人気シリーズの原点となるOVA。頻発する少女誘拐事件の捜査を続けていたTOKYO CITY POLICE DEPERTMENT(通称・CP)は、マッコイの指揮する組織犯罪に対して、決定的な証拠を欠いていた。重いCP内の空気を気にせず、独自に囮捜査に乗り出したレディポリス3人組のマキ、レイミ、ユカだったが…。
Police Officers Maki, Reimi and Yuka are stuck on traffic patrol when they would prefer to be involved in more "exciting" police duties. All that changes when they join in a police chase after a kidnapped girl. As a result, they become involved in the case of a white slave organization run by the politically connected businessman Samuel McCoy.
While going to the aid of another girl, Yuka is then kidnapped by McCoy’s men. Frustrated at the inaction by the Police Department to prosecute McCoy and rescue Yuka, Maki and Reimi take what they need from the police armory, including police assault carrier, and go to her rescue creating mayhem in their wake.