Zed is a hunter and Oh is a gatherer. After being informed that Zed ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the shaman and Marlak banish him from the tribe. After Zed burns down the village by accident, Oh decides to go with Zed on his journey to discover all the world has to offer. Along the way, they encounter Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel with a boulder in an act of rage and informs Zed and Oh that they must escape with him or else he will be accused of killing Abel.
Zed is a hunter and Oh is a gatherer. After being informed that Zed ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the shaman and Marlak banish him from the tribe. After Zed burns down the village by accident, Oh decides to go with Zed on his journey to discover all the world has to offer. Along the way, they encounter Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel with a boulder in an act of rage and informs Zed and Oh that they must escape with him or else he will be accused of killing Abel.
Zed é um caçador e seu amigo Oh tem como tarefa colher frutas no tempo das cavernas. Um dia, Zed resolve comer um fruto da árvore da sabedoria e acaba banido de sua tribo. Oh resolve acompanhá-lo e, juntos em uma jornada épica, eles encontram personagens marcantes como Caim e Adão, impedem Abraão de matar Isaac e chegam à cidade de Sodoma, onde descobrem que os integrantes de sua tribo são mantidos como escravos. Determinados a salvar as mulheres que amam, eles decidem arriscar suas vidas.
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