Ashwini Bhave -
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Ashwini Bhave

Birth Name Ashvini Bhave Ashwini was born in the Marathi-speaking family Bhave family on May 7th. Her family are Koknastha Brahmins. She acted in a number of Marathi language movies, before graduating to Bollywood in 1991 with 'Henna'. She is a versatile actresses and has been a lead as well as a character actress. Her career spanned from the mid-eighties through onto 1998. After getting married to software engineer, Kishore Bopadikar, she quit acting, relocated to San Fransico, USA, wher

  • Born In Bombay, Maharashtra, India
  • Born May 7, 1972
  • Gender Female
  • Created July 28, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 29, 2021 by