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Cristiano Araújo

Cristiano de Melo Araújo was a Brazilian singer-songwriter. Araújo was famous for the singles "Efeitos" (2011), "Você mudou" (2012), "Maus bocados" (2013), "Cê que sabe" and "É com ela que eu estou" (both in 2014). After his album Efeitos in 2011 and live álbum/ DVD Ao Vivo em Goiânia in 2012, he released his solo studio album Continua in 2013. In 2014, he released his third live album In The Cities – Ao Vivo em Cuiabá. With most of his latest songs not making it onto a CD due to his sudden death. Araújo was signed to the Brazilian Som Livre record label.

English Português - Brasil