Um casal de ecologistas vai passear pelo interior, numa ilha no Rio Uruguai, e encontra uma horda de zumbis sanguinários e famintos, comandados por uma sacerdotisa diabólica. Paralelo a isto, um serial killer vestido de velhinha arrasta para o seu barracão isolado uma "loirinha" da cidade para servir de vítima em suas torturas sádicas.
En explorant un île sur le fleuve Uruguay, un couple
d'amoureux tombent sur une horde de zombies assoiffés de chair fraîche
dirigés par une prêtresse vouée au mal.
It was supposed to be a romantic afternoon on a “deserted” island in the Uruguay River, but a couple of wealthy ecologists had a bad luck because they ended up finding not love and peace, but hungry zombies wanting guts and brains under the command of a priestess. diabolical, and this couple will have to fight for their survival in that place. Parallel to this, a serial killer dressed as an old lady drags a "blonde" from the city to her isolated shed to serve as a victim in her sadistic tortures.
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