - and their relatives reflect on love, devotion and commitment.

  • S18E02 Leap of Faith

    • May 14, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Emergency consultant Ahmed rushes to save the life of a woman with an abdominal aortic aneurysm while making sure the other patients in busy resus get the attention they need too.

  • S18E03 Roll with the Punches

    • May 21, 2019
    • Channel 4

    40-year-old Tania is in resus after being knocked over by a car, 77-year-old Edwin is rushed to A&E bleeding from a tumour, and footballer Lilli has damaged her eye socket.

  • S18E04 The Extra Mile

    • May 28, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Xintong has been flung from a go-kart at speed and doctors are concerned that there may be damage to her spine. Gary has enormous swelling in his finger. He is treated by Ali who, after 37 years as a nurse, has a story of her own to tell.

  • S18E05 Mother's Little Helper

    • June 4, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Benoit, who's nine, has abdominal pains. Doctors are concerned that it may be appendicitis. Michelle has suspected sepsis. Charley-Ann has part of an earring stuck in her ear.

  • S18E06 I'll Stand By You

    • June 11, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Jeremy is airlifted to hospital after a collision while riding his bike, Allen has fallen down a flight of stairs, and student James has cut his arm in a skateboarding accident

  • S18E07 Too Close for Comfort

    • June 18, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Brooke, who is 12, has gone into respiratory arrest after having a severe asthma attack. Elsewhere, 76-year-old Howard has burns on his face and hands from trying to put out an explosion in his shed.

  • S18E08 The Outsiders

    • June 25, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Featuring the St George's specialist stroke team, who treat more than 1200 stroke patients every year. 77-year-old Alex has been rushed to St George’s with a suspected stroke. Meanwhile, 66-year-old Steven has severe stomach cramps, and 16-year-old Aaliyah's fingernail has been badly damaged in a fight.

  • S18E09 You Before Me

    • July 2, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Exploring selflessness and sacrifice as two families experience life-changing events. Junior, who's eight, has been knocked off his bike. He has a leg fracture and suspected internal bleeding. Meanwhile, Anthony has a dangerously high heart rate.

  • S18E10 The Kids Are Alright

    • July 9, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Cyclist Ollie, who's 16, has been in a traffic accident. Elsewhere, Dominic's throat has been bleeding badly after he had his tonsils out and six-year-old Narayan has paper stuck deep in his ear.

  • S18E11 Fix You

    • July 16, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Greg has been knocked off his motorbike and has critical injuries to his arm and leg. Cara, who's 11, has fallen from a human pyramid doing gymnastics and has a badly broken arm.

  • S18E12 You're All I Need to Get By

    • July 23, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Paul, who is 66, is brought to A&E with a dangerously high heart rate. Meanwhile, Nicky has a swelling in her throat, and seven-year-old Kit has injured his chest in a golf buggy.

  • S18E13 The Survivors

    • July 30, 2019
    • Channel 4

    After a collision with a tree, 64-year-old Ranjan is transferred to St George's. Callum, who is 20, has mysteriously collapsed, and four-year-old Scarlett has hurt her leg in an accident.

  • S18E14 Call of Duty

    • August 6, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Jahan has severe chest pains, which doctors think could be a heart attack. His daughter reveals how he fought in the Iranian Revolution and the effect that it had on his life.

  • S18E15 Children of Men

    • August 13, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Sixteen-year-year old George is rushed to resus with a life-threatening bleed on the brain. Kezia is in paediatrics. She has hurt her wrist doing gymnastics.

  • S18E16 Saving Grace

    • August 20, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Leslie is rushed to A&E after suffering a stroke, Hannah has pain in her spine after falling from her horse and Isabella hurt her neck falling from monkey bars in a playground.

Season 19

  • S19E01 Endless Love

    • November 18, 2019
    • Channel 4

    This episode follows two people who have come to the UK and made a home, as well as the story of a woman living with the legacy of cancer.

  • S19E02 A Pillar of Strength

    • November 25, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Mohammad, who's 43, has Motor Neurone Disease, is rushed to St George's with severe sepsis, while 47-year-old David has suffered a significant leg injury.

  • S19E03 Go Your Own Way

    • December 2, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Featuring patients and staff who strive to find happiness and fulfilment against the odds. Mark, 32, is rushed to St George's with a head injury following an epileptic seizure. Anastasia, 80, struggles to walk due to severe pain in her leg.

  • S19E04 In Love and War

    • December 9, 2019
    • Channel 4

    73-year-old Marion, who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer, is admitted with a life-threatening infection. 83-year-old Roy suffers multiple injuries after falling off his roof. Five-year-old Laila cut her head open at school.

  • S19E05 A Life Less Ordinary

    • December 16, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Lucy is rushed in after a severe seizure, Simon comes to A&E with severe neck pain, and two-year-old Sophie is in paediatrics after being sprayed in the face with a cleaning product.

  • S19E06 Without a Trace

    • December 23, 2019
    • Channel 4

    Love and loss unfold every single day. In this episode we follow the hospital through 24 hours of stabbing and violent attacks

  • S19E07 Life Lessons

    • December 30, 2019
    • Channel 4

    A fall, back damage that could be life changing, and chest pain that could be fatal.

Season 20

  • S20E01 Pressure Point

    • January 14, 2020
    • Channel 4

    On one of the busiest days of the year at St George's, this episode focuses on motherhood, the incredible sacrifices made for our children, and what it means to have a family. Twelve-year-old George is airlifted to St George's after he is struck by a motorcycle on his way home from school, and doctors are concerned about the extensive damage to his leg, which could lead to permanent disability. Meanwhile, 26-year-old Tanveer has come off his moped at speed, suffering a serious head injury that has left him with no memory of the event. In paediatrics, nine-year-old Amber is admitted, suffering severe stomach pains and vomiting, with doctors worried it could be appendicitis.

  • S20E02 Live and Learn

    • January 21, 2020
    • Channel 4

    Junior doctor Silas works his first ever shift in resus, and is part of the team brought in to treat a biker who is rushed to A&E after riding into a lamppost. A two-year-old boy is treated for injuries resulting from a fall, and his mother shares the story of how her eldest son was recently attacked by a gang.

  • S20E03 Because the Night...

    • January 28, 2020
    • Channel 4

    A woman who suffers from autism is brought in after crushing her finger in a door. And 82-year-old Alec may have developed life-threatening sepsis after a chest infection.

  • S20E04 One of the Family

    • February 4, 2020
    • Channel 4

    Maria is rushed to the emergency department after driving into a lamp post. Ronald is brought in after a fall at home. Little Ronnie is in Paediatrics after a bout of vomiting.

  • S20E05 Count My Blessings

    • February 11, 2020
    • Channel 4

    Sylvia, who's 95, is rushed to St George's after falling down a flight of stairs. Cyclist Mark has been hit by a car at high speed and left agitated and confused.

  • S20E06 Circle of Life

    • February 18, 2020
    • Channel 4

    A nine-year-old is rushed to St George's after falling on his head, leaving him unable to move his limbs. A paediatric consultant assesses a child after an accident on a swing, and 80-year-old Annette is brought in with a dangerously swollen tongue.

  • S20E07 Forever Changes

    • February 25, 2020
    • Channel 4

    A look at three patients who have suffered potentially life-changing injuries, including a partially severed hand, a long-standing stab wound, and a serious quad-bike accident.

  • S20E08 Great Expectations

    • March 3, 2020
    • Channel 4

    Natai is rushed to A&E with a lacerated wrist after putting his hand through a glass pane. Pauline is struggling to breathe. And, 17-year-old Fahad has crippling stomach pain.

  • S20E09 Pride & Prejudice

    • March 9, 2020
    • Channel 4

    A cyclist is rushed to hospital with head trauma after he's hit by a car. A 92-year-old falls when out walking near his home, and an injured painter-decorator talks about being a dad.

  • S20E10 Best Laid Plans

    • March 16, 2020
    • Channel 4

    Steve is rushed in after hitting his head on concrete. Fleur has a pain in her leg, while Muffy, who may have had a stroke, recalls her years as an air hostess with Pan Am.

  • SPECIAL 0x2 Heart Special

    • March 20, 2020

    In partnership with the British Heart Foundation, follows the stories of three patients treated for cardiac problems, including a 24-year-old ice hockey player.

Season 21

  • S21E01 Nothing Can Divide Us

    • June 16, 2020
    • Channel 4

    A man is airlifted to St George's with possible significant spinal injuries after a high-speed motorbike crash on the M4. A teen motorcyclist is also brought in following a crash.

  • S21E02 Someone to Lean On

    • June 23, 2020
    • Channel 4

    Paramedics rush 86-year-old Filippo to St George's with a suspected stroke. Susan, who's 80, has fractured her leg. And teenager Tilly has hurt her ankle during gymnastics.

  • S21E03 Never Let Me Go

    • June 30, 2020
    • Channel 4

    Meeting families who have endured life-changing tragedy and exploring how grief can shape lives. And nine-year-old chatterbox Rezwan has a rash on his ankle.

  • S21E04 In Safe Hands

    • July 7, 2020
    • Channel 4

    Sammy, who's 16, lives with anorexia. She's in paediatrics with dangerously low blood pressure. Carpenter Ray, who's 66, fell onto concrete while working on a building site.

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Remembrance Day

    • July 14, 2020

    Some of the most memorable stories from south London's St George's hospital, including Sir John and his devoted son Jonathan, and three-year-old Shane with a suspected broken leg.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Ready for Anything

    • July 21, 2020

    A return to memorable stories from King's College and St George's in south London. Jim, who's 79, chats to nurses about lessons he's learnt from life. Van driver Tony has been in a collision.

  • SPECIAL 0x5 On The Edge

    • July 28, 2020

    A return to some memorable stories from King's College A&E. including This episode's patients include a builder who fell into a hole on the site, dislocating his shoulder and leaving the bone painfully wedged against his ribs. It is an injury that Chris has never seen before in the 30 years she has worked in emergency medicine. Elsewhere, a woman who has collapsed twice within a week and an ex-convict who has had a seizure are also brought in for treatment.

  • SPECIAL 0x6 Survivors

    • August 4, 2020

    Another selection of memorable stories filmed at King's College and St George's hospitals in south London, with this edition focusing on patients and staff who have all overcome personal setbacks and adversity. Eve, 83, has fallen down the stairs into her basement and has an open ankle fracture that needs urgent realignment to restore the blood flow to her leg, while four-year-old Maddi has fallen over and injured her neck on a train.

Season 22

  • S22E01 The Missing

    • September 2, 2020
    • Channel 4

    A 22-year-old motorcyclist is rushed in after a crash on a dual carriageway. An 86-year old is in AandE with a suspected ruptured aortic aneurysm - a life-threatening condition.

  • S22E02 The Sound of My Voice

    • September 9, 2020
    • Channel 4

    Follow the stories of three patients and how they cope when life takes an unexpected turn.

  • S22E03 Dear Father

    • September 16, 2020
    • Channel 4

    John has a suspected aneurysm, Jamie's motorbike has collided with a car on a motorway slip road and carpenter Noel has partially amputated his thumb using a bandsaw at work.

  • S22E04 Skin Deep

    • September 23, 2020
    • Channel 4

    A 14-year-old is rushed in after falling head first off her bike, a 56-year-old man can't breathe due to an ear infection and a plasterer has had a serious accident at work.

  • S22E05 Ever Decreasing Circles

    • September 30, 2020
    • Channel 4

    James is rushed to St George's after a head-on car crash. Margaret's had a fall, but her daughter has tales to tell of her mother's adventurous life in London in the swinging '60s.

  • S22E06 The Show Must Go On

    • October 7, 2020
    • Channel 4

    Barbara arrives at St George's with a dangerously high heart rate, John woke up and couldn't feel his leg and Suzy has come to A and E after being badly bitten by her dog.

  • SPECIAL 0x7 Miracles

    • October 14, 2020

    A look back at some memorable stories from down the years, including Sam, a motorcyclist who crashed into a bus and was thrown under a car, leaving him bent double with multiple fractures

  • SPECIAL 0x8 Family Ties

    • November 11, 2020

    A look back at some of the most memorable stories filmed at King's College Hospital in South London, featuring two patients seen after life-threatening accidents, and a third who is elderly and evokes feelings of loss, happiness and pride for an onlooker in the waiting room.

  • SPECIAL 0x9 Journey Of Life

    • November 18, 2020

    Featuring the stories of another three patients, including a retired air stewardess who was rushed into hospital after seriously cutting her leg as her best friend's 70th birthday party. Monica arrives in A&E with hip pain, and talks about growing up in Trinidad and her early years working in the UK as a nurse, and patient Christine has stroke-like symptoms and is suffering with tremors on the left side of her body.

  • SPECIAL 0x10 Guardian Angels

    • November 25, 2020

    Look backing at some of the most memorable stories filmed at King's College Hospital, including a young woman who had been knocked unconscious in an attack on her way home. Elsewhere, 91-year-old Rose is rushed to King's with a suspected stroke, and reminisces about the strength and resilience of her own grandmother, and a junior doctor talks about his background growing up in Liverpool.

Season 23

  • S23E01 Count On Me

    • January 12, 2021
    • Channel 4

    It's another hectic day at St George's as a patient is airlifted in after being knocked unconscious. 78-year-old Ted has fallen down the stairs and seriously hurt his head.

  • S23E02 You Can't Buy Love

    • January 19, 2021
    • Channel 4

    Harriet is rushed to St George's when the 13-year-old is knocked off her bike. Twelve-year-old Adam has a deep wound in his groin after falling from a tree and impaling his leg.

  • S23E03 Pay It Forward

    • January 26, 2021
    • Channel 4

    A 63-year-old builder has fallen from a height. While his daughter tells of her dad's many sacrifices, a teenager who's been hit by a car arrives with possible brain injuries.

  • S23E04 Enduring Love

    • February 2, 2021
    • Channel 4

    Paul has transverse myelitis and may have suffered a stroke. Josh broke his leg playing American football. Eric's come to A&E feeling dizzy, with his granddaughter by his side.

  • S23E05 Field of Dreams

    • February 9, 2021
    • Channel 4

    On a busy bank holiday weekend, the St George's medics treat a man who's been hit by a car, a toddler who's had a seizure, and a man who severed four toes while mowing the lawn.

  • S23E06 Going the Distance

    • February 16, 2021
    • Channel 4

    A train driver is rushed to St George's after colliding with a car. In addition, a gold-medal-winning 13-year-old BMX rider has a suspected pelvis injury after crashing at the race track.

  • S23E07 Learning Curve

    • February 23, 2021
    • Channel 4

    A bartender and dad-to-be is in emergency room. An 88-year-old is rushed in after being found collapsed at home. And a young doctor describes how it feels giving bad news to patients.

  • S23E08 Safety Net

    • March 2, 2021
    • Channel 4

    A 21-year-old is rushed into the emergency room with a suspected stroke. As the doctors run urgent tests, her dad reminisces. James arrives with a serious leg break after being thrown from his bike.

  • SPECIAL 0x11 Never Really Alone

    • March 8, 2021

    A fond look back at some memorable patients filmed at King's in south London, including a 72-year-old with a clot on her brain and a woman who fell off her chair at bingo.

  • SPECIAL 0x25 Worlds Collide

    • March 30, 2021

    A look at some memorable stories filmed at St George's, south London, showcasing patients who have come to London from all over the world, including Mohammed, from Somaliland, who's been hit by a bike

Season 24

  • S24E01 Lead By Example

    • May 31, 2021
    • Channel 4

    27 year old father-to-be Josh has come off his motorbike at speed. Meanwhile, Georgie brings in her 10-month-old son Phoenix, who needs help after having sucked on a bleach tablet.

  • S24E02 Sacrifice

    • June 7, 2021
    • Channel 4

    Nineteen-year-old Daniel has come off his motorbike. His mum Diana hurries to hospital to be by his side. Builder William injured his ankle while playing basketball.

  • S24E03 Someone To Talk To

    • June 14, 2021
    • Channel 4
  • S24E04 Lasting Legacy

    • June 21, 2021
    • Channel 4

    Sir Robert, who's 93, is rushed to St George's with a low heart rate, dizziness and confusion. Brad, who has crushed his finger at work, talks about what masculinity means to him and male role models.

  • S24E05 Into The Light

    • June 28, 2021
    • Channel 4

  • S24E06 Everybody Needs Somebody

    • July 5, 2021
    • Channel 4

    A patient with an ankle injury recalls how meeting her husband saved her life. And 84-year-old Ioannis is treated for dizziness as his kids speak warmly of a brave, loving father.

  • S24E07 Support Bubble

    • July 12, 2021
    • Channel 4

    A 74-year-old comes to St George's after an unexplained fall. And a woman with possibly life-changing injuries from playing rugby talks about her issues with mental health.

  • S24E08 Blink of an Eye

    • July 20, 2021
    • Channel 4

    The episode follows three stories of people whose lives have been remarkably changed due to unforeseen circumstances. 46-year-old Claire has been sent to A&E by her GP with chronic back pain. Doctors are concerned she may be suffering a serious underlying spinal injury. Claire talks bravely about the life changing moment her sister passed away and the implications for her family. 44-year-old Anne Marie has been rushed to St George’s with a suspected stroke. Doctors have to act quickly to help prevent any long-lasting damage. Her best friend Tunji recalls the medical difficulties Anne Marie has had to overcome throughout her life. New born Gracie has been brought to St George’s paediatric department by new parents Danny and Jordan concerned she has an infected umbilical cord. Gracie’s parents discuss the life changes and joy of becoming parents for the first time.

  • S24E09 Turn Back Time

    • July 27, 2021
    • Channel 4

    Leo is in A&E after crashing his car and flipping it onto its roof. Young Kieran's hurt his wrist coming off his skateboard. And 91-year-old Lillian has had a hard fall at home.

  • S24E10 With Or Without You

    • August 3, 2021
    • Channel 4

    Stroke specialist Bryan's having a tough day as two patients arrive at St George's displaying severe symptoms. And is Ronnie's back pain kidney stones or something more serious?

  • SPECIAL 0x12 Labour of Love

    • August 10, 2021

    Some memorable stories filmed at King's - from the aftermath of a motorway crash to a concerned teen mum and a Yorkshire couple in crisis on a trip down south.

  • SPECIAL 0x13 Turn Back the Clock

    • August 17, 2021

    A look back at some memorable moments at St George's Hospital in south London, including a father-and-son BMX disaster, a robbery gone wrong, and a man who plunged 15 feet onto concrete

  • SPECIAL 0x14 Precious Time

    • August 24, 2021

    Seventy-year-old Clive arrives after struggling to breathe at home, but his wife Linda has a difficult time keeping him in check as he likes to tell a joke or two. Angela, a 63-year-old former lollipop lady, has come to A&E with her sister Sue after being attacked by one of her cats, while Derren, 41, has fractured his ankle trampolining with his 12-year-old daughter Macie.

  • SPECIAL 0x15 A Better Life

    • August 31, 2021

    A compilation of memorable stories filmed at King's College Hospital in south London. Five-year-old Isa is rushed to A&E after being hit by a car and trapped underneath it, and doctors suspect the impact may have caused serious internal damage, as well as significant head injuries. Drama student Florian, 21, has tripped and hurt his foot rushing to class, and 83-year-old widower Harry has collapsed while out shopping.

  • SPECIAL 0x16 Just The Way You Are

    • September 7, 2021

    A collection of memorable stories from St George's Hospital, including a woman with MS who is brought in with suspected sepsis. As doctors work to regulate her temperature, her husband talks about their life together and how they supported each other through her diagnosis. Mel is rushed to St George's after being accidentally knocked down and run over by her husband John. The 71-year-old's blood pressure drops critically low and doctors call a Code Red, putting her on standby for an emergency blood transfusion.

Season 25

  • S25E01 Back to Square One

    • December 2, 2021
    • Channel 4

    Karan is rushed to St George's with a leg fracture from football. Will has a painful swelling on his head and recalls how his life changed after he was assaulted as a teenager.

  • S25E02 In the Wars

    • December 9, 2021
    • Channel 4

  • S25E03 Keep Calm And Carry On

    • December 14, 2021
    • Channel 4

Season 26

  • S26E01 Legacy

    • January 18, 2022
    • Channel 4

  • S26E02 Lost In Translation

    • January 25, 2022
    • Channel 4

  • S26E03 By Your Side

    • February 1, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Katie is rushed to St George's by helicopter after a riding accident. The 46-year-old's horse has fallen on top of her, resulting in multiple broken bones and internal injuries. Amy has a deep laceration to her ankle after a party with her flatmates ended with her falling onto a gin glass, and Pamela has suffered a sudden bout of back pain, leaving her in agony.

  • S26E04 A Love Without End

    • February 8, 2022
    • Channel 4

  • S26E05 Sliding Doors

    • February 15, 2022
    • Channel 4

  • S26E06 I Got You Babe

    • February 22, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Following three patients who have adapted to the challenges thrown their way, including 27-year-old Josh, who was rushed to A&E after being thrown from his motorbike at speed. Georgie has brought in her 10-month-old son Phoenix after she caught him sucking on a bleach tablet, while 21-year-old Ross is in A&E after dislocating his shoulder at work.

  • SPECIAL 0x17 One True Love

    • March 1, 2022
    • Channel 4

    A look back at some of the most memorable staff and patient stories filmed since 2011. At St George's, 79-year-old Carole is rushed to A&E with signs of a stroke. Neurologist Dr Mahinda decides to give her a `clot-busting' drug, but it only has a one-in-eight chance of success. Meanwhile, 10-year-old Aiden has hurt his foot on the monkey bars at school and part-time wrestler Kieran comes in after injuring his knee in a bout.

  • S26E07 Hope Springs Eternal

    • March 8, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Colin has collapsed in his garage. Is it a stroke or linked to his brain tumour diagnosis? Dr Yuki reflects on life in lockdown. Tony, who's 88, has severe pain in his fingers.

  • S26E08 Where There's a Will...

    • March 15, 2022
    • Channel 4

    It’s a busy day in Resus for new consultant Sobi, with 15-year-old Gus going over the handlebars of his bike and Patricia, who's 73, in extreme pain due to a dislocated shoulder.

  • SPECIAL 0x18 A Life's Work

    • March 21, 2022

    A look back at some memorable stories. Eight-year-old Billy has been crushed by falling bricks and needs urgent surgery. Luke cut his finger at work and dreads an epilepsy seizure.

  • SPECIAL 0x19 Someone To Stand By Me

    • March 28, 2022

    A look back at some memorable patients at St George's. A retired firefighter has been accidentally hit in the face with a golf club. Four-year-old Elliott has an object stuck up his nose

  • SPECIAL 0x20 Turning Over A New Leaf

    • May 24, 2022

    A look back at some of the most memorable stories filmed since 2011 at King's College and St George's hospitals in south London. An 18-year-old motorcyclist is rushed to St George's after colliding with two cars, and initial observations show he may have suffered life-changing trauma to the right side of his body. Eight-year-old Clementina has fallen off her scooter and hurt her knee and 29-year-old Rick, a war veteran from Afghanistan, has had an accident at the gym.

  • SPECIAL 0x21 Side By Side

    • May 31, 2022

    Compilation of some of the most memorable staff and patient stories, including a personal trainer who was kicked so hard by a horse that her leg was broken. Plus, a man whose nose won't stop bleeding after he recently started taking blood-thinners having suffered a heart attack and a bricklayer who suffered multiple injuries after a fall.

  • SPECIAL 0x22 Always By Your Side

    • June 13, 2022

    Compilation of memorable moments from the series, including a 75-year-old man with a dangerously high heart rate of over 250 beats per minute, who requires electric shock treatment to bring it down to a safe level. Plus, a woman who has abrasions to her eye from having false eyelashes fitted at a salon.

Season 27

  • S27E01 Lessons in Life

    • July 11, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Mery is 17 weeks pregnant and in St George's after falling down the stairs. Jessica has a netball injury. And a junior doctor carries out a chest procedure for the first time.

  • S27E02 Something Changed

    • July 18, 2022
    • Channel 4

    A 70-year-old man is rushed to St George's after he is found struggling to breathe. His daughter shares the story of how her father overcame his long battle with alcoholism. The wife of a man receiving treatment for foot and knee pain shares how her childhood taught her the importance of being there for your partner in marriage. A woman and her five-year-old son are rushed to St George's after being hit by a car.

  • S27E03 An Education in Happiness

    • July 25, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Nurse Emma has a narrow window of time to help 71-year-old Thomas after a suspected stroke. And 97-year-old Leslie is brought to A&E after experiencing persistent nosebleeds.

  • S27E04 A Love Like No Other

    • August 1, 2022
    • Channel 4

    A cyclist is in A&E with serious puncture wounds after colliding with a deer. Doctors are concerned 34-year-old Jenny is having a heart attack. And toddler Teddy has a limp.

  • S27E05 You Are Not Alone

    • August 8, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Kerrie is rushed to A&E with a suspected stroke. Jitendra has severely cut his hand while cooking for his family. And Bayan, who's 24, is experiencing facial numbness

  • S27E06 A Hand To Hold

    • August 15, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Eighty-year-old Michael has suspected sepsis. Sayfur has had an epileptic seizure. And diving coach Laura, who's a bit of a daredevil, has broken her ankle while ice skating.

Season 28

  • S28E01 Reach Out Your Hand

    • September 5, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Fifty-year-old Sara is rushed to A&E after collapsing at work with a thunderclap headache. And Flynn was hit by a car while riding his bike and has hurt his leg.

  • S28E02 A Load To Carry

    • September 12, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Trina's brought to A&E struggling to breathe. Sammy has chest pains and a history of emphysema. And Ella gets unexpected news when doctors X-ray her knee.

  • S28E03 Sons and Daughters

    • September 19, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Anthony is rushed to resus after coming off his motor scooter on his 18th birthday. Doctors are concerned that he has internal bleeding. Sixteen-year-old Jack is urgently transferred from another hospital with multiple fractures and nerve damage in his arm after he fell off his electric scooter. After twisting his ankle at school, 13-year-old Josh has been brought to the emergency department by his father, Sanjay, who explains how he left India for the UK to pursue a career as a chef.

Season 29

  • S29E01 Falling Down

    • October 3, 2022
    • Channel 4

    A motorcyclist who lost control and went over the handlebars at high speed is sent for an urgent CT scan, having received significant damage to his back and neck. A 76-year-old woman is rushed to A&E after a fall at home. She is having breathing difficulties and doctors suspect an underlying infection is causing an array of problems. A man being examined for a broken foot shares

  • S29E02 Time to Care

    • October 10, 2022
    • Channel 4

    A London Underground worker undergoes tests to look for signs of a heart attack after collapsing at a Tube station, and recalls the difficulties he faced in his childhood. Doctors work to stabilise the chest and back injuries sustained by a man who fell in his garden, and a Royal Navy veteran comes to A&E with an infected splinter in his arm

  • S29E03 My Happy Place

    • October 17, 2022
    • Channel 4

    Lynn is rushed to St George's after collapsing from a brain aneurysm. Her friend Mick tells the story of their lifelong friendship and reveals how she overcame serious health problems with the support of him and his wife. James is treated for a dislocated shoulder, and 30-year-old Lucas has a suspected urinary tract infection.

Season 30

  • S30E01 Tales Of The Unexpected

    • January 3, 2023
    • Channel 4

    The documentary following life inside an A&E department returns for its first series outside London - at the Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham. Sister Lou tells her story of working at the hospital for more than 30 years and how her life completely changed in her 50s. Forty-five-year-old Kirsty has been rushed into QMC after an accident at a fun run. The team members carry out extensive tests on 93-year-old John, who is suffering from shortness of breath, and in the children's emergency unit, seven-year-old Hunter is being assessed after falling from a tree.

  • S30E02 Husbands and Wives

    • January 10, 2023
    • Channel 4

    74-year-old Mick is rushed in with suspected sepsis and his wife shares her experience as his full time carer. 61-year-old Jillian comes in after a fall and recalls when her husband was diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer. Keith arrives with a fast heart rate and while staff urgently try to bring it down his wife talks about raising deaf children and being diagnosed with the `deaf gene".

  • S30E03 Keep The Faith

    • January 17, 2023
    • Channel 4
  • S30E04 The Unforeseen

    • January 24, 2023
    • Channel 4

    Twenty year-old Peta is rushed into Queen's Medical Centre after coming off her motorbike, her mum explains the struggle she went through raising a child with both Asperger's and ADHD. After a previous stabbing 21 year-old Callum was left with a stoma, he arrives at the hospital after it has badly prolapsed. Forty-four year-old Libby comes in after being hit in the face with a hockey stick, she tells the story of how her professional footballer husband taking on a new career path changed her life.

  • S30E05 Teenage Dreams

    • January 31, 2023
    • Channel 4

    Hospital staff at Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham treat three female university students who have been victims of a spate of needle-spiking attacks. Twenty year-old Kate is rushed in after collapsing in a nightclub and having to receive CPR from a friend when she stopped breathing normally. In the Urgent Treatment Unit 19 year-old Pavni and 21-year-old Sarah meet while waiting for treatment after what they suspect to be needle-spiking. While being treated Pavni talks about the racist abuse she faced growing up and Sarah reveals the impact COVID-19 has had on her university experience.

  • S30E06 People Like Us

    • February 7, 2023
    • Channel 4

    A 21-year-old has crashed his motorbike into a telegraph pole and has serious leg and lung injuries. And a patient with the paralysing locked-in syndrome is struggling to breathe.

  • S30E07 I'll Be There

    • February 14, 2023
    • Channel 4

    Sara, 46, is rushed in after a car crash with serious head and chest injuries, and 54 year-old Simon comes in after falling off his bike on his way to buy a helmet. As his condition deteriorates, Simon looks back on his life and the things he wishes he had done differently. Sixteen year-old James comes in with a severed finger after trying to climb a fence.

  • SPECIAL 0x23 Family Bonds

    • March 21, 2023

    Some memorable stories from A&E. An 80-year-old has fallen into her empty swimming pool. And Graham's stubbed his toe trying to avoid his friend's black cat. And he doesn't even like cats!

  • SPECIAL 0x24 The Ripple Effect

    • May 18, 2023

    A look back at some of the most memorable staff and patient stories filmed since 2011 at King's College Hospital and St George's in south London - places where life, love and loss unfold every day. At St George's, 22-month-old Daisy arrives by air ambulance after being kicked in the head by a horse. She has a fractured skull, a bruise on her brain and concussion. As surgeons plan their next move, Maggie, an 83-year-old with a lust for life, has suspected sepsis, and five-year-old Roman has a pencil lead stuck in his ear. His mum Annie says Roman is charming and affectionate but can also be a handful.

Season 31

  • S31E01 The Fighter

    • July 10, 2023
    • Channel 4

    A new series starts in Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham. Staff help Kaeden, a 16-year-old with a serious illness, a biker who's had a fall, and a woodworker with a sliced thumb.

  • S31E02 'Til We Meet Again

    • July 17, 2023
    • Channel 4

    At Nottingham's Queen's Medical Centre, 87-year-old Joan is brought in after falling on a moving tram and cutting open the back of her head. Elsewhere, 19-year-old Rose faces life-changing injuries after being thrown into the air by a car, and 13-year-old Prince has broken his leg in three places playing football.

  • S31E03 Finding My Voice

    • July 24, 2023
    • Channel 4

    Ron fell out of bed and the 80-year-old injured his head. But how badly? And 22-year-old professional carer Evie has been brought into A&E after collapsing at work.

  • S31E04 Life's Too Short

    • July 31, 2023
    • Channel 4

    At Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham, one of the busiest A&E departments in Europe, 77-year-old Keith is treated for a cardiac arrest and Joanna has a spinal fracture after falling from her horse. In the Urgent Treatment Unit, 79-year-old John is being patched up after being run over by a car at his local market.

Season 32

  • S32E01 About a Boy

    • March 5, 2024
    • Channel 4

    Fifteen-year-old James has been struck in the eye with an arrow. Jim's in resus after flipping his car onto its roof. Joiner Chris has a wound to his head after a work accident.

  • S32E02 I Got You

    • March 12, 2024
    • Channel 4

    Young Henry has been hit by a forklift truck driven by his dad. Best mates Dean and Nahum are reeling from a car crash. And 94-year-old Pearl shares a tale of wartime romance

  • S32E03 Trouble In Mind

    • March 18, 2024
    • Channel 4

    A security guard manages violent incident with a patient. Jack, who's 33, is rushed into A&E after falling from a horse, and 7-year-old Lyla has a finger infection.

  • S32E04 Blood, Sweat and Tears

    • March 25, 2024
    • Channel 4

    A man is rushed into Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham after his leg is crushed by a 12-tonne lorry. He may have developed a rare condition that can require amputation. Plus, nurse Christine describes how she realised her ambitions of working in the emergency department and put herself through college to get her nursing qualification, while raising two children as a single parent

  • S32E05 Together We Have It All

    • April 1, 2024
    • Channel 4

    A 38-year-old has life-threatening injuries after wall falls on him at work. Seven-year-old Layla-Rose has smashed her front teeth, and a motocross riders has crashed his bike.

Season 33

  • S33E01 Episode 1

    • June 10, 2024
    • Channel 4

    Milky comes to A&E with possible life-changing injuries after a road crash. Shaun has had a bad landing out parachuting with his son. And a six-year-old has an unknown object stuck in his throat.

  • S33E02 Episode 2

    • June 17, 2024
    • Channel 4

    Two-year-old Max has come to A&E struggling to breathe. Maureen has fallen down the stairs and broken her ankle. And motorcyclist Josh has been in a high-speed accident.

  • SPECIAL 0x26 The Ones We Love

    • July 1, 2024
    • Channel 4

    Some memorable stories from the A&Es of south London, including part-time wrestlers Kieran and James, and 79-year-old Carole, who is confused and may have had a stroke

  • S33E03 Episode 3

    • July 8, 2024
    • Channel 4

    Scott's rushed into Queen's Medical Centre by air ambulance after crashing his motorbike at 100mph. And Peter has been crushed by an eight-tonne static caravan.

  • S33E04 Episode 4

    • July 15, 2024
    • Channel 4

    After suffering a severe asthma attack while walking her kids from school, Nichole is rushed to Nottingham's A&E. And Josh has a serious neck injury from an accident playing American football.

  • S33E05 Episode 5

    • July 29, 2024
    • Channel 4

    This episode meets people who've taken big risks and explores how it's affected their lives. Motorbikers James and Peter are both rushed in. Ex-miner Alfred has severe chest pain.

  • S33E06 Episode 6

    • August 5, 2024
    • Channel 4

    A pedestrian is rushed to A&E with multiple life-threatening injuries after being injured in a hit-and-run. An acrobat has a damaged wrist. And a 93-year-old has a broken leg.

Season 34

  • S34E01 Episode 1

    • February 13, 2025
    • Channel 4

    Ronalds has sliced through his ankle at work. Owen's put his shoulder out. And Jeremy's bike crash leads to a shocking discovery.

  • S34E02 Episode 2

    • February 20, 2025
    • Channel 4

    The staff at Queen's are shocked when Sister Lou, one of their own, has a major bike accident. And 57-year-old Stuart's fallen off a ladder and fractured his ankle.

  • S34E03 Episode 3

    • February 27, 2025
    • Channel 4

    Anita, who's 44, is rushed to Queen's after having a cardiac arrest at home. Bob's 94. He has a head injury. And five-year-old Lottie's injured her leg while dancing with her mum.

  • S34E04 Episode 4

    • March 3, 2025
    • Channel 4

    Heather, who's 65, is rushed to Queen's after she's found collapsed in the park. Long-serving member of the team Deanna talks about her previous struggles with addiction.