Fred e Mick sono due amici da moltissimo tempo e ora, ottantenni, stanno trascorrendo un periodo di vacanza in un hotel nelle Alpi svizzere. Fred, compositore e direttore d'orchestra famoso, non ha alcuna intenzione di tornare a dirigere un'orchestra anche se a chiederglielo fosse la regina Elisabetta d'Inghilterra. Mick, regista di altrettanta notorietà e fama, sta invece lavorando al suo nuovo e presumibilmente ultimo film per il quale vuole come protagonista la vecchia amica e star internazionale Brenda Morel. Entrambi hanno una forte consapevolezza del tempo che sta passando in modo inesorabile.
Um maestro aposentado está de férias com sua filha e seu melhor amigo cineasta quando recebe um convite da Rainha Elizabeth II para se apresentar no aniversário do Príncipe Philip.
Septuagenarian best friends Fred Ballinger and Mick Boyle are on vacation in the Swiss Alps, staying at a luxury spa/resort in Davos Wiesen. Fred is a retired composer of classical music; at the hotel, he is approached by an emissary for Elizabeth II, conferring a knighthood and asking him to perform his popular piece "Simple Song #3" at Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh's birthday concert. Fred turns down the offer, claiming he is not interested in performing any more – although he still composes pieces in his head when alone. Mick is a film director, and is working with a group of writers to develop the screenplay for his latest film, which he calls his "testament". Also with them is actor Jimmy Tree, who is researching for an upcoming role and frustrated that he is only remembered for his role as a robot. The hotel is inhabited by other quirky individuals, including a young masseuse, an overweight Diego Maradona, and Miss Universe.
Fred et Mick, deux vieux amis approchant les quatre-vingts ans, profitent de leurs vacances dans un bel hôtel au pied des Alpes. Fred, compositeur et chef d’orchestre désormais à la retraite, n’a aucune intention de revenir à la carrière musicale qu’il a abandonnée depuis longtemps, tandis que Mick, réalisateur, travaille toujours, s’empressant de terminer le scénario de son dernier film. Les deux amis savent que le temps leur est compté et décident de faire face à leur avenir ensemble.
Mais contrairement à eux, personne ne semble se soucier du temps qui passe…
Um maestro aposentado está de férias com sua filha e seu melhor amigo cineasta quando recebe um convite da Rainha Elizabeth II para se apresentar no aniversário do Príncipe Philip.
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