Barbara (Xuxa Meneghel), a timid and monosyllabic biologist, lives in Beirada D'Oeste, a fictional city bordering the Amazon rainforest. She leads a gang of heroes who will stop at Igdrasil, a legendary underground city, populated by descendants of Vikings that crossed the Atlantic Ocean and plunged into the Amazon River. Barbara confronts Igor (Marcos Pasquim), her ex-husband, with whom he restrains his passion and interrupted romance, and leads the heroes, with two brothers of 8 and 9 years, dangerous, dangerous and disgusting to reach Igdrasil. in the capture of the villain, who stole from Igdrasil the sacred treasure, which is astonishing as well as valuable. As a token of the encounters and disagreements of the heroes and villains that lead to the lost city and its treasure, there is the Curupira, a magical personage of the Brazilian folklore, that fulfills the functions of Puck (mythology), personage of the Nordic folk of the piece A Midsummer Night's Dream, of William Shakespeare, the basis of our plot. In addition to being a (well) free adaptation of this classic Shakespeare comedy, ''Xuxa e o Tesouro da Cidade Perdida'' is also an adventure film with elements of fantasy mixed with historical facts and events, as well as moments of danger, suspense, emotion, romance and mood fit for people of all ages.
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