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Shimura Ken

Ken Shimura (志村 けん, Shimura Ken) born 20 February 1950 – 29 March 2020) was a Japanese comedian. Throughout his comedy career, Shimura was known for his "Bakatono-sama" character, which was unusual among Japanese comedians, in that he could satirize the deeds of powerful figures. Another popular shtick of Shimura in the same show was "Henna Oji-san" [weirdo uncle] who entertained himself in the company of nubile girls. Shimura was most famous for starring in Hachiji Da Yo! Zen'in Shugo! wit

English 日本語
  • Born In Higashimurayama (Tokyo)
  • Born February 20, 1950
  • Died March 29, 2020
  • Gender Male
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Race East Asian or Pacific Islander
  • Created April 4, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified June 10, 2024 by
    pthw199 mod